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教学意蕴 teaching significance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-19 05:03:22


教学意蕴 teaching significance英语短句 例句大全

教学意蕴,teaching significance

1)teaching significance教学意蕴

2)meanings of pedagogy教育学意蕴

1.Nietzsche\"s "triple spirit realm" philosophy to the camel-lion-child in the spiritual realm,regardless of the individual self-education or the human spirit cultivation all has the deepmeanings of pedagogy.尼采的向骆驼→狮子→孩子的精神境界变化、攀升的"精神三重境界"思想,无论是在个体自我教育还是在人类精神生长方面都富有深厚的教育学意蕴。


1.On Nietzsche s"Becoming Yourself"Meanings in Pedagogy;论尼采“成为你自己”的教育学意蕴

2.Human is a valuable being" and its pedagogy meaning;“人是价值的存在”及其教育学意蕴

3.On Nietzsche"s "Triple Spirit Realm" Meanings of Pedagogy尼采“精神三重境界”思想的教育学意蕴

4.The Pedagogic Implication of "the Original Goodness of Human Nature";“性善论”的教育学意蕴——一种新哲学范式的解读

5.The Pedagogy of Time and Space--A Special Perspective of Educational Anthropology of O·F·Bollnow时空的教育学意蕴——博尔诺夫教育人类学的独特视阈

6.Reflective Learning:the Significance and Conception of PE Teachers" Wisdom of Teaching反思性学习:体育教师教育智慧的意蕴

7.Philosophical Implications of Confucian Educational Ideology in Sanzijing;《三字经》中儒家教育思想的哲学意蕴

8.On the Harmonions Connotation of Contemporary College Students’ Political and Ideological Education;论大学生思想政治教育中的和谐意蕴

9.Research on School Building: Educational Implications and Cultural Values学校建筑研究:教育意蕴与文化价值

10.The Humanistic Connotation in the Teaching of the Course about the Theory of Ideology and Politics试论思想政治理论课教育教学中的人文意蕴

11.The Philosophical Anthropology Research Pattern of Bollnow and its Educational Implication博尔诺夫的哲学人类学研究范式及其教育意蕴

12.Individual Growing-up:The Meaning of Whitehead s Process Education Philosophy;个体生成:怀特海的过程教育哲学之意蕴

13.Humanity Meaning of the Ideology of Scientific Development and Its Enlightenment to Vocational Education;科学发展观的人性意蕴及其对职业教育的启示

14.The Special Significance of Individually Configured Education in the Combination of Practice and Learning in Higher Vocational Colleges个性化教育在高职院校工学结合中的特殊意蕴

15.Individuality Education:the Value of the Cultivation of University Students"Creative Capacity个性教育:当代大学生创新能力培养的价值意蕴

16.On the Practical Connotation of Education教育的直接意义是人——教育的实践意蕴

17.Education is Growing-up:The Modern Meaning of Jaspers Existence Education Philosophy;教育即生成:雅斯贝斯的生存论教育哲学之时代意蕴

18.The Humane Spirit Contained in Ideological and Political Education--On the Subject Name of Ideological andPolitical Education;思想政治教育意蕴的人文精神——思想政治教育学科名称的几点思考


meanings of pedagogy教育学意蕴

1.Nietzsche\"s "triple spirit realm" philosophy to the camel-lion-child in the spiritual realm,regardless of the individual self-education or the human spirit cultivation all has the deepmeanings of pedagogy.尼采的向骆驼→狮子→孩子的精神境界变化、攀升的"精神三重境界"思想,无论是在个体自我教育还是在人类精神生长方面都富有深厚的教育学意蕴。

3)Implication of Taoism道教意蕴

4)Religious Implication宗教意蕴

1.The present study is to find out the religious implications of the regeneration.因此,敦煌艺术必须以一种新的形式存在,即实现敦煌艺术的再生,本论文研究的主题就是敦煌艺术再生,及其主要表现形式背后的宗教意蕴。

5)On Life Meaning of Teaching论教学的生活意蕴

6)An Exploration into the Implication of the Beauty of Teaching教学美的意蕴探析


魏晋南北朝道教哲学(见道教哲学)魏晋南北朝道教哲学(见道教哲学)Taoist philosophy of the Wei, Jin, and North and South dynastiesWel一Jin一Nanbelehao Daojiaoz卜exue魏晋南北朝道教哲学(Taoist philosophy ofthewei,Jin,andNorth andsouthd歹nasties)见道教哲学。
