900字范文 > 《山月记》 Under the Mountain and the Moon英语短句 例句大全

《山月记》 Under the Mountain and the Moon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-15 16:14:23


《山月记》 Under the Mountain and the Moon英语短句 例句大全

《山月记》,Under the Mountain and the Moon

1)Under the Mountain and the Moon《山月记》

1.There are three main factors which helps a legend of Man Tiger evolve into A Tale ofUnder the Mountain and the Moon.促成《人虎传》转变为《山月记》有几个重要的因素 :主人公形象的再塑造 ;对变虎原因的重新阐述 ;对原著情节的解构。


1.Between "Renhu" and "Sangetsu" --Analysis of Nakajima Atsushi and His Novel "Sangetsuki;人虎山月间——中岛敦及其《山月记》解读

2.Elegy for Self dismantlement: Nakajima Atsushi s The Story of the Mountain Moon;自我解体的悲歌——中岛敦《山月记》论

3.A View on Under the Mountain and the Moon Through the Comparison with Man Tiger;与《人虎传》的对比中看《山月记》

4.They"re expected to argue this point today during a Capitol Hill news conference.他们希望在9月18日的国会山记者会上讨论这一点。

5.According to historical documents, the outer coffin in the underground vault or palace was cast in bronze, with the ceiling studded with images of the sun, the moon and a myriad of stars and with the floor featured by mountains and rivers.据史籍记载,陵墓的地宫用铜铸成椁,上有日月星辰,下有山川河流。

6.The Maximum Temperature of May-July Inferred from Tree-ring in Funiu Mountain since 1874 AD油松树轮记录的过去134年伏牛山5-7月平均最高温度

7.Acts 28:11 And after it had been three months, we put out to sea in an Alexandrian ship which had wintered in the island, with the twin sons of Zeus for its figurehead.徒二八11过了三个月,我们上了一只亚力山大的船,这船以丢斯双子为记,是在那岛上过了冬的。

8.And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the isle, whose sign was Castor and Pollux.过了三个月,我们上了亚力山太的船,往前行。这船以宙斯双子为记,是在海岛过了冬的。

9.This was the first volcanic eruption of which a detailed eyewitness account is available, recorded on August 24, 79 AD.这是人类第一次亲眼见证并详细记录的火山爆发,时间是公元79年8月24日。

10.The account is credited monthly .每月给帐户记入贷方。

11."Date:Time stated in terms of the day, month, and year."以日、月、年记载的时间.

12.Remember, the number 1 train. The uptown platform.记住,搭一路车,在北月台 。

13.Xinhua News Agency, Shijiazhuang, August 31st, by reporter Ruyue Jing新华社石家庄8月31日电(记者景如月)

14.Last month I went to Huangshan.上个月我去了黄山。

15."The mountain-light suddenly fails in the west, in the east from the lake the slow moon rises."山光忽西落, 池月渐东上。

16.mayflower | arbutus | trailing arbutus五月花[(英)山楂,(美)岩梨

17.Craters of the Moon National Monument月面环形山国家保护区

18.Light was released over us from the summits of the mountains.月光从山顶边洒下来。


the records of lunar eclipse月食记录

3)bɑiyueting ji《拜月亭记》

4)Moon of the Mountains月亮之山

5)Yuehu Villa月湖山庄

1.Green Design Tactic ofYuehu Villa (Second Phase Project);月湖山庄(二期)的绿色设计策略

6)Yueshan district of Anhui Prorince安徽月山


