900字范文 > 荀彧 Xun Yu英语短句 例句大全

荀彧 Xun Yu英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-08 20:47:28


荀彧 Xun Yu英语短句 例句大全

荀彧,Xun Yu

1)Xun Yu荀彧

1.In Cao Cao s military and political struggles of unificating and governing Northern China,Xun Yu made prime contribution to Cao Cao s enterprise and helped Cao Cao becoming the most powerful figur in the North.荀彧在辅佐曹操统一、治理北中国的军事、政治斗争中立下了首功,使曹操成为北方最大的实力派。


1.The death of Xunyu--A symbol on the fate of Shidafu’s political effort in late Han dynasty荀彧之死——一个关于汉末士大夫“匡复之志”的隐喻

2.Relation Between Political Tropism of XunYu and XunYi and Political Situation Change of Wei Dynasty Replaced Han Dynasty;荀彧父子的政治取向与汉魏局势变动关系之研究

3.the Background Research of the Buddhist Culture Thoughts in Shen-yu"s Thoughts of "the sentence and the meaning"神彧“句意之说”佛学文化背景考察

4.What is the fundamental concern of Xun Zi and Xun Zi?、「荀子或《荀子》的基本关怀是什麽?」

5.The Mistakes of "Xunzi·Mistake-correcting" From the History of Xunzi and Western "Mistake-correcting";从荀子与西方“解蔽”史看《荀子·解蔽》之蔽

6.On Liang Qi-chao s Views about "abasing Xunzi while Praising Mengzi" in His Study of Xunzi;梁启超“绌荀申孟”的荀学研究析论

7.Study on the phonetic loan characters in Xunzi;《荀子》通假研究(下)——《荀子》通假的使用特点

8.My Opinion of "Explanations of Xunzi Works"--A Comment on Wang Tianhai New Book "Explanations of Xunzi Works";《荀子校释》之我见——评王天海新著《荀子校释》

9.A tentative analysis on Hui Dong s Xun-ology --based on Xunzi weiyan;惠栋荀学思想刍议——以《荀子微言》为中心的考察

10.Differences Between School of Xunzi and School ofZisi-Mengzi and the Features of Xunzi Poetry;荀学与思孟学派的差异及荀子诗学的独特性

11.Analysis on Xun Zi s "Yi" Political Ideology;论荀子的义政思想——以荀子礼、法制度的制度伦理蕴涵为中心

12.Xunzi"s Philosophy of Moral Education:The Prioritization of Justice in His Theory of Evil Human Nature论荀子的“德育哲学”——兼论荀子性恶论中的“公义”优先思想

13.Xun Zi said the growth of all creatures depended on harmony.荀子提出“万物各得其和以生”;

14.The Explanation about Put(置) and Place(错) --An Annotation of the Xing Cuo Er Bu Yong(刑错而不用)in Xun Zi(荀子)释"置"与"错"——兼释《荀子》"刑错而不用"

15."Xunzi Tianlun" and Confucian scientific obscurantism《荀子·天论》和儒家的科学蒙昧主义

16.On the Pre-Qin Dynasty Philosophy of "Xu" Dialectical Development;从庄子的“唯道集虚”到荀子的“虚壹而静”

17.Xun Zi "the Chemical Property Has False" in the Thought Management Science Sigificance;荀子“比性起伪”思想中的管理学意义

18.Research on Xunzi s Thoughts of Prospering Etiquettes and Respecting Laws and Inheritance;荀子“隆礼重法”思想及其传承研究


On the Death of Xun Yu荀彧之死

3)On XUN YU论荀彧

4)Zhu Yu朱彧

1.Study ofZhu Yu and His Ping Zhou Ke Tan;朱彧及其笔记《萍洲可谈》研究


1.the Background Research of the Buddhist Culture Thoughts inShen-yu"s Thoughts of "the sentence and the meaning"神彧“句意之说”佛学文化背景考察

6)Xun Zi荀子

1.The View of Ecology ofXun Zi and its Inspiration on Settling Mod ern Environmental Crisis;荀子的生态观及其对解决现代环境危机的启示

2.On Collations and Notes of the Etymology of the BookXun Zi;《荀子》校勘注释源流考


