900字范文 > 筛选剂 screening agent英语短句 例句大全

筛选剂 screening agent英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-11 15:25:50


筛选剂 screening agent英语短句 例句大全

筛选剂,screening agent

1)screening agent筛选剂

1.Marine red yeast(Rhodotorula marina) mutated with ethyl methane sulfonate(EMS) was treated with 500 μmol/L of Cu2+ as ascreening agent,and 200 mutant strains were randomly picked out,among them 38 strains had all cell biomass,astaxanthin cell production rate,and volume production rate increased with positive mutation rate at 19%.海洋红酵母经过甲基磺酸乙酯诱变,以500μmol/L浓度的Cu2+为筛选剂,随机挑取200株菌株,其中细胞生物量、虾青素细胞产率和体积产率都增加的有38株,正突变率为19%。

2)plugging agent selection堵剂筛选

3)Fungicide screening药剂筛选


1.The Efficient Fungicides Screening of Controlling Chinese Jujube (Zizyphus Jujuba Mill.) Tiepi Disease;枣(Zizyphus jujuba Mill.)铁皮病有效药剂筛选

2.Studies on Selection of Insecticides against Araecerus fasciculatus Degeer from Ko-ji酒曲害虫咖啡豆象防治药剂筛选研究

3.Screening of Chemicals for Prevention and Control of Rice Streak Leaf Blight in Paddy Field防治水稻条纹叶枯病的田间药剂筛选

4.Screening and Sensitivity of Fungicides against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.apii西芹黄萎病防治药剂筛选和毒力测定

5.Medicament Filtration of Port Sanitary Treatment and the Development of New Preparation;口岸卫生处理用药剂筛选及新制剂研制

6.Screening and Field Trial of Pesticides for Flower Thrips (Frankliniella intonsa) in Peanut花生花蓟马室内药剂筛选及田间药效试验

7.Identification of the Pathogen of Bayberry (Myrica rubra) Leaf Blight and its Fungicides Sensitivity杨梅叶枯病病原菌鉴定及药剂筛选初报

8.Fungicide Screening and Control of Hami Muskmelon Fruit Rot at Growth Stage in Xinjiang哈密瓜生长期果实腐烂病药剂筛选及其防治

9.Screening of Bactericides to Control Pepper Bacterial Wilt and the Application Technique of Bactericides;控制辣椒青枯病的药剂筛选与应用技术研究

10.Biological Characteristics of Ustilaginoidea Virens (Cke) Tak and Fungicides Screening;稻曲病菌生物学特性及药剂筛选的研究

11.Study on Culling a Chemical to Replace Mirex to Control Coptotermes Suzhouensis;防治苏州乳白蚁的灭蚁灵替代药剂筛选研究

12.Studies on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Colletotrichum Lilii and Screening of Effectual Fungicides;百合炭疽菌生理生化及有效药剂筛选研究

13.Pathogen Identification of Blackcurrant Leaf Spot and Fungicide Screening;黑穗醋栗叶斑病病原鉴定及防治药剂筛选

14.Study on the Occurrence Regularity of Apple Scab in Shaanxi and Hungicides Screening in Field;陕西苹果黑星病发生规律及大田防治药剂筛选

15.Studies on Selection of Anti-Tobacco Bacterial Wilt Bactericides and the Application Technique of Bactericides;抗烟草青枯病的药剂筛选与应用技术研究

16.Screening and Effectiveness of theComposed Pesticide 20% TrB EC复配杀虫剂20%唑威乳油的筛选与药效

17.The Study of Prescription Screening and Pharmaceutics on Naoxinkang Capsule;脑心康胶囊剂的处方筛选与药学研究

18.In vitro screening of effective fungicides against Corynespora cassiicola黄瓜褐斑病防治药剂的离体活性筛选


plugging agent selection堵剂筛选

3)Fungicide screening药剂筛选

4)screening of fungicides药剂筛选

1.Identification of Dysosma sayuensis anthracnose andscreening of fungicides;西藏八角莲炭疽病病原鉴定及室内药剂筛选

5)fungicide selection药剂筛选

6)Drug screening药剂筛选

1.The results of drug screening and biophylaxis showed that four kinds of fungicides including Chlorothalonil all have strong antifungous effect,with Trichoderma harziarum being the most effective.从患根朽病的柳树根部分离致病菌鉴定为发光假蜜环菌 ,并对其进行药剂筛选和生物防治试验 。


