900字范文 > 美国自由贸易政策 U.S.Free Trade Policy英语短句 例句大全

美国自由贸易政策 U.S.Free Trade Policy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-23 07:31:06


美国自由贸易政策 U.S.Free Trade Policy英语短句 例句大全

美国自由贸易政策,U.S.Free Trade Policy

1)U.S.Free Trade Policy美国自由贸易政策

2)free trade policy of England英国的自由贸易政策

3)free trade policy自由贸易政策

1.As the Industrial Revolution advanced triumphantly from 1840s to 1850s, British industrial bourgeois demanded to abrogate the policy of protective tariff which represented the interest of agrarian nobles,and carry out thefree trade policy which represented their interest.随着工业革命的高歌猛进 ,19世纪四五十年代 ,英国工业资产阶级要求废除代表土地贵族利益的保护关税政策 ,实行代表本阶级利益的自由贸易政策 ,并如愿以偿。

2.The theoretical foundation for economic globalization andfree trade policy is the theory of free trade that has been dominating the western academy for a long time.经济全球化和自由贸易政策的理论基础是西方经济学界长期居主导地位的"自由贸易理论"。


1.The government adopted a free trade policy .政府采取了自由贸易政策。

2.He advocated his policy on free trade.他主张他的自由贸易政策。

3.third, commercial policy changed from laissez-faire to intervention of state.三是自由贸易政策向国家干预政策的转变。

4.the outside market of America is attacked by Bush government trade policy,in a word,the free trade policy tend towards backward-looking.这种趋于保守的自由贸易政策引发了贸易保护的风潮,威胁了世界贸易的多边体制。

5.Analysis of the United States Trade Policy-From Free Trade to Fair Trade美国贸易政策研究—从自由贸易到公平贸易

6.A Study on the Grain Fiscal Support Policies under the Trade Liberalization;贸易自由化下粮食财政支持政策研究

7.Our policy called for free trade.我们的政策主张自由贸易。

8.The Neo-liberal Trend of International Trade Policy;国际贸易政策的新自由主义发展趋势

9.A Brief Analysis about the Foreign Trade Policies of Our Agricultural Products and the Condition of Trade Liberalization;浅析贸易自由化条件下我国农产品对外贸易政策

10.The Enlightenment of EU′s Policy on Trade and Environment to Sino-ASEAN Free Trade Area;欧盟贸易环境政策对中国-东盟自由贸易区之启示

11.New Trend of Japanese Foreign Trade Policy--On Regional Agreement on Free Trade;日本对外贸易政策的新动向——关于区域自由贸易协定的几点议论

12.A Political Economics Analysis on Free Trade and Protecting Trade;自由贸易与保护贸易的政治经济学分析——中国入世后的选择与对策

13.Trade Liberalization and Income Distribution: An View from Biased Regional Trade Policy in China贸易自由化与收入分配——基于中国区域偏向型贸易政策视角

14.Analysis of the Barriers in Textiles Free Trade and China s Countermeasures;纺织品自由贸易壁垒与我国贸易对策

15.Agricultural Trade Liberalization and the Reform of World Agricultural Policies;农产品贸易自由化与世界农业政策变革

16.Study on the Competition Policy and Law of North America Free Trade Area;北美自由贸易区竞争政策及法律的研究

17.New Adjustment on Tariff Polices of Five ASEAN Countries;贸易自由化下东盟国家关税政策的新进展

18.Probe into the Policy Changes concerning the Development of ASEAN Free Trade Area;东盟自由贸易区的发展和政策转向探析


free trade policy of England英国的自由贸易政策

3)free trade policy自由贸易政策

1.As the Industrial Revolution advanced triumphantly from 1840s to 1850s, British industrial bourgeois demanded to abrogate the policy of protective tariff which represented the interest of agrarian nobles,and carry out thefree trade policy which represented their interest.随着工业革命的高歌猛进 ,19世纪四五十年代 ,英国工业资产阶级要求废除代表土地贵族利益的保护关税政策 ,实行代表本阶级利益的自由贸易政策 ,并如愿以偿。

2.The theoretical foundation for economic globalization andfree trade policy is the theory of free trade that has been dominating the western academy for a long time.经济全球化和自由贸易政策的理论基础是西方经济学界长期居主导地位的"自由贸易理论"。

4)U.S. new trade policy美国新贸易政策

5)U.S. Trade Policy美国贸易政策

6)neo-liberal trade policy新自由主义贸易政策

1.After the 1960s, neo-liberalism began to penetrate the field of international trade and formed a set ofneo-liberal trade policy theories.本文检视新自由主义贸易政策的实践,并进一步探讨新自由主义贸易政策理论的方法论特征。


