900字范文 > 筛选载体 screening vector英语短句 例句大全

筛选载体 screening vector英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-24 13:53:19


筛选载体 screening vector英语短句 例句大全

筛选载体,screening vector

1)screening vector筛选载体

1.Objective To construct and identify thescreening vector pUC18-EGFP,using EGFP as an indicator.目的构建以增强型绿色荧光蛋白(EGFP)为筛选标记的新型pUC18筛选载体。

2)carrier screening载体筛选

1.The test with anaerobic fermentation equipment ofcarrier screening and configuration design redounded to the further study and to practice this result.为了提高厌氧发酵装置的效率,人们研究了各种各样的方法和措施,其中应用填料或载体使生物菌能够延长驻留期是其中的方法之一,开展载体筛选及其结构设计在厌氧发酵装置中的试验,有助于对此问题的深入研究以及将其成果应用于生产实践。

3)CIR filter载干比筛选

4)In vitro selection体外筛选


1.In Vitro Selection of Aptamers to Psendomonas Aeruginosa and Primary Application;体外筛选铜绿假单胞菌适体的研究及初步应用

2.Construction and Application of Screening Model of Asparagine Synthetase B in Vitro天冬酰胺合成酶B体外筛选模型的构建与应用

3.In Vitro Selection of Aptamers to Gastric Cancer Cells SGC-7901 by SELEXSELEX法体外筛选胃癌细胞SGC-7901适配子方法的建立

4.Study of Screening in Vitro for Nanofiber Scaffold Materials in Tissue Engineered Nerve人工神经纳米纤维支架材料体外筛选的研究

5.In vitro Selection of Aptamers to Gastric Cancer Cells by SELEXSELEX法体外筛选胃癌细胞适配子方法的建立

6.Investigation of an Evaluative Experimental Scheme of Anti-angiogenic Therapy建立肿瘤血管生成抑制剂的体外筛选方法

7.Progress in Screening Tests of Developmental Toxicity in Vitro发育毒性体外筛选模型的研究现状和进展

8.Selection of Combined-drugs for Preventing and Treating PVR in Vitro多药联合防治增殖性玻璃体视网膜病变体外筛选研究

9.Studies on the Spread Approaches and Selecting the Sensitive Drugs in Vitro for Eperythrozoonosis of Dairy Cow;奶牛附红细胞体感染途径及敏感药物体外筛选的研究

10.In Vitro Selection of Aptamers to N.gonorrhoeae by SELEX;体外SELEX法筛选淋病奈瑟菌适体方法的建立

11.The Cultivation of Eperythrozoon Suis in Vitro and the Selection of Its Effective Drugs;猪附红细胞体体外培养及有效药物筛选研究

12.Screening in Vivo and Metabolism Research in Vivo for Dosages Form of Tanshinone ⅡA丹参酮ⅡA多剂型的体内筛选和体外代谢研究

13.Formulation study of ibuprofen soft capsules and the investigation of its dissolution布洛芬液体胶囊的处方筛选及体外溶出的评价

14.The Experimental Selection Study of Seeding Cells of Adipose Tissue Engineering in Vitro;脂肪组织工程种子细胞筛选的体外实验研究

15.Screening of Bioactive Components in Traditional Chinese Medicines by Liver Metabolism in Vitro;体外代谢用于中药活性成分筛选的研究

16.Establishing Elementary Model from Screening Chinese Herbal Medicine to Cure Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) in Vitro and Elementary Application;体外抗鼻咽癌中药筛选模型的建立及应用研究

17.Screening Test and Experimental Study of the Killing Effect of Traditional Chinese Herbs on Ocular Demodex;中草药体外抑杀眼部蠕形螨的筛选与试验研究

18.Study on Antitumor Activity and Its Mechanism of Hemsleyin Imine A in Vitro;雪胆素亚胺A体外抗肿瘤活性筛选及机理研究


carrier screening载体筛选

1.The test with anaerobic fermentation equipment ofcarrier screening and configuration design redounded to the further study and to practice this result.为了提高厌氧发酵装置的效率,人们研究了各种各样的方法和措施,其中应用填料或载体使生物菌能够延长驻留期是其中的方法之一,开展载体筛选及其结构设计在厌氧发酵装置中的试验,有助于对此问题的深入研究以及将其成果应用于生产实践。

3)CIR filter载干比筛选

4)In vitro selection体外筛选

5)in vitro screening离体筛选

1.In vitro screening of resistant mutants of eggplant to Verticillium daliae was studied with Verticillium daliae toxin and tissue culture technology.以茄子黄萎病菌毒素为选择剂,结合组织培养技术,离体筛选茄子抗黄萎病突变体,开拓一条体细胞抗病育种的新途径。

2.In this research, we established anin vitro screening procedure for thermotolerant variants with six varieties of Gerbera including Lilabella(F3), Diablo(F25), Vino(F30), Sangria(F32), Pinkas(F39) and No.本实验以Lilabella(F3)、Diablo(F25)、Vino(F30)、Sangria(F32)、Pinkas(F39)及深圳五号(S5)等六个非洲菊品种为材料,建立了非洲菊耐热变异的离体筛选体系;探讨了~(60)Co γ射线与EMS、PYM化学诱变处理对离体培养的影响和筛选耐热变异的可能性;确定了再生植株诱导与增殖过程中羟脯氨酸适宜的筛选剂量,并在此基础上开展了非洲菊抗羟脯氨酸变异系的筛选;初步分析了耐热和耐羟脯氨酸筛选获得的三个初选系在高温下耐热表现。

3.In vitro screening stem rot resistant (tolerant) materials in Brassica napus L;结果表明 ,用于离体筛选种子的辐照剂量以 40~ 12 0Krad为宜 ;用草酸处理60 Co -γ射线照射种子产生的试管苗 (一轮草酸筛选 ) ,或用草酸处理辐照种子及种子产生的试管苗 (两轮草酸筛选 ) ,获得 49株抗草酸小苗 ;未经辐射处理的种子均未筛选出抗草酸小苗。

6)in vivo screening活体筛选


