900字范文 > 水税 water taxation英语短句 例句大全

水税 water taxation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-28 04:26:07


水税 water taxation英语短句 例句大全

水税,water taxation

1)water taxation水税

1.Based on the theories and experiences concerning the levy ofwater taxation, it puts forward a basic framework for constructingwater taxation system of China.本文在分析太湖水污染现状的基础上,通过阐述现行排污收费制度的不足,结合开征水税的理论依据,借鉴国外征收水税的经验,提出了构建我国水税体系的基本框架。

2.Based on analysis of the current situation of water pollution,combined with theoretical basis for the collection ofwater taxation,awater taxation system was put forward to contain water resources tax and water pollution tax.在分析水污染现状的基础上,结合开征水税的理论依据,提出水税体系包含水资源税和水污染税,通过价格机制促使水资源实现价值最大化,从而实现水资源的有效配置;我国水税体系主要应从税基、税收主体、征税对象、征税环节、税率、征税手段、纳税期限等方面来实现保护水资源的目的。


1.All the states that impose a tax on wages and salaries have a withholding system that is similar to the one used in the federal income tax system. State tax rates are generally much lower than the federal rates.征收工资及薪水税的各州都实行与联邦所得税制相似的预扣税制,州税税率一般都远比联邦税低。

2.The Research on Our Country Tax Negative Level and Policy on Lowering the Tax of the Business Enterprise;我国税负水平与降低企业税负的税改研究

3.slash prices [taxes, salaries]大幅削减价格 [税金,薪水]

4.Housing a secondary tax: State Administration of Taxation is flame Construction is water?二手房个税:国税局是火焰建设部是海水?

parative Research on the Foreign Taxation System of Water Pollution AND Construction of The System in China;国外水污染税制度比较及构建我国水污染税制的设想

6."Tax for fees reform": realization of substitution of water resources fee collecting institution by water resources protection tax;费改税:实现水资源保护税制对水资源费征收制度的替代

7.They want a return of salaries tax to2002-03 levels.他们希望薪俸税返回2002-03年度水平。

8.The simple average of China"s import duties in 2000 was 16.4 per cent.中国2000年进口关税的平均水平为16.4%。

9.Low revenue productivity and minimal revenue growth.低税收水平,和很小的增长。

10.The government has deducted taxes from out pay checks all year.政府整年从我们薪水支票里扣税。

11.You should have declared that. Perfume is not exempt from import duty.“你刚才应该申报,香水要上进口税的。”

12.He bought his wife a bottle of perfume in the duty - free shop.他在免税商店为妻子买了一瓶香水。

13.Stability Level and Measurement of FDI after the Incorporation of Two Sets of Enterprise Income Tax Laws;“两税合一”后FDI稳定状态水平与测度

14.On the Contributions of Social Security Tax to the Social Security System in China;设立社会保障税 提高社会保障水平

15.On necessity of "Tax for fees reform" of water resources fee in rural areas;论农村水资源费“费改税”改革的必要性

16.Rational Choice and Optimal Approach of Macro Tax Burden Level in China;我国宏观税收负担水平的选择和优化

17.Nontariff Barrier:Challenge to Chinese Aquatic Product Export;非关税壁垒:中国水产品出口的挑战

18.The Aquatic Products Quality Management for Free-Custom Barrier;从非关税壁垒看水产行业的质量管理


water resources tax水资源税

3)water resources taxes水源税

1.The paper gave a systematic introduction to two compensation systems for forest ecological benefits: Japanese protection forest system andwater resources taxes system.系统介绍了日本的保安林制度和水源税制度等2种森林生态效益补偿制度,对我国森林生态补偿制度存在的问题进行了分析,借鉴日本的经验,提出了加大宣传力度,提高全社会对森林生态效益的认识;建立多渠道、多层次的资金筹措机制;进一步完善配套措施,建立多途径、多方式的补偿机制;建立损失评价制度,提高补偿标准;理顺管理体制,明确补偿重点等政策建议。

4)tax duty level税负水平

1.This text analyzes the affection of internal control to anti-dumping enterprises tax duty theoretical firstly,and at the foundation of the questionnaire investigate enterprises which involving the anti-dumping,we have a substantial relation examination between internal control and anti-dumping enterprises crediting degree andtax duty level.从理论上分析了内部控制对反倾销企业税负的影响,并在涉诉反倾销企业问卷调查的基础上,又对内部控制与反倾销企业采信度和税负水平进行了实证检验。

5)Tariff level关税水平

6)tax rate level税率水平

1.There are three aspects on this problem,that is,a reasonabletax rate level of our enterprise income tax,the treatment of the foreign enterprises and a perfect income tax policy to the foreign investment.现阶段 ,我国企业所得税制的国际协调主要涉及到三个方面的问题 ,即合理确定我国企业所得税的税率水平、对外资企业贯彻国民待遇原则以及完善对外投资的所得税政


