900字范文 > 法律多元论 legal pluralism英语短句 例句大全

法律多元论 legal pluralism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-05 20:58:33


法律多元论 legal pluralism英语短句 例句大全

法律多元论,legal pluralism

1)legal pluralism法律多元论

1.By empirical study and comparative research on three representative texts, the dissertation tries to answer“what islegal pluralism in the context of globalization”,“how does it generate”and“what does it mean”.本文运用实证分析方法和解释学方法,借助对三个有代表性的文本的比较研究,通过对“全球化的背景下的法律多元论是什么”、“它是怎样生成的”和“它的意义是什么”等问题的追问,得出以下结论:从本体层面看,法律多元论是西方法学共同体运用其知识传统解释法律全球化现象的一种理论实践;从认知层面看,它为法律全球化研究提供了一种建立在认识论的主客一元论、方法论的语言转向和复杂性思维模式基础上的解释图式;从价值层面看,它表征着一种建立在多元法的共同治理而非国家法的一元专断的法治模式基础上的法律意识形态。

2)legal pluralism法律多元

1.Because of its effectiveness in problem-solving,legal pluralism is chosen to be the theoretical basis,making a penetrating and comprehensive problem-solving possible.选择法律多元论作为理论基础,在于提供解决问题的有效视角,使得更深入、全面地切入问题成为可能。

2.This essay discusses about the origin and development of legal anthropology, and concludes thatlegal pluralism is the basic stand of legal anthropology.探讨了法人类学的起源与发展,认为法律多元是法人类学的基本立场。

3.According to the theory of functionalism of Anthropology and legal sociology, we can use Legal pluralism as the solutio.得益于人类学功能主义和法律社会学的学理进路,法律多元成为颇具涵括性的视角。


1.Masaji Chiba s Legal Pluralism and the Plural Law in China;千叶正士的法律多元观及中国的法律多元问题

2.The National Law and the Non - national Law In the Pattern of Legal Pluralism;法律多元格局中的国家法与非国家法

3.Law Pluralism:Analysis on Issues of Daba Village s Immigrants in Tibet;法律多元:西藏大坝移民村纠纷解析

4.On the Integration and Docking between Constitutional Law and Customary Law of Tibetan Ethnic Minority--View it from the Visual Angle of Law Pluralism;论国家制定法和藏族习惯法的融合与对接——以法律多元主义为视角

5.The Composition and Operation of Units Law;单位法的构成与运作分析——以大学为例的法律多元考察

6.On the Legal Poly-Supervision System on Financial Holding Companies;金融控股公司多元监管法律制度研究

7.On The Diversification And Their Harmonious Development Of Internationl Legal Systems;论国际法律体系的多元化与协调发展

8.The Research of Soeialassistanee "Diversified Co-operation" Legal System社会救助“多元化合作”法律制度研究

9.Pondering over the Construction of the Mechanism of Diversified Dispute Solution from Legal Perspective构建多元化纠纷解决机制的法律思考

10.Qn the Plural Laws among Ethnic Minorities:also on theAutonomous Legal System in Ethnic Regions;少数民族法律的多元性与民族区域自治法律制度

11.On Construction of Multi-element Intellectual Structure at the Law Intellectual Core构建法律知识核心下的多元知识结构——法律人的应然追求

12.Study on Legal Guaranty of Pluralistic Science and Technology Investment System;我国多元化科技投入体系法律保障研究

13.An Empirical Examination on the Multiple Legal Mechanisms to Cross-nation Competition Regulation;跨国竞争关系多元化法律调控机制的实证研究

14.On the Coordination of the Plural Law Systems in the Areas of National Minorities;关于少数民族地区多元性法律制度的协调问题

15.The Relations between the Legal System of the Western Europe in the Early Middle Ages and the Multi-Societies;西欧中世纪初期的法律体系与多元社会的关系

16.On Perfection of China"s Anti-dumping Rules from a Plural Perspective多元视角下我国反倾销法律制度的完善

17.Legal Transplantation in a Multicultural Perspective--On Conconcideration of Legal Sociology and Legal Culture;多元视野中的法律移植——基于法社会学和法文化的思考

18.National Variety in China s Legal Civilization──In the Perspective of the Historical Origin of Law;论中华法律文明的族体多元性——以法的历史起源为视觉


legal pluralism法律多元

1.Because of its effectiveness in problem-solving,legal pluralism is chosen to be the theoretical basis,making a penetrating and comprehensive problem-solving possible.选择法律多元论作为理论基础,在于提供解决问题的有效视角,使得更深入、全面地切入问题成为可能。

2.This essay discusses about the origin and development of legal anthropology, and concludes thatlegal pluralism is the basic stand of legal anthropology.探讨了法人类学的起源与发展,认为法律多元是法人类学的基本立场。

3.According to the theory of functionalism of Anthropology and legal sociology, we can use Legal pluralism as the solutio.得益于人类学功能主义和法律社会学的学理进路,法律多元成为颇具涵括性的视角。

3)pluralism of law法律多元

1.On the Interdependence of the Minority Customary Laws and the Constitutional Law and their Conflicts:A case study of thepluralism of law in the minority area of China;少数民族习惯法与国家法的依存和冲突——少数民族地区法律多元个案透视

2.This paper makes an analysis of the cultural background ofpluralism of law, reveals the cultural connotation of "being harmonious but different and the consensus effect of rule of law against the background of different laws.本文通过对法律多元的文化背景分析,挖掘其"和而不同"的文化底蕴,试图揭示出在不同的法律文化间形成法治的共识效应之和谐前景。

4)On Legal Pluralism and Sovereignty论法律多元与主权

5)monist view of law法律一元论

6)plurality methodology多元方法论

1.Feyerabemd, modern American philosopher of science, putplurality methodology in "Against Method".当代美国科学哲学家费耶阿本德在《反对方法》一书中提出了多元方法论 ,指出 :科学在本质上是无政府主义的事业 ,科学方法是多元的 ;理论多元论有利于科学发展 ,理论一元论是没有道理的。


