900字范文 > 乐器风格 style of instrument英语短句 例句大全

乐器风格 style of instrument英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-26 14:03:01


乐器风格 style of instrument英语短句 例句大全

乐器风格,style of instrument

1)style of instrument乐器风格

2)music style音乐风格

1.Amusic style identification system MSC is introduced.介绍了一个音乐风格识别系统MSC,系统以MIDI乐曲为数据源提取出乐曲的旋律,对不同风格乐曲的旋律进行了频繁模式的挖掘和对测试乐曲的风格识别。

2.Moreover,it exploits some of the distinct characteristics of themusic style of dulcimer school in the northeast part of China.本文对东北扬琴流派的传统竹法、演奏工具、独特的演奏技巧、影响音乐风格形成的因素等方面进行分析,探求东北扬琴流派音乐风格上的鲜明特征。

3.2, carries out research on themusic style of the piece from the aspects of types of music, infiltration of the Hungarian folk music culture as well as the aesthetics of the Liszt’s music.本文在对李斯特《第二匈牙利狂想曲》音乐结构进行初步分析后,主要从乐曲体裁、匈牙利民间音乐文化的渗透,以及李斯特音乐美学思想等方面对该曲音乐风格进行研究。


1.This compositional style is exemplified by this fugue.这首赋格曲代表了这种音乐风格。

2.The Comparision of Music Styles of Cantonese Dulcimer and Northeastern Dulcimer;广东音乐扬琴、东北扬琴音乐风格特征之比较

3.The Inheritance and Development of Classical Music from Rococo Style古典主义音乐对洛可可音乐风格的继承和发展

4.His work be a fusion of several different style of music他的作品是几种不同音乐风格的融合

5.Since his music style was new,因为他觉得音乐风格新了,

6.the Beetles were heraldic of a new style of music.披头士预示着新的音乐风格。

7.His work is a fusion of several different styles of music.他的作品是几种不同音乐风格的融合。

8.His work is a strange amalgam of several musical styles.他的作品是数种音乐风格的奇特融合。

9.A Study on Leonard B.Meyer s Theory of Music Style;关于伦纳德·迈尔音乐风格理论的研究

10.A Comparison Research of the Musical Style Between Love Songs Tu and Hua er;土族情歌与“少年”音乐风格比较研究

11.Country music has a simple style;乡村音乐的风格简单,

12.the idiom of modern popular music现代通俗音乐的风格

13.This style of music is generally referred to the 18th century.这种风格的音乐通常划入18世纪音乐。

14.The band plays all kinds of music ? pop music, rock music, and the latest hits.乐队表演各种风格的音乐?流行音乐,摇滚音乐和火爆流行音乐。

15.A Research on the Musical and Cultural Styles of Huizhou Folk Wind and Percussion Music徽州民间鼓吹乐的音乐文化风格探析

16.Research on the Music Cultural Style of Huizhou Folk Wind Music徽州民间吹打乐的音乐文化风格探析

17.part music with one dominant voice (in a homophonic style).有一种占主导的声音(同音风格)的合唱音乐。

18.That style of music died out hundred years ago.那种风格的音乐几百年前都已绝迹了。


music style音乐风格

1.Amusic style identification system MSC is introduced.介绍了一个音乐风格识别系统MSC,系统以MIDI乐曲为数据源提取出乐曲的旋律,对不同风格乐曲的旋律进行了频繁模式的挖掘和对测试乐曲的风格识别。

2.Moreover,it exploits some of the distinct characteristics of themusic style of dulcimer school in the northeast part of China.本文对东北扬琴流派的传统竹法、演奏工具、独特的演奏技巧、影响音乐风格形成的因素等方面进行分析,探求东北扬琴流派音乐风格上的鲜明特征。

3.2, carries out research on themusic style of the piece from the aspects of types of music, infiltration of the Hungarian folk music culture as well as the aesthetics of the Liszt’s music.本文在对李斯特《第二匈牙利狂想曲》音乐结构进行初步分析后,主要从乐曲体裁、匈牙利民间音乐文化的渗透,以及李斯特音乐美学思想等方面对该曲音乐风格进行研究。

3)musical style音乐风格

1.General Description and Comment on the Musical Style of Classical,Romantic and 20 Century s;浅论古典、浪漫二十世纪音乐风格

2.There is a variety of factors in the formation of themusical style.音乐风格形成的因素是多种多样的,它与社会结构、地理环境、历史进程、生产生活方式、宗教信仰、民间习俗和民族语言等有着密不可分的联系。

3.Based on the accomplishments of Yang Yin-liu,this article sums up the different characteristics ofmusical style of Da Ya and Xiao Ya,and then compares theirmusical style.以杨荫浏的成果为基础,进一步总结出《大雅》和《小雅》音乐曲式的不同特点,并在此基础上比较其音乐风格。

4)genre style乐种风格

5)vocal style声乐风格



