900字范文 > 元素风格 element of style英语短句 例句大全

元素风格 element of style英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-05 22:19:12


元素风格 element of style英语短句 例句大全

元素风格,element of style

1)element of style元素风格

1.We must research into theelement of style and cultural tension with the contemporary development direction of the Anhui style clothing.在对中部崛起与振兴安徽服装业关系分析的基础上,探讨元素风格和文化张力与当代徽派服饰的发展问题,认为当代徽派服饰的发展要优化产业布局,形成产业集群优势;要借鉴徽派装饰艺术特点,形成地域品牌特色;要坚持产学研结合,提升核心竞争力,创造出一条既具地域特色又具时代气息的现代徽派服装产业发展之路。

2)Guanyuan style古元风格

3)pluralistic features多元风格

1.Benefiting from a good many masters helps broaden his aesthetic mind,which bestowspluralistic features on Yufu Ci.转益多师,拓宽了他的审美心胸,使《玉凫词》获得了多元风格。

4)pixel graph像素风格

5)style ele-ment风格要素


1.On the Style Elements of Language and Its Non -style Elements;论语言的风格要素与非语言的风格要素

2.I"ve gone through @Elements of [email protected] by Strunk and White,我阅读了由Strunk和White写的《风格要素》

3.Re-analysis on the Style Elements of the Patterns in Botticelli’s Paintings;波提切利绘画图式的风格要素再分析

4.The Construction of Language Style Based on the Language Elements;论以语言要素为手段的语言风格构建

5.A certain style element does not reflect.某一种风络要素并不能体现语言风格的全貌。

6.Cognitive style is an indispensable element in learning modes.认知风格是学习模式中不可缺少的要素。

7.The Literary Style and Generating Elements of Sima Xiangru s Creation;论司马相如文学创作的风格及其生成要素

8.A Study on the Important Factors of the Artistic Style of the Black Pottery in Longshan Culture;龙山文化中黑陶艺术风格形成的重要因素

9.Effect of Learning-Style Psychological Essence on Students Study & Strategy;学习风格的心理要素对学生学习的影响及策略

10.Fostering Qualified Talents by Carrying for ward Good Style of Study;学风建设是高校培养合格人才的重要因素

11."Man-Style" for Women Basketball Sports and the Research on the Key Factors with Influence on Chinese Women Basketball Team;女子篮球“男子化风格”以及影响中国女子篮球“男子化风格”的主要因素研究

12.It can be mainly classified into: traditionary style, modern style, post-modern style, naturalistic style and mixed style.室内设计的风格主要可分为:传统风格、现代风格、后现代风格、自然风格以及混合型风格等。

13.P>● A design school that promoted functional and geometic elements in design.指包豪斯造型学院倡导的强调实用和几何学要素的建筑风格。

14.Learning style is one of the important factors impacting learners" learning outcomes.学习风格是影响学生学业成绩的重要个体因素之一。

15.Tough talk and tough action are the stuff of management style in a great many American firms.在许多美国大公司中,强硬的谈判和坚强的行动是管理风格的要素。

16.Develpoment of TV News Reporting Style and its Requirements;电视新闻播报风格的发展及对主持人素质的要求

17.Index of the indicator pane whose style is to be set.要设置其风格的指示器窗格的索引。

18.Suit your style to the needs of the ordinary people.你要让自己的风格适合普通人的需要。


Guanyuan style古元风格

3)pluralistic features多元风格

1.Benefiting from a good many masters helps broaden his aesthetic mind,which bestowspluralistic features on Yufu Ci.转益多师,拓宽了他的审美心胸,使《玉凫词》获得了多元风格。

4)pixel graph像素风格

5)style ele-ment风格要素

6)Weathering elements风化元素


