900字范文 > 纯美术 fine arts英语短句 例句大全

纯美术 fine arts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-11 09:30:11


纯美术 fine arts英语短句 例句大全

纯美术,fine arts

1)fine arts纯美术

1.So all the works offine arts orginated from the human original “design”.因此 ,一切“纯美术”作品都起源于人类最原始的“设计”。


1.A Brief View on Original Design --An Analysis for the Starting of Fine Arts;原始设计简说——对“纯美术”开端的一种分析

2.Pure Art and Pure Aesthetics:On Kandinsky s Aesthetic Thoughts;纯粹的艺术与纯粹的美学——康定斯基美学思想研究

3.Prospect of Dollarization in Latin America;从纯技术的角度看拉丁美洲美元化的前景

4.Deliciously simple. Simply delicious.美味的单纯,单纯的美味。

5.Kandinsky seeks to establish pure aesthetics through abstract art.通过抽象艺术,康定斯基试图建立纯粹的美学。

6.Between Aesthetic and Technique --Bahkin s Criticism to “Pure Technical (Linguistic)” Method in Formalism;在审美与技术之间——巴赫金对形式主义“纯技术(语言)”方法的批评

7.Denoir, a local Sino-US joint venture produces ultra-pure chemicals for semiconductor industry by using advanced US technology.达诺尔超纯化学采用先进的美国技术为半导体行业提供超纯化学产品。

8.Language Directly Becomes Nature Showing--Recognize Again "Unadulterated Art" and "Abstract Expressionism;语言直接成为本质的显现——对“纯粹美术”和“抽象表现主义”的再认识

9.Pursuit and Beyond:Pursuit of Identity Politics and Exploration of Pure Art in American Chinese Woman Literature追寻与超越:华美女性文学身份政治的诉求与纯粹艺术的探寻

10.In addition,Chuangzi"s idea lays down an aesthetical principle for classical Chinese art in forming its integral mood freely crisscrossing time and space.受庄子(包括禅宗)美学思想的影响 ,中国艺术总体趋向于一种宝贵的纯美境界。

11.virginal bloom纯洁而美好的少女(时代)

12."The Pure Beauty" and "the Dependant Beauty" in Kant s Aesthetics;论康德美学中的“纯粹美”和“依附美”

13.In cases where only the anterior table is involved, the surgical indication is mainly for cosmesis.但对于只牵涉到前额骨的外骨板之单纯性骨折,手术原因只是为了美观上的需求。

14.Since it evolved over time, the modernist aesthetic is made up of many artistic movements including futurism, Bauhaus, constructivism and purism.随着时代的发展,现代美学出现了各种艺术流派,如未来派、鲍豪斯建筑学派、构成派和纯粹派。

15.It also expounds Bahkin"s discussion about three errors in formalism.巴赫金从三个方面指出了形式方法的“纯技术(言)错误:本体化悖谬、美性缺失、新性丧失。

16.Element,Action and Existence:the Three Levels of Lin Hwai-min"s Dance Art论台湾舞蹈家林怀民舞蹈艺术的美学特色——中国的元素、生命的动作与纯粹的存在

17.Pure Beauty of Spirituality:Qingwen s Inner Beauty;本色纯真的性灵之美——谈晴雯的内在美

18.He is an artist first and last.他是个纯粹的艺术家。


unadulterated art纯粹美术

1.In fact, "unadulterated art"and "abstractexpressionism" is a kind of painting art, which can directly turn language into nature showing."纯粹美术"和"抽象表现主义"事实上都是一种"语言直接成为本质的显现"的绘画艺术。

3)pure and poetic纯美


5)pure beauty单纯美

1.Pure beauty is merely one part of it, but it is an immortal subject to seek forpure beauty.单纯美只是艺术多元化中的一支奇葩,而追求单纯美却是一个永不过时的主题。


1.Three Aspects of the Ideological Nature ofAesthetics:Taking Adorno,Bourdieu and Baudrillard for Examples;“纯”美学意识形态性质的三个面向——以阿多诺、布尔迪厄和鲍德里亚为例


