900字范文 > 税政 taxation policy英语短句 例句大全

税政 taxation policy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-07 14:51:24


税政 taxation policy英语短句 例句大全

税政,taxation policy

1)taxation policy税政

1.Interpretation oftaxation policy of papermaking industry and enterprise tax risk avoidance;造纸业税政解读与企业纳税风险规避


1.Part of the policies on consumption and business taxes will be readjusted.调整部分消费税和营业税政策;

2.The Research for the Policy and Question of the V.A.T and the V.A.T Refund;增值税及其出口退(免)税政策研究

3.The Tax Policy and Tax Revenue Preparation of Veteran and Active Servicemen;现、退役军人(武警)涉税政策与税收筹划

4.A government has to exact taxes from the taxpayer政府必须向纳税人征税。

5.financial claims of government政府债权,政府征税权

6.Effect of Tax Rate, Government Expenditure and Taxation Supervisor on Tax Evasion;论税率、政府支出与税收监管对逃税行为的影响

7.An Analysis on Tax Avoidance Behavior of Taxpayers and Anti-tax-avoidance Measures of Governments对纳税人避税行为及政府反避税措施的分析

8.government revenue from domestic sources (excluding customs).政府本国的税收(不包括海关税收)。

9.Study on the Tax Policy of Unifying Urban and Rural Tax System for Transitional Stage;统一城乡税制过渡阶段税收政策研究

10.The Research on Chinese Tax Policy for FDI under International Tax Competition;国际税收竞争下中国FDI税收政策研究

11.Analysis of Financial Effects of Tax Merging in Business Income Tax;企业所得税“两税合并”的财政效应分析

12.The present condition of taxation shoulder and the choice of taxation policy in our country;我国税收负担现状与税收政策的选择

13.British Council Tax and Its Implication for Imposing Real Estate Tax in China;英国市政税对我国开征物业税的借鉴

14.International Tax Competition and Choice of Tax Policy in China;国际税收竞争与我国税收政策的选择

15.The Model Analysis of the Relationshp Between Tax and GDP & China s Future Tax Policy;税收与GDP的模型分析及税收政策趋向

16.Proper Tax Cutting is the Tendency for Tax Policy;适度减税是当前我国的税收政策取向

17.invested in tax-free municipals.在免税市政公债上投资

18.government grants and taxes on income政府补助金和所得税


tax policies税收政策

1.Tax Policies on Venture Capital in Taiwan and its Revelations;台湾创业投资税收政策及其启示

2.The analysis oftax policies which deal with economical development slows down应对经济增速减缓的税收政策分析

3.China has introduced a series oftax policies related with disposable wooden chopsticks from .阐述了以来中国出台的一系列有关一次性木筷的税收政策。

3)tariff policy关税政策

1.This paper studies the tariff of arithmetic mean and weighted mean of China tariff rate,surveys and measures the rationality abouttariff policy.通过对我国关税率的算术平均值和加权平均值的比较,对关税政策的合理性进行了测度与衡量。

4)taxation policy税收政策

1.Discussion on the Role of Point of Innovative Development of Binhai New Area under Taxation Policy Holding Out;税收政策支持滨海新区创新发展的作用点初探

2.Trade Deficit,Fiscal Deficit and Taxation Policy of the U.S in New Century;新世纪美国的贸易逆差、财政赤字与税收政策

3.The present condition of taxation shoulder and the choice oftaxation policy in our country;我国税收负担现状与税收政策的选择

5)tax and fee policy税费政策

1.A study ontax and fee policy in developing profitable hospitals/Study Group for Health Economic Association, Wenzhou City;营利性医院发展的税费政策研究

2.Many experiences have been accumulated in coal industry circular economy development,meanwhile some problems also occur in the aspect of price,tax and fee policy,mainly including imperfect pricing mechanism,insufficient compensation and weak incentives,and partial tax and fee policies should be improved.当前煤炭行业发展循环经济积累了一定的经验,但也暴露了一些问题,反映在价格税费政策方面,主要是价格机制不完善、补偿费缺失、激励优惠作用不明显、部分税费政策需要改进。

6)finance and taxation policy财税政策

1.A study of thefinance and taxation policy for the technological innovation of enterprises;企业技术创新的财税政策研究

2.Study on Public Finance and Taxation Policy Accelerating the Employment;促进就业的财税政策探讨

3.Thefinance and taxation policy plays an very important role in hi-tech industry.财税政策对高新技术产业的发展起着至关重要的作用。


