900字范文 > 政府作用 government function英语短句 例句大全

政府作用 government function英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-03 16:04:51


政府作用 government function英语短句 例句大全

政府作用,government function

1)government function政府作用

1.New Rural Reconstruction:Government Function Inevitably Choice——The Analysis Based on City and Countryside Gambling Angle of View under City andCountryside overall Plan Development;新农村建设:政府作用的必然选择——基于城乡博弈视角下城乡统筹发展的分析

2.Discussion ongovernment functions in western private economic development;西部发展民营经济中政府作用探究

3.Then, the paper expounds the necessity of thegovernment function from the point of market failure.本文首先简要地介绍了循环经济的含义及特征,接着从市场对资源、环境配置存在失灵的角度论证了循环经济中政府作用的必要性,进而讨论了循环经济中政府作用形式(纠正市场对资源、环境配置存在的失灵;教育、培训;规划、协调;制定和实施法律、法规)及对政府作用的规范(包括规范的必要与规则);最后,对我国政府在循环经济中的作用提出政策建议。


1.Governmental Function in the Policy Implementation of Independent Innovation;自主创新政策执行中的政府作用研究

2.Research on the Government s Role in the Regional S&T Cooperation;我国区域科技合作中的政府作用研究

3.The Traveling Region Cooperation between Jilin and Changchun under the Government s Effect;长春-吉林旅游区域合作与政府作用

4.Research on the Roles of Government in the Process of Privatization of the Public Utility;公用事业民营化过程中政府作用初探

5.Intergovernmental Working Group on Support Costs支助费用政府间工作组

6.Intergovernmental Working Group on Overhead Costs间接费用政府间工作组


8.coordinate the function of govenment agencies调整政府机构的作用

9.The Exploratory of the NGOs Function in the Construction of the Service Style Government;非政府组织在服务型政府建设中的作用探析

10.Seamless government and service government construction;无缝隙政府理论在服务型政府建设中的作用

11.On the Promoter Action of Government in Movie & TV-induced Tourism--Illustrated by the Case of Korea论政府对影视旅游的促进作用——以韩国政府为例

12.The government" s policies are beginning to tell.政府的政策开始发挥作用了.

13.Administration according to Law and Promotion of Government s Performance;论依法行政在提升政府能力中的作用

14.The Risky Investment and Local Government s Role;风险投资与地方政府财政的作用定位

15.Reinforcing the Role of the Government in Promoting and Guiding Quality Control;强化政府质量工作的推动和引导作用

16.Role of Government to Play in Constructing Social Credit System;论政府在社会信用体系建设中的作用

17.The government have set up a work party to look Into the problem of drug abuse政府已成立工作组调查滥用毒品问题

18.Goverment has organise the team to investigate the abuse of drug.政府已成立工作组调查滥用毒品问题.


government role政府作用

1.The article,based on the analysis of thegovernment roles in technical innovation,such as in USA,Japan,France,Finland and India,proposes the measures and the suggestions on what roles the Chinese g.文章分析了美国、日本、法国、芬兰、印度等国技术创新过程中的政府作用,在此基础上,为我国在实施自主创新战略的过程中,政府应该起到什么样的作用提出了对策和建议。

2.From the risk control of Public-Private Partnership for Rail Transit,thegovernment role is discussed in this paper.其中政府作用对PPP模式风险控制的成败起关键作用。

3.From the theory as is stated above,by rethinking the development process of Taiwan Economy in recent 60 years,it can be found that being the fundamental components of the East Asian Innovation System,export orientation andgovernment role have been important from the beginning to end.以此理论视角重新审视60年来台湾经济发展的过程可以看出,作为东亚模式创新体系基本要素的"出口导向"、"政府作用"等始终发挥着重要作用,只是在时空背景发生巨大变化时,台湾当局没有进行相应的调整与变革,甚至反向作为,才使得台湾经济发生了由"奇迹"到"困境"的演变过程。

3)role of government政府作用

4)the role of government政府作用

1.Around in the new rural construction,the role of government in this paper is structured as follows:ChapterⅠ:New rural development play a role in the basis for the Government.但是,我国新农村建设中政府作用发挥不尽人意。

2.Based on the study of the tea industry chain about Xianzhizhujian in E\"meishan City,this thesis analyzes the ways that giving full playthe role of government to achieve the successful management of supply chain about the agricultural products.文章通过对峨眉山市仙芝竹尖茶叶产业链具体实践的调研,分析了通过发挥政府作用来实现农产品供应链管理的成功途径。

5)Government"s role政府作用

6)the role of the Qing government清政府作用


