900字范文 > 流派风格 style of genre英语短句 例句大全

流派风格 style of genre英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-08 02:03:42


流派风格 style of genre英语短句 例句大全

流派风格,style of genre

1)style of genre流派风格


1.Transmutation of HUI Zong"s Artistic Features and its School Style徽宗初期的艺术构成及其流派风格

2.Yue embroidery includes the Guang and Chao branches which have different stitching styles.其中的广绣、潮绣两大流派风格不尽相同。

3.The Spirit of Times and Genre -A Theoretical Case Study of Yuanhe Poetic Sect;论时代精神与流派风格——以元和诗派为案例的一次理论思考

4.Various prose schools with different writing styles alternate frequently in Ming and Qing dynasties.明清散文,流派众多,更迭频繁,风格多样。

5.The Main Schools and Styles of the Western Latter Modernism Bulidings and the Development Direction of Future Bulidings;现代主义建筑主要流派与风格及建筑发展趋势

6.Cultural Character of Architecture in 21st Century;21世纪建筑的文化品格——继形式、风格、流派之后的创作态势

7.The Sound Is Like Endless Running Water--In Honour of Feng Zicun s Centenary Birthday;音如流水 源深不竭——解读冯子存先生的演奏风格及艺术流派

8.a style specific to that school of painters那一派画家特有的风格

9.The adoption of different needling methods resulted in different embroidery styles and technique schools.刺绣的针法的变化,形成不同的运针风格和技艺流派。

10.The Interactive Composing between Different Music Styles of Suona and the Spirit of Musicality;唢呐不同流派音乐风格与“音乐性精神”的互动构成

11.Schools,characteristics and styles --On the anti sect poetic theory of Wang Fuzhi;流派·个性·风格——评王夫之反“门庭”观的诗学理论得失

12.The Positive Guide of Musical Spirit of Different Schools of Suona Music唢呐不同风格流派音乐向“音乐性精神”的“正向迁移”

13.This aggressive style came to be known as“ gangsta rap,” and it is this kind of rap that is most popular around the world today.这种激进的曲风被称为“帮派饶舌”,而当今世界各地所流行的正是这种风格的饶舌乐。

14.Her performance was exquisite, natural and unrestrained. Her style is simple but elegant, pure and fresh. She has charcteristic disposition in young male character of Yu School.表演风流潇洒、细腻,格调素雅清新,富有俞派小生所特有的气质和风度。

15.Style of the Time With Individuals in the Painting History for School of Li-Guo in Paintings of Yuan Dyansty;论元代“李郭画派”的时代风格与个人风格

16.of or relating to or characteristic of the pre-Raphaelites.拉斐尔前派的,有关或具有拉斐尔前派风格的。

17."Traditional Chinese painting has many styles. One of them, done in the meticulous and realistic style, is called Gongbi. Gongbi painting is characterized by fine brushwork, close attention to detail and bright colors."中国传统绘画风格流派甚多,一种写实的手法叫工笔画。工笔画笔法细腻,注重细节和色彩绚丽。

18.Of, relating to, or characteristic of the Pre - Raphaelites.拉斐尔前派的拉斐尔前派的、有关或具有拉斐尔前派风格的


Style and school风格流派

3)Chinese schools of photograph中国风格流派

4)De stijl风格派

parison between the Facade Feagures of Chinese Classical Architecture and Those of Architecture “de Stijl” of Holland;中国古典建筑与荷兰“风格派”建筑的立面之比较

5)the style of Beijing literary school京派风格

6)northern genre北派风格

1.Jinci embodied its aesthetic value in providing the history of Chi an aesthetic model, thenorthern genre style.金词的审美价值主要体现在为词史提供了审美范型上的北派风格。


