900字范文 > 生态税收政策 ecological taxation policy英语短句 例句大全

生态税收政策 ecological taxation policy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-05 10:45:28


生态税收政策 ecological taxation policy英语短句 例句大全

生态税收政策,ecological taxation policy

1)ecological taxation policy生态税收政策


1.Foreign Ecological Taxation Practice and Conception of China"S Ecological Taxation Policy国外的生态税收实践与我国生态税收政策选择

2.Foreign Ecological Taxation Policy and Thinking for Construction of Ecological Taxation System in Our Country;国外的生态税收政策与我国生态税制建设构想

3.The Research on Ecological Tax Policy Based on Compartive Dematerialization;面向相对减物质化的生态税收政策研究

4.Research on Tax Policy for Establishing Eco-compensation System;关于建立生态补偿机制的税收政策研究

5.Tax Policy for Ecological Security in Northeast China;加强东北区域生态安全的税收政策研究

6.The Study of Tax Policy to Promote the Construction of Poyang Lake Ecological Economy Zone促进鄱阳湖生态经济区建设的税收政策研究

7.a government policy for maintaining economic growth and tax revenues.政府维持经济生长和税收的政策。

8.(4) put forward the thought about forest eco?compensation additional tax policy. ?(4)提出优先征收森林生态补偿附加税的资金政策构想。

9.Effect of Environment Pollution on Taxes and Countermeasures;生态环境对税收的影响及其对策研究

10.Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of Ecological Taxation in China我国生态税收存在的问题及对策研究

11.The effect made on the tax system and policy of the countries all over the world by the economic globalization;经济全球化对各国税制和税收政策产生的影响

12.A Probe into Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy Development;可再生能源发展的税收激励政策探析

13.Dynamic Optimal Extraction of Exhaustible Resources with Un-known Taxes Reform Date;税收政策不确定下资源动态优化开采研究

14.On the Harmoniousness of FDI and Tax Policy Concerning Foreign Trade;促进FDI与中国涉外税收政策的动态和谐

15.The Research on Chinese Tax Policy for FDI under International Tax Competition;国际税收竞争下中国FDI税收政策研究

16.The present condition of taxation shoulder and the choice of taxation policy in our country;我国税收负担现状与税收政策的选择

17.International Tax Competition and Choice of Tax Policy in China;国际税收竞争与我国税收政策的选择

18.The Model Analysis of the Relationshp Between Tax and GDP & China s Future Tax Policy;税收与GDP的模型分析及税收政策趋向


tax policies税收政策

1.Tax Policies on Venture Capital in Taiwan and its Revelations;台湾创业投资税收政策及其启示

2.The analysis oftax policies which deal with economical development slows down应对经济增速减缓的税收政策分析

3.China has introduced a series oftax policies related with disposable wooden chopsticks from .阐述了以来中国出台的一系列有关一次性木筷的税收政策。

3)taxation policy税收政策

1.Discussion on the Role of Point of Innovative Development of Binhai New Area under Taxation Policy Holding Out;税收政策支持滨海新区创新发展的作用点初探

2.Trade Deficit,Fiscal Deficit and Taxation Policy of the U.S in New Century;新世纪美国的贸易逆差、财政赤字与税收政策

3.The present condition of taxation shoulder and the choice oftaxation policy in our country;我国税收负担现状与税收政策的选择

4)revenue policy税收政策

1.This paper states the necessity of adjusting countryrevenue policy properly, points out that revenue is important factor of ensuring country economic develop well.论述了适度调整国家税收政策的必要性 ;阐明税负的轻重 ,是关系到国民经济能否持继健康发展的重要因素 ;并在公平税负、涵养税源、完善税收制度等方面阐述了自己的观

2.Due to different level of the economic development, economic resources advantages and economic internationalization, every country establishes individualrevenue policy of international investment fit for their economic policy, certainly focusing on different revenue policies.由于各国经济发展水平、经济资源优势和经济国际化程度不同,各国都制定符合各自经济政策目标的国际投资税收政策,采取的税收优惠政策的侧重点也各不相同。

3.The present paper,on the basis of therevenue policy,puts forward the measures for how to promote the development of software enterprises and perfect the related tax preference.从税收政策角度出发 ,就如何促进软件企业的发展 ,完善相关的税收优惠政策 ,提出了改进的思路和对

5)taxation policies税收政策

1.The Research on the Impact of the Implementation of China s Taxation Policies on the Transmission Mechanism and Its Countermeasures;我国税收政策执行对传导机制的影响及对策研究

2.In this paper we study thetaxation policies of non-profit scientific research institutions in developed countries by taking America、Japan and Germany as examples.分析了以美国、德国和日本为典型代表的发达国家非营利科研机构的税收政策。

3.Supply-side school and Keynesian school have differenttaxation policies to manage inflation,casting light on the management of inflation in China.供应学派和凯恩斯学派对治理通货膨胀有不同的税收政策,对我国当前治理通货膨胀有一定的借鉴意义。

6)tax policy税收政策

1.Analysis oftax policy problem based on the petroleum security in our country;基于中国石油安全的税收政策分析

2.Phase report ontax policy research for profitable hospitals/study group fortax policy research for profitable hospitals;营利性医院税收政策研究阶段报告

3.A study ontax policy to increase of employment;促进就业的税收政策研究


