900字范文 > 实用美术 Pragmatic Fine Arts英语短句 例句大全

实用美术 Pragmatic Fine Arts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-05 02:49:14


实用美术 Pragmatic Fine Arts英语短句 例句大全

实用美术,Pragmatic Fine Arts

1)Pragmatic Fine Arts实用美术


1.Research Report of Art vocational Education for Hearing Handicapped Pupils;对听障学生实施实用美术职业教育研究报告

2.An Artistic Designing of Plane Visual Images in Practical Fine Arts Teaching;高职实用美术教育中的平面视觉形象造型艺术设计

3.Cybernetics and Applied Fine Arts Design --Discuss the Control of the Advertisement Design Action Aim控制论与实用美术设计——论广告设计行为目的的控制

4.Carpets are one of China"s traditional handicrafts of both artistic and practical value.地毯是中国传统的工艺美术实用品。

5.Probing into the Practicability and Artistic Appeal of Handicraft;工艺美术品的实用性及其艺术感染力初探

6.Practice Research on Applying Education Evaluation for Acceleration of Middle School Art Teaching;运用教育评价改进中学美术教育的实践研究

7.The Experiment Research of Artistic Gymnastics Teaching Applied with Esthetics Teaching;美育在艺术体操中的应用现状及实验研究

8.To Improve the Aerobics Teaching with Multimedia Technology;多媒体技术提高健美操教学的应用与实践

9.New Strategies to Fostering Practical Talented Persons in Fine Arts Education in Teachers Colleges;高师美术教育专业实用性人才培养新对策

10.The law of arts and crafts development as viewed from practical use and appreciation of beauty;从实用与审美看工艺美术历史发展的规律性问题

11.Architectural Aesthetics and Experimental Works of Artists in Regeneration of Industrial Historic Buildings;废旧产业类历史建筑再利用中艺术家的美学取向与艺术实践

12.The Application Discussion to Virtual Reality Technology for Fine Arts Design Specialty in the Vocational Colleges and Universities;虚拟现实技术在职业院校美术设计专业中的应用探讨

13.Construct Art World with New Taste Modes--On the Representing Methods of New Realistic Stories;用新的审美范式构建艺术世界——论新现实主义小说的表现方法

14.an art pendant watch, dedicated to the comBination of traditional art of watch-making and aesthetical innovation, is suitaBle Both for using and collecting.艺术挂表,忠实于传统的制表艺术与美学创新相接合,实用收藏两相宜。

15.By “Beautiful” leads “the Technique”,“Beautiful” and “the Technique” Advancing Together--The Thought to Constructs the University Fine Arts Innovation Education;以“美”导“术” “美”、“术”共进——关于实施高校美术创新教育的设想

16.Research on Art Aesthetics and Technology Aesthetics in Virtual Reality System虚拟现实系统中的艺术美与技术美研究

17.Place, Function and Application of Computer Painting in Art Teaching电脑美术在美术教学中的定位、作用及应用

18.On the Names of Arts & Crafts and Design从“工艺美术”到“艺术设计”之名实说


visual-conveying medium实用美术设计

3)practical arts实用美术教育

1.This article based on the analysis and discussion on development ofpractical arts in the early 20~(th) century, we can see thepractical arts be the part of the new style art education exist is valuable.本文通过对20世纪初实用美术发展情况的分析、论述可以看出,实用美术教育作为新式美术教育的重要组成部分有其存在的价值。

4)Appreciation of Western Master Art西方实用美术鉴赏

5)practical aesthetics实用美学

1.The paper makes a simple comment on history and current situation ofpractical aesthetics of library and further studies its significances,content and important points.本文对我国图书馆实用美学研究的历史和现状作了简略述评,并进一步探讨了图书馆实用美学研究的意义、内容和重点。

6)art paper美术用纸


