900字范文 > 政府经济职能 government economic function英语短句 例句大全

政府经济职能 government economic function英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-15 07:21:51


政府经济职能 government economic function英语短句 例句大全

政府经济职能,government economic function

1)government economic function政府经济职能

1.These factors hav e resulted in the great differences ofgovernment economic functions between Chi na and the Western countries after 1949.中国近代政府经济职能的演进与欧美相比 ,起点不同、处境不同、经济发展阶段不同 ,因此导致了 194 9年以后政府经济职能的巨大差异。

2.The position ofgovernment economic function directly relate to one country s development.一国政府经济职能定位的合理与否,直接关系到一国经济的发展。

3.Therefore, study localgovernment economic functions have not only practical significance but also theories value.西部地区政府在经济发展中的重要性主要表现在其经济职能上:一方面,政府在推动西部地区经济发展进程中,宏观上起到指导、引导和调控的作用,提升政府经济职能对西部地区经济发展具有积极的促进作用;另一方面,西部地区在经济发展过程中又不可避免地会引起经济体中各部分、各利益群体之间的矛盾、冲突等一系列问题,这就需要政府拥有更有力、有效的能力来处理和协调。


1.On the Relations Between the Governmental Economic Function and the Governmental Non-economic Function;论政府经济职能与非经济职能的关系

2.The Study of Government Function in the Economic Development of Japan;日本经济发展中政府经济职能的研究

3.Re- positioning of Government s Economic Function under the New Economy;论新经济下政府经济职能的重新定位

4.Correctly Carrying out Economic Function of Governments and Promoting Economic Soaring;正确行使政府经济职能促进经济腾飞

5.A Study on the Economical Function and theEconomical Behavior of the Local Governments;地方政府经济职能和经济行为的思考

6.The Definition of Government Economy Function in Transition Period;论转轨时期我国政府经济职能的界定

7.Analysis on the Economical Roles of Agriculture-dominated Counties Governments;农业主导县政府经济职能的角色分析

8.The Orientation,Out of Place and Restoration of the Economy Duty of the Township Office;乡级政府经济职能的定位、错位与复位

9.Government economical function: The historical development and the reality construction;政府经济职能:历史发展与现实建构

10.The Innovation of Government s Economic Function in the Process of Constructing a Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会与政府经济职能的创新

11.The five underlying points for the transition of economic functions of Liaoning government;辽宁政府经济职能转变的五个着力点

12.New Choice for Our Government to Make in Changing its Economic Function at Present;当前我国政府经济职能转变的新抉择

13.The Relationship between Political and Economical Functions of the Government略论政府政治职能与经济职能的关系

14.Basic function and direct function of government intervention of economy;政府干预经济的基本职能和直接职能

15.Research on the Economic Function of Government in Market Economy;市场经济条件下政府的经济职能研究

16.Urban management:the special economic function of city government;城市经营:城市政府的特殊经济职能

17.A Study of Government Function and Financing under the Market Economy;市场经济条件下政府职能与政府融资的研究

18.Reform the macroeconomic administration, transform the functions of government.(四)革宏观经济管理方式,转变政府职能。


government"s economic function政府经济职能

3)governmental economic function政府经济职能

1.In the process of transformation ofgovernmental economic function,there has appeared social injustice due to institutional defects.在政府经济职能转化过程中,制度上的缺陷导致了大量的社会不公。

2.The analysis of these reasons will serve as an important enlightenment for the correct division of our country sgovernmental economic function.这些原因的分析 ,对我国正确界定政府经济职能有着重要的启示。

4)economic function of government政府经济职能

5)government economy function政府经济职能

1.The Definition of Government Economy Function in Transition Period;论转轨时期我国政府经济职能的界定

6)theory of government economy function政府经济职能理念

1.Since modern times, it has been different aevolvement process between Chinese and the Western developed countries, about thetheory of government economy function.近代以来,关于政府经济职能理念的演进,中国与西方发达国家有各自的演化过程。


