900字范文 > 对地对月观测 measurement of the Earth and the Moon英语短句 例句大全

对地对月观测 measurement of the Earth and the Moon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-26 00:09:06


对地对月观测 measurement of the Earth and the Moon英语短句 例句大全

对地对月观测,measurement of the Earth and the Moon

1)measurement of the Earth and the Moon对地对月观测

2)earth observation对地观测

1.Development and application ofearth observation and nation security;空间对地观测技术发展及应用

2.When satellites fulfillearth observation missions,we put the mission scheduling problem into this combined optimal problem.将人工智能方法应用于卫星的任务规划,以执行对地观测任务为例,将任务规划问题归于组合优化问题,建立了相应的数学模型,并应用Hopfield神经网络算法进行求解,结果表明,该方法可用于单个仪器的任务规划。

3.This paper describes the understanding onearth observation satellite ground segment mission control system.阐述了对地观测卫星地面管理控制系统的认知和理解。


1.---To build up an earth observation system for long-term stable operation.--建立长期稳定运行的卫星对地观测体系。

2.Precise State Determination of Formation Satellite for Earth Observation Using GPS;GPS用于对地观测编队卫星状态的高精度确定

3.Global Tectonics Characteristics Inferred from Space Geodesy;利用空间对地观测技术研究全球构造特征

4.The Study on Visual Simulation System of Earth Observation Satellite Payload Operation;对地观测有效载荷运控流程仿真可视化

5.Research on the Identification of Radar Signal Modulation in Earth Observation System对地观测系统中雷达信号调制方式的识别研究

6.Earth Observation Coverage Model Algorithm Based on Polar-orbiting Satellite基于极轨卫星对地观测覆盖模型算法研究

7.Imaging Scheduling of an Earth Observing Satellite with Complex Constraints复杂约束对地观测卫星成像调度技术研究

8.Design and Implementation of Imaging Scheduling System for EOS一类对地观测卫星成像调度系统的设计与实现

9.Analysis on the Development Trends of Earth Observation Technology Based on Bibliometrics对地观测技术发展态势的文献计量分析

10.A Multi-objective Constraint Modification Approach for Imaging Scheduling of Earth Observing Satellite对地观测卫星成像调度的多目标约束修正方法

11.The building of the telluric field observation site of the Nanjing Seismic Station and the analysis of the preliminary observation data南京地震台的大地电场观测场地建设及对其初步观测资料的分析

12.Contrastive Analysis on the Digital and Analog Data of Crustal Deformation in Shexian Seismic Station涉县地震台数字化观测与模拟观测资料对比研究

13.Effect of Urbanization and Observation Environment Change on Wind Speed Trend in Hebei Province,China河北城市化和观测环境改变对地面风速观测资料序列的影响

14.Development of Earth System Science and Its Impact on Earth Observation地球系统科学的发展及对地球观测的影响

15.Global Terrestrial Observing System全球陆地观测系统(陆地观测系统)

16.A few observations on ??concentration have been made, all at midlatitudes.对?诘呐ǘ仍?作过几次观测,都在中纬度地区。

17.Analyses and Numerical Modeling of a Polar Low over the Japan Sea on 19 December ;对一个日本海极地低压的观测与数值模拟研究

18.Observations and Analysis of the Earth"s Magnetosphere by DSP and ClusterⅡ利用双星和ClusterⅡ等对地球磁层的观测和分析研究


earth observation对地观测

1.Development and application ofearth observation and nation security;空间对地观测技术发展及应用

2.When satellites fulfillearth observation missions,we put the mission scheduling problem into this combined optimal problem.将人工智能方法应用于卫星的任务规划,以执行对地观测任务为例,将任务规划问题归于组合优化问题,建立了相应的数学模型,并应用Hopfield神经网络算法进行求解,结果表明,该方法可用于单个仪器的任务规划。

3.This paper describes the understanding onearth observation satellite ground segment mission control system.阐述了对地观测卫星地面管理控制系统的认知和理解。

3)earth observation science(EOS)对地观测学

1.Based on an introduction of disaster management,geomatics and earth observation science(EOS),a discussion has been made on the utility of geomatics and EOS for natural disaster management.近年来地球空间信息学(Geomatics)和对地观测学(EOS)的迅速发展,为灾难管理提供了强有力的支撑技术,促进了灾难管理效率的提高。

4)global earth observation全球对地观测

5)earth observing technology对地观测技术

1.Applying examples ofearth observing technology to natural disaster monitoring and evaluating;对地观测技术在重大自然灾害监测与评估中的应用实例分析

2.From the programs and projects,the development status and strategies on Earth observing technology of the main countries in the world,such as America,ESA,Canada,Japan,India and Russia,are introduced and analyzed.从对地观测技术计划入手,对美国、欧空局、加拿大、日本、印度以及俄罗斯的对地观测技术发展现状和策略进行了概要的介绍和分析。

3.It is therefore an important work for the government to use Earth observing technology to support the disaster prevention and reduction.充分利用各种对地观测技术,从信息化的角度支持防灾救灾行动,已被列入政府的重要工作内容。

6)Earth observation system对地观测系统

1.In the history of theEarth observation system, the cloudy and rainy environment has been the bottle-neck for monitoring the land and ocean surface.为解决这一瓶颈问题,通过多云、多雨环境下对地观测系统数据获取与信息处理的多学科研究,提出发展适用于多云、多雨环境的对地观测系统的科学思路与方案。

2.Earth observation system (EOS) is proved to be the most efficient to yield information about Earth s land, atmosphere, ice, oceans and life that is obtainable in no other way, and ensures the development of earth system science.对地观测系统(EOS,Earth Observation System)是获取空间对地信息、促进地球系统科学和空间信息科学等学科发展的支柱。

3.Earth observation system (EOS) is proved to be the most efficient to yield information about Earth s land, atmosphere, ice, oceans and life that is obtainable in no other way, and insures the development of earth system science.对地观测系统(EOS,EarthObservationSystem)是获取空间对地信息、促进地球系统科学和空间信息科学等学科发展的支柱。


