900字范文 > 多元论 pluralism英语短句 例句大全

多元论 pluralism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-07 17:31:57


多元论 pluralism英语短句 例句大全



1.Foundation and Problem of Pluralism in Modern Occident Philosophy of Economics;现代西方经济哲学多元论的依据和问题

2.Architecture and the indoors design style refers to the commonness of a time in sculption,the layout of functions and decoration,as is derived from multiple factors,thepluralism of indoors decoration,instead of single factor.这种共性的形成不能归功于单一因素,而是多种因素共同作用的结果,即建筑及室内设计风格形成的多元论。


1.One who adheres to pluralism.多元论者坚持多元论的人

patibility of Monistic Theory of Labor Value and Multiple Theory of Use Value坚持劳动价值一元论和使用价值多元论

3.The Pluralism of Linguistic World Outlook:The 8th Paper on Linguistic Embodiment Based on Embodied Philosophy and CL;语言世界观多元论——八论语言的体验观

4.of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of pluralism.属于或关于哲学上多元论的。

5.A Tentative Study of Multiculturalism;多元共存 和谐共处——试论多元文化主义

6.On the Translator s Subjectivity from the Views of the Theory of Complementary Multi-Criteria and Poly-System Hypothesis;从多元互补论和多元系统论谈译者的主体性

7.Multi-dimension and One-dimension of Value in Theory and Reality;理论和现实二维中的价值“多元”与“一元”

8.Monism or Pluralism --On the Liability Principle of the Contract Law;一元抑或多元——论合同法归责原则

9.On the Description of Love Stories in Yuan Dynasty s Dramas and the Communication of Plural Cultures in This Era;试论元散曲爱情闺怨描写与元代多元文化交流

10.An Study of Plurality of Su Manshu s Character and His Diverse Choices of Art;论苏曼殊的多元人格与艺术的多元选择

11.Multiple Intelligence Theory and the Multiple Assessment of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning;多元智能理论与外语教育评价的多元化

12.The Student Evaluation System Based on the Theory of Multiple Intelligence;基于多元智能理论的多元化学生评价体系

13.On the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and the Multiple College English Teaching Models;多元智能理论与多元化大学英语教学模式研究

14.Behind Popularity of MI: Fatal Weaknesses of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences;“多元智力热”的背后与多元智力理论的“软肋”

15.Enlightenment of the Diverse Intelligence Theory to Quality Education;试论多元智力理论对素质教育的启示

16.Relationship Between Single Culture and Multiple Cultures in the Olympics;论奥林匹克运动中一元文化与多元文化的关系

17.A Preliminary Study of the Changes of Zhengwu Image in the Song,the Yuan and Ming Dynasty;试论宋、元、明真武图像变迁的“一线多元”格局

18.On Li Pinger s Multicharacter & Dualistic Morality;论《金瓶梅》中李瓶儿的多元性格和二元道德


monistic pluralism一元多元论

3)theoretical pluralism理论多元

1.Among them,in his opposite induction principles,one important angle in which he has illustrated is his reexamination of experimental facts,thus he has drawn a conclusion abouttheoretical pluralism thoughts,from which we can get some revelation.其中,在他的反归纳原则中,他论证的一个重要角度就是对经验事实的再考察,从而得出了理论多元化的思想。


1.The main work and achievement about the research of the STLF model basedon themulti-theory in this paper is generalized as follows.本文在基于多元理论的电力系统短期负荷预测研究中开展了如下几方面的工作。

5)pluralism and monism多元论和一元论

6)cultural pluralism文化多元论

1.Feyerabend advocatedcultural pluralism,it had significant practice mea.费耶阿本德的思想也是倡导一种文化多元论,对于反对文化霸权主义、发展我们的民族文化具有重要的实践意义。


