900字范文 > 引物筛选 primer screening英语短句 例句大全

引物筛选 primer screening英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-30 08:14:03


引物筛选 primer screening英语短句 例句大全

引物筛选,primer screening

1)primer screening引物筛选


1.DNA Extraction and RAPD Primer Screening of Spiraea Genus绣线菊属植物的DNA提取和RAPD引物筛选

2.DNA Extraction and ISSR Primer Screening of Auricularia auricula黑木耳总DNA提取及PCR-ISSR引物筛选

3.Establishment of a cDNA-AFLP System in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus and Primer Screening沙冬青cDNA-AFLP体系的建立及引物筛选

4.Establishment of AFLP reaction system and screening of primer pairs for pine caterpillars松毛虫AFLP反应体系的建立及引物筛选

5.Optimizing the RAPD Reaction System of Flax and Screening Primers亚麻RAPD的反应体系优化及引物筛选

6.Selection of DNA Markers in Salt-tolerant Alfalfa by Using RAPD;RAPD技术在苜蓿耐盐基因标记引物筛选上的应用

7.Melon F2 Populations Traits Analyse and Genetic Map Primers Selected甜瓜F2群体性状分析及遗传图谱引物筛选

8.Screening SSR Primers for Beet Genetic Diversity Analysis适于甜菜遗传多样性分析的SSR引物筛选

9.Selection of the Cotton RAPD Primers and Analysis of the Genetic Diversity of High Quality Materials棉花RAPD引物筛选及优质材料的遗传多样性分析

10.Optimization of SSR-PCR System on Soybean by Orthogonal Design and SSR Primer Selection正交设计优化大豆SSR-PCR反应体系及引物筛选

11.SSR Primers Screening for Anti-Bemisia tabaci Gennadius Gene Molecular Markers Soybean大豆抗烟粉虱基因SSR分子标记的引物筛选

12.Primer screening and optimization of ISSR reaction condition for endangered medicinal plant Magnolia officinalis濒危药用植物厚朴ISSR引物筛选及反应条件的优化

13.Studies on the RAPD of Wheat and the Theod for Selection the Primers;小麦RAPD反应体系的建立以及RAPD引物筛选的相关理论研究

14.Random Primers Selected for Constructing Molecular Genetic Map of C.melon and the Genetic Diversity of C.melon Studied;甜瓜分子遗传图谱构建的随机引物筛选及甜瓜遗传多样性研究

15.Optimizing the RAPD-PCR System and Screening RAPD Primers for Flax亚麻RAPD-PCR体系的优化及引物的筛选

16.Establishment of cDNA-AFLP Analysis System for Vitis amurensis Rupr and Screening Primers山葡萄cDNA-AFLP体系的建立及引物的筛选

17.Study on Introduction, Selection and Application of Wild Herbaceous Ground Cover Plants in Beijing Area;北京地区野生草本地被植物引种、筛选与利用

18.Study on Filtration of Food Attractant and Their Mixed Ligand of Lasioderma Serricorne in Room;烟草甲食物引诱剂的室内筛选与混配研究


selection of primers引物筛选

1.Optimization of SRAP-PCR system on centipedegrass(Eremochloa ophiuroides) using orthogonal design andselection of primers;正交设计优化假俭草SRAP-PCR反应体系及引物筛选

3)selection of polymorphic primers引物筛选

1.Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was used to analyse theselection of polymorphic primers of the wild grouper population of four individuals from each species.试验用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)技术对黄鳝属中产自缅甸的山黄鳝、印度尼西亚的穴黄鳝及中国的黄鳝的混合DNA进行引物筛选。

4)RAPD primer screeningRAPD引物筛选

1.The method of isolating DNA from dated seeds andRAPD primer screening of Perilla frutescens (L.以保存多年的云南紫苏种子为材料 ,对其DNA提取和RAPD引物筛选进行了研究。

5)SSR primer screeningSSR引物筛选

6)introduction and selection引种筛选

1.Study onintroduction and selection of different alfalfa varieties;不同苜蓿品种引种筛选研究初报

2.Studies on turfgrassintroduction and selection;草坪草引种筛选试验研究


梅花引 中州乐府案此下中州乐府原有梅花引【诗文】:蒿火目。藜羹腹。书生宁有封侯骨。长须奴。下泽车。艰关险阻,谁教涉畏途。半生落漠长安道。一事无成双鬓老。南辕胡。北辕吴。功名富贵,情知不可图。槐安梦。鼓笛弄。驰骤百年尘一哄。陶渊明。张季鹰。一杯浊酒,焉知身後名。有溪可渔林可缴。须信在家贫也乐。熊门春。*江云。几时作个,山间林下人。【注释】:【出处】:
