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美中贸易 U.S.-China Trade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-16 20:22:53


美中贸易 U.S.-China Trade英语短句 例句大全

美中贸易,U.S.-China Trade

1)U.S.-China Trade美中贸易


1.National Council for US-China Trade美中贸易全国理事会

2.Analysis on the Development Strategy of Trade between Sino-EU Based on the Comparative Analysis among Trade between Sino-EU, Sino-Japan, Sino-US;由中欧贸易、中日贸易、中美贸易的比较分析谈中欧贸易发展策略

3.An Analysis on the Trade Term of China s Foreign Trade to USA inthe Modern Time;近代中国对美国贸易的贸易条件分析

4.Research on Influence of Trade Service on Sino-US Trade Imbalance服务贸易对中美贸易差额影响的研究

5.Sino-U.S. trade agreement中美贸易关系协定1980

6.On Sino-US Trade Balance《关于中美贸易平衡问题》

7.I.Soaring Trade Between China and the United States一、迅速发展的中美贸易

8.Analysis on Sino-US Trade Tendency Through Their Intra-Industry Trade;从中美产业内贸易看中美贸易发展趋势

9.An Analysis of the Causes of the US Trade Deficits and the Sino-US Trade Friction;美国的贸易逆差及中美贸易摩擦成因探析

10.Sino-US Trade Conflicts and Its Influences on China s Economy and Trade;中美贸易摩擦及其对中国经贸的影响

11.Vertical Specialization in China s Export and Sino-U.S.Trade;中国出口贸易中的垂直专门化与中美贸易

12.US-China Trade Complementation from Comparison of US-China Trade Industry Competition Ability;从贸易产业竞争力的比较看中美贸易互补性

13.The Sino-US Trade Deficit, Diplomacy Responses and Bilateral Trade Balance;中美两国的贸易逆差、外交反应与双边贸易平衡

14.Sino-US Trade Surplus and Transformation and Upgrading of the Processing Trade Industry of Our Country;中美贸易顺差与我国加工贸易产业转型升级

15.Adjustment of American Trade Deficits and Its Impact on China’s Foreign Trade;美国贸易逆差调整对中国对外贸易的影响

16.Explicit Comparative Advantages,Intra-industry Trade,and Sino-US Bilateral Trade Balance;显性比较优势、产业内贸易与中美双边贸易平衡

17.Trade Barriers, Especially Antidumping and Sino-U.S. Bilateral Trade Issues;反倾销等贸易壁垒与中美双边贸易问题

18.Focus on EU-China Trade Relationship from the Trade Con?ict in US-EU;从美欧贸易的冲突聚焦中欧贸易发展的机遇


trade between China and America中美贸易

3)Sino-American Trade中美贸易

1.The measurement analysis indicates that the US FDI in China only has prompt promoting effect of China s export to the US,but has not prompt effect of China s importation from the US,and has not hysteresis effect of China s export to the US and China s importation from the US,consequently which can explain the un-equilibrium development of the Sino-American trade to a certain degree.本文计量分析表明,1985~,美国在华FDI仅具有中国对美出口即期促进效应,对中国从美进口无即期效应,并不具有中国对美出口和中国从美进口的滞后效应,从而在一定程度上对中美贸易的非均衡发展具有解释作用。

2.It is a representative event in the Sino-American trade negations.中美贸易摩擦由来已久,全球纺织品配额取消后,中国对美国纺织品出口激增,使中美贸易摩擦升级,最终达成中美纺织品贸易协议。

4)Sino-US trade中美贸易

1.Main features ofSino-US trade development;中美贸易关系发展的主要特点

2.The essence ofSino-US trade: China exports welfare to the U.S.;中美贸易实质: 中国向美国输出福利

3.ARDL approach to perform an empirical analysis on income elasticities and real exchange rate elasticities of the export and import functions ofSino-US trade.文章以1994年1月到3月的月度数据为样本,用ARDL框架下的协整方法,对中美贸易的收入弹性和实际汇率弹性进行了经验分析。

5)Sino-U.S. trade中美贸易

1.With the rapid development of Sino-U.近年来,美中贸易逆差一直是中美双方颇为关注的一个热点问题,也是影响两国贸易关系发展的一个主要障碍,学者们在关于中美贸易不平衡说法方面也存在很多争议,主要可以分为以下几个方面:中美贸易统计数据上的巨大差别;隐藏在巨额顺差数据背后的实质;关于美国对中美贸易不平衡态度的争论。

6)Sino-America trade中美贸易

1.Causes and countermeasures ofSino-America trade friction;中美贸易摩擦的成因与对策

2.Since China s reform and opening-up, theSino-America trade relationship has been developed constantly and mutual trade interdependence has been promoted continuously.改革开放以来,中美贸易关系不断发展,相互间的贸易依存度不断提升,贸易商品结构也出现了重大变化。


