900字范文 > 语 YU英语短句 例句大全

语 YU英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-15 22:27:08


语 YU英语短句 例句大全



1.YU and the Demonstration of Its Establishment;事类之“语”及其成立之证明

2.The Exploration of Shuo plus Object Yan/Yu;“说+受事宾语‘言’/‘语’”探源

3.An Analysis to the Chinese Synonyms “yan” and “yu” in the Pre-Qin Periods;先秦同义词“言”、“语”辨析


1.objective complementph.1. 【语】宾语补语

2.Chinese! Chinese! Chinese!语文!语文!语文!

3.speaking Swedish, Russian, German, French and English.能说瑞典语、俄语、德语、法语和英语。

4.Language: Malay is the official language, but English and Chinese are widely used.语言:马来语为国语,通用英语和华语。

5.It can serve as subject, predicate, object, attribute and adverbial modifier.可以作主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语。

6.The Comparison among English,Chinese,Korean and Japanese Object;英语、汉语、朝鲜语、日语宾语的对比

7.French and English fluently, written and spoken法语和英语口笔语流畅

8.She is familiar with English, German and French..她通晓英语德语和法语。

9.pejorative remarks, comments, words, etc贬抑的言语、 评语、 词语等.

10.Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases民间谚语与谚语短语

11.Definition of Idiom;Idiom:习语、成语还是熟语?

12.He has a good command of English, German, French, Russian, Arabic and even Esperanto.他精通英语、德语、法语、俄语、阿拉伯语乃至世界语。

13.report structureph.1. 【语】引语结构

14.grass character(汉语、日语)草字[书]

15.The English Speaking Society,“英语口语协会”,

16.indirect objectph.1. 【语】间接宾语

17.Study english ( french, german, russian, spanish, japanese, arabic, esperanto, physics )学英语(法语,德语,俄语,西班牙语,日语,阿拉伯语,世界语,物理)

18.(linguistics) having the same ancestral language.(语)有同一始源语。



1.The definition of "language" should be: ready-made speech formed by words,comparatively fixed in structure,short in format,with integral or cautioning significance."语"应是:由词构成,结构相对固定,形式比较短小,意义具有整体性或警示性的现成话。

2.Thelanguage is the human most important relations tool, also is the human carries on the thought tool.语言是人类最重要的交际工具,也是人类进行思维的工具。

3)Yuba language语霸语言

1.An example calculated in this paper by using theYuba language is simple and convenient.针对油气田开发方案在评价和决策中的许多难题,提出采用关联度模糊灰元分析来优选的题议,其中可直接用具有以中文编制程序特色的语霸语言加以运算的方法。

4)Spoken English英语口语

1.On how to improve the students ability of spoken english;提高中学生英语口语水平的方法与途径探究

2.How to do well spoken English training for adult;如何搞好成人英语口语培训

3.Several Basic Features ofSpoken English;英语口语的几个基本特征

5)english idioms英语习语

1.On interprettingenglish idioms without real understanding;英语习语翻译中的“望文生义”现象

2.The Impact of the Foreign Invasion on English Idioms;外族入侵对英语习语的影响

6)English grammar英语语法

1.Effective strategies to teach hearing-impaired students to studyEnglish grammar;聋生掌握英语语法的有效教学策略

2.The computerized construction of the teaching system ofEnglish grammar;英语语法教学体系的信息化构建

3.Reconsideration on English Grammar Teaching and Learning;对英语语法教学的再思考


lian yu语 也作连语。这个词见于明代方以智通雅卷六《释诂》方以智说:“语者,双声相转而语也。” 即连接不断的意思。 指两个字合成为一个词,不能拆开来讲。《通雅》书中所讲的都是双声词,但是两个字为叠韵的也属于“语”一类 例如“勉”“玲珑”“慷慨”“消息”都是双声词;例如“苍茫”、“从容”、“殷勤”、“婆娑”都是叠韵词。这些都是不能分开讲的。“语”现在通常称为“联绵字”或“联绵词”。周祖谟
