900字范文 > 法律实施 legal enforcement英语短句 例句大全

法律实施 legal enforcement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-01 15:04:52


法律实施 legal enforcement英语短句 例句大全

法律实施,legal enforcement

1)legal enforcement法律实施

1.Legal efficacy indicates the actual legal effects or the substantial legal results ,and legal effect denotes the national legal cocrcive force,andlegal enforcement refers to the legal implementing process in the realization of the law,while legal realization explicates the realization of the aim,the demand,the function and the value of the law.法律实效指谓法律的实际功效或效果,法律效力指称的是法律的国家强制作用力,法律实施蕴涵法律在社会生活中的贯彻过程,而法律实现诠释的则是法律的目的、要求、功能和价值的实现。

2.Legislation,legal enforcement and supervision,which dominate the strategy of administering the country by laws,could not be guaranteed without the enhancement of social ethics.法律制定、法律实施、法律监督 ,是依法治国的重要内容 ,它们的完成离不开全社会道德水平的提高。


1.On the Differences and Relationships Between Legal Efficacy, Leagal Effect,Legal Enforcement and Legal Realization;法律实效与法律效力、法律实施及法律实现的区别与联系——法律实效系列研究之二

2.A Systemic Comparison of the Execution of the Law in the Two Great Legal Systems from the Perspective of Property Law;两大法系法律实施系统比较——财产法律的视角

3.Once enter Into , a contract be enforceable by law .合同一经签署,就应依照法律实施。

4.Study on Enforcement Barriers and Countermeasures of Environment Resources Law in China;中国环境资源法律实施的障碍及对策

5.To administer(laws, for example).实施、执行(如法律)

6.Laws and Regulations Date of Implementation法律和法规 实施时间

7.A piece of enacted legislation.法律条文一部颁布实施的法律

8.On the Legal Foundations for the"Anti-double"Measures of U.S.美国实施“双反”措施的法律依据探析

9.Enforcing the real rights law,constructing minings rights mortgage system;实施物权法,构建采矿权抵押法律制度

10.The Legal Analysis on the Implementation of the Community s Regulation on Leg-Hold Traps;《欧盟捕猎夹法规》实施的法律思考

11.Law Reasoning, A Key Approach to Ruling by Law;论法治实施的技术手段——法律推理

12.Some Legal Issues and Legislative Proposals on the Enforcement of “Transforming Creditor sRight into Share Ownership”;“债转股”实施的法律问题及立法建议

13.one who promulgates laws (announces a law as a way of putting it into execution).公布法律的人(宣布一项法律使它能够付诸实施)。

14.the interrelated laws offer the law guarantee for MBS;配套法律制度为实施MBS提供了法律保障;

15.The Legal Bottleneck of Our Country Implementing MBO and the Research Analysis of Practicing it;我国实施MBO的法律瓶颈及实施途径探析

16.The development of lawyer rights in new lawyer law;从新《律师法》的实施看我国律师执业权利的发展

17.Protection of Lawyers Evidence Collection Right in Criminal Cases After the Enforcement of Amended Law of Lawyer;新律师法实施后律师刑事取证权的保障问题

18.Secondly, now that laws concerned have been made, we must put them into effect.其次,相关法律已制定,即应贯彻实施。


enforcement of law法律实施

1.Theenforcement of law is fundamental to the operation of the rule of law and the construction of socialist law-ruled country.法律实施是实行法治、建立社会主义法治国家的关键所在 ,在法治实践中 ,我们既不能用成熟法治国家的标准来衡量我国法律实施的现状 ,也不能假借具体国情的特殊性放任法律实施的低效运作。

3)law enforcement mechanism法律实施机制

1.A system of public participation in legislation is the satisfying condition, and soundlaw enforcement mechanism .其实现的充分条件是建立立法的公众参与制度,而健全的法律实施机制则是法律激励功能实现的必要条件。

2.Thelaw enforcement mechanism refers to the interrelations of each factor in the law enforcement system and effection made by the factors to the law enforcement system, especially the process and method of the interaction made by each constructive factor in the law enforcement system.法律实施机制是指法律实施系统中各要素的相互关系及其对法律实施系统所起的作用,尤其是指法律实施系统各构成要素间相互作用的过程和方式。

4)Effects of Law Implementation and Enforcement法律实施效果

5)Law Enforcement Cost法律实施成本

1.Research on the Legal System Arrangement and theLaw Enforcement Costs;论法律制度安排与法律实施成本

6)The new law has come into effect.新法律已经实施。


