900字范文 > 政府预算运行绩效 government budget running performance英语短句 例句大全

政府预算运行绩效 government budget running performance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-19 19:26:21


政府预算运行绩效 government budget running performance英语短句 例句大全

政府预算运行绩效,government budget running performance

1)government budget running performance政府预算运行绩效

2)performance government actions政府绩效行为

1.In order to prevent redundant,useless and image projects in China,we need to tell the differences between the "performance government actions" and "non-performance government actions".我国各地广为诟病的重复建设、无用建设、面子工程、形象工程等层出不穷,要从根本上解决这些问题,首先需要区分"政府绩效行为"与"政府非绩效行为",然后找到地方政府非绩效行为的根源。

3)non-performance government action政府非绩效行为

1.In order to prevent redundant,useless and image projects in China,we need to tell the differences between the "performance government actions" and "non-performance government actions".我国各地广为诟病的重复建设、无用建设、面子工程、形象工程等层出不穷,要从根本上解决这些问题,首先需要区分"政府绩效行为"与"政府非绩效行为",然后找到地方政府非绩效行为的根源。


1.Analysis on the Non-performance Government Actions in Chinese Local Governments:An Explanation from Game Theory;“绩效”晋升下我国地方政府非绩效行为诱因——一个博弈论的解释

2.Government Behavior and Performance Evaluation among Risk Society;风险社会中的政府行为及其绩效评估

3.Financial Revenue and Expenditure with Local Government s Behavior--Local government s performance evaluation in a new angle;财政收支与地方政府行为——地方政府绩效评估的新视角

4.On the Mechanism Designing of Performance Evaluation from the View of Local Government Economic Behavior;从地方政府经济行为角度谈绩效评价机制设计

5.The Study on the Behavior and Performance of Government Venture Capital in China我国政府背景风险投资机构的行为与绩效研究

6.Local Financial Structure,Government Behavior and Economic Performance in Rural Areas农村地方金融结构、地方政府行为与支农绩效

7.On the Distortions Between the Merit Management of Local Government and the Choice of Public Value;当前地方政府绩效管理与政府行为价值选择的扭曲

8.The Influence of the Governmentalization of Non-Governmental Organizations on Organizational Performances;非政府组织的政府化及对组织绩效的影响

9.Government Efficiency Evaluation in the Course of Conducting Public Policies;公共政策执行中的政府绩效评估探析

parison of Administrative Ecology on Internal and External Government Performance Management;中外政府绩效管理的行政生态学比较

11.A Study of Government Performance Evaluation on Value of Public Administration基于公共行政价值的政府绩效评估论

12.After our government implemented target responsibility system, government performance evaluation is becoming a hot spot in the field of theory and practice.随着我国政府推行政府目标责任制,政府绩效评估问题也成为理论界和实践界研究的热点。

13.The Feasibility Study of Government Performance Management in China;我国实行政府绩效管理的可行性研究

14.On the Effects of Innovation on Government Competency;创新行为如何影响政府绩效:以领导干部任前公示为例的研究探索

15.Political Project: The Organization of an Analysis of Government Behavior“政绩工程”:一个政府行为的组织分析

16.The analysis of success and failure of performance legislation:An example as Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of America政府绩效立法分析:以美国《政府绩效与结果法案》为例

17.A Study on the Performance Evaluation Mechanism of County-Level Governments县级政府运行中的绩效评估机制研究

18.The Research on Performance Audit Practice of Local Audit Agencies我国地方政府绩效审计执行情况研究


performance government actions政府绩效行为

1.In order to prevent redundant,useless and image projects in China,we need to tell the differences between the "performance government actions" and "non-performance government actions".我国各地广为诟病的重复建设、无用建设、面子工程、形象工程等层出不穷,要从根本上解决这些问题,首先需要区分"政府绩效行为"与"政府非绩效行为",然后找到地方政府非绩效行为的根源。

3)non-performance government action政府非绩效行为

1.In order to prevent redundant,useless and image projects in China,we need to tell the differences between the "performance government actions" and "non-performance government actions".我国各地广为诟病的重复建设、无用建设、面子工程、形象工程等层出不穷,要从根本上解决这些问题,首先需要区分"政府绩效行为"与"政府非绩效行为",然后找到地方政府非绩效行为的根源。

4)government performance政府绩效

1.The Evaluation ofgovernment performance Based on the Analytic Network Processs;基于网络层次分析法(ANP)的政府绩效评估研究

2.Analysis of impact from conflict ongovernment performance;冲突对政府绩效的影响分析

3.Public Value-The New Criteria of Government Performance;公众价值——政府绩效评估的新标准

5)government achievements政府绩效

1.Establishing a persistent effect mechanism which guarantees the public occupy the main body status in thegovernment achievements appraised.建立确保公众在政府绩效评估中始终占据主体地位的长效机制,要求政府要大力发展政治文明,更新传统价值观念,树立正确政绩观,实行政务公开,加强绩效沟通,建立制度化参与途径,建立便于普通公众理解的绩效评估指标。

2.How To protect civil rights is the pursuit of essential value for the democracygovernment achievements,the height of thegovernment achievements is influenced by the realization of civil rights,and the protection of civil rights can promote thegovernment achievements.政府绩效与公民权利的保障具有十分密切的内在联系。

3.Thegovernment achievements are manifest management ability in its process.政府绩效是指政府在社会管理活动中的结果、效益及其管理工作的效率、效能,是政府在行使其功能、实现其意志过程中体现出的管理能力。

6)governmental performance政府绩效

1.Practical path ofgovernmental performance of China;论我国政府绩效评估的实践途径

2.There is an inseparable connection between the evaluation ofgovernmental performance and the appraisal of officeholder s achievement.在政务实践中,政府绩效与官员政绩之间呈现出非典型的相关关系。

3.Thegovernmental performance audit in China is at a preliminary stage.我国的政府绩效审计尚处于初创时期,为了有力推动我国政府绩效审计的发展,本文拟以国内政府绩效审计研究现状为切入点,剖析当前制约政府绩效审计发展的瓶颈,并提出推动我国政府绩效审计发展的有效途径。


