900字范文 > 节约型政府 Economizing Government英语短句 例句大全

节约型政府 Economizing Government英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-24 00:07:30


节约型政府 Economizing Government英语短句 例句大全

节约型政府,Economizing Government

1)Economizing Government节约型政府

1.Economizing Government:Rational Selection of Governmental Pattern;节约型政府:政府范式的理性选择

2.The Path Research on Constructing theEconomizing Government;构建节约型政府途径研究

3.This article analyzes the fixed position of an economizing government from four aspects: cheap government,limited government,effective government and legal government,in order to provide the target direction for constructing the economizing government.从廉价政府、有效政府、有限政府、法治政府四方面探讨节约型政府的定位,为节约型政府的构建提供目标导向;通过分析、结合构建路径中的行政生态,提出构建我国节约型政府的几条路径。


1.A Study on the Development of the Theory of Inexpensive Government and the Establishment of Resource-efficient Government;发展廉价政府理论 构建节约型政府

2.A Study on Chinese Administrative Cost from the View of Saving-type Government节约型政府视野下我国政府行政成本研究

3.A Study on the Theory of "Economical Government" by Karl Marx and the Establishment of Resource-efficient Government in Our Country马克思的廉价政府理论与我国节约型政府建设

4.Practice-construction of Resource-efficient Government:five-force Integration;“节约型政府”实践建构:“五力合一”

5.The construction economy government advocates the ethical spirit strength;建设节约型政府 崇尚道德精神力量

6.The Value Orientation of the Energy-saving Government and its Construction;节约型政府的价值取向及其构建路径

7.Historical and Realistic Analyses on the Construction of an Economizing Government;建构“节约型政府”的历史与现实之辩

8.Government s Management innovation:from the Economized Government to the Cheap Government;政府管理创新:从建设节约型政府到打造廉价政府

9.A Study on Economy Government in the Framework of Public Finance;公共财政框架下节约型政府构建问题探讨

10.On Controlling China s Administrative Expenditure and Establishing an Economized Society;关于控制行政管理成本建设节约型政府的思考

11.Administrative Costs and Building System of Saving Type Government;从行政成本看节约型政府的制度体系构建

12.The Economical Government: the Practice of Marxist Inexpensive Government in China--Inspiration from Civil War in France;节约型政府:马克思廉价政府思想在中国的践行——读《法兰西内战》有感

13.Taking Harmony between Governments and the Nature as a Key Ideal of Building an Economizing Government;政府与自然的和谐是建设节约型政府的核心理念

14.Role Positioning and Road Selection of the Building of Economized Government;建设节约型政府的角色定位与路径选择

15.The "Face" Economy of Leading Cadres and the Dilemma in Building a Thrifty-type Government;领导干部“面子经济”与构建节约型政府的困境

16.Constructing a Resource Efficient Government:the Perspective of PM;论建构节约型政府——公共管理语境之检视

17.Tang Hao reports on how government waste threatens conservation.唐昊报道“浪费型政府”对“节约型社会”发展的制约。

18.The Government Should Foster Six kinds of Awareness in Building a Conservation-Minded Society;建设节约型社会政府应树立六大意识


economy government节约型政府

1.Analysis of Obstacle and Countermeasures of the Constitution of Economy Government;节约型政府构建的障碍与对策分析

2.It is very significant to control government s executive cost and build aneconomy government.目前,我国正处于从传统的计划经济体制向市场经济体制过渡的转型时期,中国政府行政成本居高不下,浪费严重的问题十分突出,必须建设节约透明、服务高效、廉洁诚信的政府,控制政府的行政成本、建设节约型政府。

3)resource-efficient government节约型政府

1.The construction ofresource-efficient government should seek for the integration route of social pressure,technology thrust,theoretical gravitation and cultural driving force these four external forces and governmental power this inner drive."节约型政府"是当今中国行政学界进行理论建构的一个范式,也是我国政府管理的一个实践模式。

4)Economical government节约型政府

1.The establishment of economical government is one of the most important aspects in founding the economical society.节约型政府构建是节约型社会建设的题中之义。

2.In the perspective of constructing an economical government this paper probes the essence of an economical government,stresses the necessity of constructing an economical government,the critical role of the government and offers some related countermeasures.本文主要从建设节约型政府视角入手,在分析节约型政府内涵的基础上,着重阐述节约型政府建设的必然性,强调其在节约型社会建设中的关键作用,并进一步提出建设节约型政府的对策。

5)saving type government节约型政府

1.Administrative costs remained high is the main obstruction of buildingsaving type government.构建节约型政府的最大障碍就是行政成本居高不下,造成这一问题的根本原因在于"制度缺失"。

2.This text explains the essence of thesaving type government from three visual angles of clean government,practical governments,environmental governments first.本文先从廉洁型政府、务实型政府、生态型政府这个三视角对节约型政府的本质进行阐述;然后进一步对建设节约型政府的必要性进行分析,最后给出了建设节约型政府的若干路径。

6)A Thorough Analysis on an Economizing Government节约型政府透析


