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新闻美术 news fine art英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-10 12:09:55


新闻美术 news fine art英语短句 例句大全

新闻美术,news fine art

1)news fine art新闻美术

1.But with the development of news computer typesetting,thenews fine arts has been thrown away as the traditional editing,which brought the problem of the resemblance of newspapers.新闻美术在上世纪九十年代的新闻界,是一个曾被广泛讨论的热点话题,但随着新闻电脑排版技术的发展应用,新闻美术跟传统美术编辑的工作方式一样,逐渐遭到摒弃,也造成了新闻版面"千报一面"的弊端。

2)journalistic aesthetics新闻美学

1.The new systam ofjournalistic aesthetics founed in the recently written monograph titled JournalisticAesthetics brings the journalistic activities into the aesthetic practice of human beings, aiming at exploring the aesthetic sig-nificance of journalistic activities, which has caused the development of the principles of aesthetics.季水河先生的新著《新闻美学》建构的新闻美学体系将新闻活动纳入人类审美实践这一总体框架中来探索新闻活动本身所蕴含的美学意义,带来了美学学理的纵深层次的发掘,并从多维研究视角和传统超越上进行研究方法的创新,是实践美学开拓性的尝试。

3)news beauty新闻美

1.Creatingnews beauty always is the unwearied pursuit of journalists.生活中最美的事物都是内容和形式的统一,新闻美追求的正是这种完美的境界。

4)news aesthetics新闻审美

1.Skim-reading has been more and more accepted by the public,and in this context,news aesthetics have also evolved from nobleness to delicacy,from profoundness to briefness,from passion to delightedness.浅阅读是当代我国大众普遍的接受法则,在该语境下,我国新闻审美正在衍变:审美类型由崇高向优美衍变,审美体验由深刻向简捷衍变,审美情趣由激情向愉悦变化。


1.Aesthetics Evolution of the Public in the Times of Skim-Reading论浅阅读时代我国大众新闻审美观的嬗变

2.Construction of the Artistic Conception: the Aesthetic Consciousness in News Editing: the Trace of XIAO Chu-nü′s Early News Ideology营造意境:新闻编辑的审美意识——肖楚女早期新闻思想寻踪

3.The Aesthetically Study of TV News Host s Program of Our Country;我国电视新闻类主持人节目的审美研究

4.The Program Anchorpersons of American Television News Resulted from Progress Ideas;立体审视美国电视新闻节目主持人的产生背景

5.The Aesthetic Trends of News Photography in the Time of Visual Cultural Communication视觉文化传播时代新闻摄影的审美趋向

6.On the Transformation of Social News to Guide Bublic Opinion and Bublic Awareness-building Aesthetic论转型社会新闻舆论引导与大众审美意识培养

7.On the Dissemination of Information in the"People First"Philosophy of Aesthetic Refraction论新闻传播中“以人为本”理念的审美观照

8.Pursuit of Literary Aesthetics in American Newspaper Article--An Analysis of Pulitzer Prize works;美国报纸新闻的文学审美追求——普利策新闻奖作品的文学视角研究之一

9.a bureau of information((美))询问处,新闻局

10.uncensored news reports.未受审查的新闻报道。

11.It is not constitutional to censor the press.审查新闻是违反宪法的。

12.“Irrefutable”: the Power and Skill of Reduction to Absurdity;“颠扑不破”:归谬的力量与技巧——新闻评论的审美诉求之七

13.On the Application of Aesthetic Characteristic to News Narrative in Historical and Biographic Literature;试谈史传文学中的审美特性在新闻叙事中的运用

14.Writing on Same Topic: Morality and Justice Content of "Meat Flavor" and "Water Flavor";同题作文:“肉味”和“水味”的道义含量——新闻评论的审美诉求

15.Extraordinary Editorial: Times and Enthusiasm--Aesthetic Approach to News Comments (IV);非常社论:泪流满面的时代与激情——新闻评论的审美诉求之四

16.About the Aesthetic Value and Performance Strategies of Tragic Images on the Disaster Report论灾难报道中悲剧性图片新闻的审美价值与表现策略

17.Modernity of Aesthetics from Cultural Perspective: A case Study on Wen Yiduo Poetics;“文化审美现代性”:闻一多诗学个案分析

18.Cable News Network [CNN]美国有线新闻电视网


journalistic aesthetics新闻美学

1.The new systam ofjournalistic aesthetics founed in the recently written monograph titled JournalisticAesthetics brings the journalistic activities into the aesthetic practice of human beings, aiming at exploring the aesthetic sig-nificance of journalistic activities, which has caused the development of the principles of aesthetics.季水河先生的新著《新闻美学》建构的新闻美学体系将新闻活动纳入人类审美实践这一总体框架中来探索新闻活动本身所蕴含的美学意义,带来了美学学理的纵深层次的发掘,并从多维研究视角和传统超越上进行研究方法的创新,是实践美学开拓性的尝试。

3)news beauty新闻美

1.Creatingnews beauty always is the unwearied pursuit of journalists.生活中最美的事物都是内容和形式的统一,新闻美追求的正是这种完美的境界。

4)news aesthetics新闻审美

1.Skim-reading has been more and more accepted by the public,and in this context,news aesthetics have also evolved from nobleness to delicacy,from profoundness to briefness,from passion to delightedness.浅阅读是当代我国大众普遍的接受法则,在该语境下,我国新闻审美正在衍变:审美类型由崇高向优美衍变,审美体验由深刻向简捷衍变,审美情趣由激情向愉悦变化。

5)news terms新闻术语

1.Also,in the news body there exist lots ofnews terms which are different from those in other texts,to master them in context will help to read and comprehend the whole news.导语在新闻英语中占有重要的地位,对其能否进行正确的阅读与理解,是读者能否准确把握整篇新闻内容的一个关键所在,掌握导语的种类与特点,是正确阅读与理解的新闻英语重要方法和技巧;同时,新闻正文中有许多与其它语篇不同的新闻术语存在,在语境掌握它们,亦有助于对整篇新闻的阅读与理解。

6)news art新闻艺术


《当代西方电影的美学思想》中国电影理论专著。李幼蒸著。中国社会科学出版社1986年出版。全书分《绪论》、《电影语言》、《电影表现与现实》、《电影"作者"、作品与观众的结构分析》、《反传统电影潮流》和《先锋派电影的实践与理论》 6章21节;介绍了当代西方电影美学研究的重要发展和面临的基本问题;论述了60~70年代西方主要电影美学理论,特别是结构主义和符号学电影理论的基本概念和观点,还涉及电影中的科学研究、哲理表达等问题。
