900字范文 > 美国对华经贸政策 US trade policy to China英语短句 例句大全

美国对华经贸政策 US trade policy to China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-27 05:45:44


美国对华经贸政策 US trade policy to China英语短句 例句大全

美国对华经贸政策,US trade policy to China

1)US trade policy to China美国对华经贸政策


1.The Roles of American Press in American China Trade Policy Making from 1990-2002;1990-2002年美国媒体在美国对华经贸政策中的角色

2.About China"s Economic Democracy Construction in the New Era and US"s Economic and Trade Policies on China论新时期中国经济民主建设与美国对华经贸政策

3.The Obama Administration"s Trade policy toward China and Sino-US Economic and Trade Relations奥巴马政府对华贸易政策与中美经贸关系

4.The US Trade Policy toward China since China′s Entry into WTO;中国加入WTO以来的美国对华贸易政策

5.The Public and Decision-making of U.S. Trade Policy:A Case Study of America’s Trade Policy towards China公众与美国政府贸易政策制定——以美国对华贸易政策为例

6.On American and British Trade Policies to China, 1949-1954;建国初期美英对华贸易政策探析(1949-1954)

7.The Difference Policy of Embargo of the United States to China from 1949 to 1957;1949—1957年美国对华贸易禁运的差别政策

8.On the Influence of the Interest-Bound Groups on the U.S.A. s China-Targeted Trade Policy-Making;利益集团对美国对华贸易政策决策的影响

9.The Analysis of the Influence in U.S Government s International Economy and Trading Policy from America Labor Unions;美国工会对美国政府对外经贸政策影响的分析

10.Effects of U.S. Trade Policy Change on Sino-America Economic and Trade Relations;美国贸易政策的变迁对中美经贸关系的影响

11.US Adjustments of its Trade Policies towards China:the Backgrouds,Objective and Goals;美国对华贸易政策调整:背景、原则与目标

12.Tung Oil Trading and the Changing of America s Policy Towards China in the Initial Stage of Anti-Japanese War;桐油贸易与抗战初期美国对华政策的变化

13.Interest Groups and American Trade Policy toward China:A Case Study on China s "Most Favored Nation Status";利益集团与美国对华贸易政策——中国贸易“最惠国待遇”案例研究

14.Economic Analysis of the USA"Peace"Policy towards China during the First Opium War鸦片战争时期美国对华“和平”政策经济原因分析——早期中美贸易与中美关系研究系列之一

15.The Determining Factors of U. S. Trade Policy toward China:A Political Economy Analysis Illustrated by the PNTR Bill美国对华贸易政策的决策和形成因素——以PNTR议案投票结果为例的政治经济分析

16.Political-economic analysis on U.S.-Sino trade legal disputes;美国对华贸易法律争端的政治经济分析

17.A Political Economic Analysis for U.S. Technical Barriers to China;美国对华贸易技术壁垒的政治经济学分析

18.The International Political and Economic Analysis of United States Foreign Trade Policy;国际政治经济视角下美国对外贸易政策的分析


US trade policy toward China美国对华贸易政策

1.Therefore it is necessary for us to study the relationshipbetween US Congress andUS trade policy toward China.随着中国加入WTO和中美贸易的不断扩大,美国对华贸易政策日渐受到我国政府和国内学术界的关注。

3)US policies towards China美国对华经济政策

4)US"s Economic and Trade Policies on China对华经贸政策

1.About China"s Economic Democracy Construction in the New Era andUS"s Economic and Trade Policies on China论新时期中国经济民主建设与美国对华经贸政策

5)American diplomatic policy to China美国对华政策

1.Since 1980s,the research aboutAmerican diplomatic policy to China during F·D·Roosevelt s period has been one focus on studying the history of Sino-American relations.“1932-1945美国对华政策”是国内外中美关系史学者关注的研究热点之一。

6)American policy to China美国对华政策

ment on the clash between Jiang Jie-shi and Stilwell —— A consideration ofAmerican policy to China during the later stage of the Anti-Japanese War;蒋史之争评析——抗战后期美国对华政策思考之一

2.It points out that the influence of these two factors each other results in unsteadiness and contradiction ofAmerican policy to China after the Cold War, revealing the importance and th.指出这两种因素的互动结果造成了冷战后美国对华政策的不稳定性和矛盾性 ,从而揭示了冷战后中美关系的重要性和复杂


