900字范文 > 二泉映月 Reflection of the Moon upon the Fountain英语短句 例句大全

二泉映月 Reflection of the Moon upon the Fountain英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-04 18:43:25


二泉映月 Reflection of the Moon upon the Fountain英语短句 例句大全

二泉映月,Reflection of the Moon upon the Fountain

1)Reflection of the Moon upon the Fountain二泉映月

1.A Song of Moaning——An Analysis on TheReflection of the Moon upon the Fountain and its Tragedy of Life长歌当哭——《二泉映月》与生命的悲剧性存在


1.Sources and Achievements of "Two Springs reflecting the moon;《二泉映月》的创作源泉与艺术成就

2.Thoughts on the Long-lasting Charms of Moon Reflection on Er Spring;泉凄月冷 曲情断肠——感悟《二泉映月》的恒久魅力

3.A Preliminary Analysis of the Artistic Features of the Famous Erhu Solo Fiddle“The Moon Reflected on the Second Spring”;浅析二胡名曲《二泉映月》的艺术特征

4.On Artistic Handling of the Piano Music the Brilliant Moonlight in Spring Water钢琴曲《二泉映月》演奏的艺术处理

5.On the Taoist Musical Aesthetic Ideology in Erquan Yingyue;论《二泉映月》蕴含的道家音乐美学思想

6.An Analysis of the Performing Techniques of the Erhu Soli,“Two Springs reflect the Moon”;《二泉映月》演奏时应注意的几个问题

7.A Comparing Study in Different Forms of Sound Expression of The Moon Reflected by Bisprings;《二泉映月》不同音响呈现方式比较研究

8.Melody style and playing peculiarity of "The Second Spring Shinning in the Moon;《二泉映月》的旋律风格和演奏特点

9.The Art Orientation of Piano Music--the Moon Reflected in Two Springs;碰撞与交融——钢琴曲《二泉映月》的艺术定位

10.The Theory Inquiry of Concert Treatment of Pianolude "Er Quan Ying Yue" "Chinese Rhyme"钢琴曲《二泉映月》“中国韵味”演奏处理的理论探究

11.A Song of Moaning--An Analysis on The Reflection of the Moon upon the Fountain and its Tragedy of Life长歌当哭——《二泉映月》与生命的悲剧性存在

pare the Performance of Erquan Yingyue by Erhu Lute and Piano from the Angle of a Tone s Process;窥一斑以见全豹——以“音腔”观点参比《二泉映月》于二胡及钢琴中的演绎

13.The Perfect Combination of Sound, Poem and Picture--The National Characters and Playing Skill of the Piano Music, the Second Spring Bathed in Moonlight音、诗、画的完美结合——钢琴曲《二泉映月》的民族特性及演奏艺术

14.Reconsideringthe Current Development of Traditional Chinese Music in Terms of A Bing (Hua Yanjun) and his Reflection of the Moon on Lake Erquan;从阿炳及其《二泉映月》的发掘问世反思当前的民乐事业

15.In time this evolved into the musical piece entitled Er"Quan"Yin"Yue or the Moon Mirrored in the Second Spring Pool which has become quite popular as a Chinese violin solo.年深月久,自成一曲--“二泉映月”。 这支二胡名曲,在国内外广为流传,深受人们喜爱。

16.The most widespread piece of erhu music in China is Two Springs Reflect the Moon, composed by the Wuxi folk artist a Bing in the mid-20th century.中国传播最广泛的二胡曲,是本世纪中期无锡的民间艺人阿炳自度的《二泉映月》。

17.The string symphony Two Springs Reflect the Moon, rearranged by Wu Zuqiang based on the original composition by He Bingyuan, has richness and depth, and a lingering melody吴祖强根据阿炳原作改编的弦乐合奏《二泉映月》则是一部深沉丰富、音韵悠长的作品,

18.During February the workmen had to contend with a sheet of water which made its way right through the outer soil.二月间,工人们和地壳里渗出的泉水,展开了斗争。


New Opinion About The Moon Over a Fountain《二泉映月》新论

3)the Moon Lake月牙泉

1.A studies of degradation of water system and some control measures inthe Moon Lake of Dunhuang Region;敦煌月牙泉水环境退化与防治对策

4)co-teaching at the Yuequan Academy共讲月泉

5)jiɑng Yuequɑn蒋月泉(1917~)

6)One"s glory penetrated to the nine springs映彻九泉


