900字范文 > 可译的相对性 relativity of translatability英语短句 例句大全

可译的相对性 relativity of translatability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-18 10:46:21


可译的相对性 relativity of translatability英语短句 例句大全

可译的相对性,relativity of translatability

1)relativity of translatability可译的相对性

2)relative possibility of translations翻译的相对可能性

1.Meanwhile, Croce believed that there exist resemblances between expressions or works of art, so he further proposed therelative possibility of translations.表现主义美学家克罗齐提出了“艺术即直觉、即表现”的理论 ,认为艺术表现是内在心灵的直觉活动 ,艺术不可分类 ,由此他提出了翻译的不可能性 ;同时 ,克罗齐认为不同的表现品或艺术作品之中存在着类似点 ,由此他又提出了翻译的相对可能性。

3)Relative untranslatability相对不可译

4)relativity of stylistic translation风格翻译的相对性

5)relativity of translation criteria翻译标准的相对性

1.This thesis adopts a dynamic approach to study therelativity of translation criteria from the perspective of context.本论文从动态语境的角度探讨了翻译标准的相对性。


1.A Look into the Relativity and Multiplicity ofTranslation Criteria in the Light of Peter Newmark s Text Category Theory;从纽马克的文本范畴理论看翻译标准的相对性和多重性

2.On the Dynamic State and Relativity of Faithfulness Criterion;论翻译“忠实”标准的动态发展和相对性

3.An intermediary style is exhibited through the strata in translation, which is a comparatively objective criterion for evaluation.孤立文本文体风格的中介现象在翻译上表现为翻译的层次性,它是评价译文相对客观的标准。

4.On Similarity in Function and Correspondence in Meaning;评“功能相似,语义相符”的翻译标准

5.On the criteria of literary translation;论文学翻译的文学性——兼论文学翻译的标准

6.Delicate Balances of Standards in English-Chinese Translation;细品翻译个中味——从感性层面把握翻译的标准

7.Abstract and Specific Characters in Translation Standards;关于翻译标准的哲学思考——论翻译标准的抽象性与具体性

8.Translation Criterion:Multiple,Dynamic and Fuzzy;翻译标准的多元性、动态性和模糊性

9.Interpretation Standard Comparability and Otherness in Different Kind of Language Expression;不同语言表达类型的翻译标准及其相似性与差异性

10.Skopostheorie--the Breakthrough and Development of Equivalence;翻译标准目的论——对等论的突破与发展

11.Skopostheorie-the Breakthrough and Development of Equivalence;翻译标准目的论:对等论的突破与发展

12.Iconicity Criterion of Translation in the Context of Postmodernism;后现代语境中翻译的“像似性”标准

13.The Pluralism of Literary Translation Standards in the Context of Reception Theory;从接受理论看文学翻译标准的多元性

14.From Fidelity to Rational Pluralism:the Construction of Translation Criteria从“忠实”到“理性多元”:翻译标准的构建

15.The Influence of Social Factors on Choosing Translation Standard;浅谈社会因素对翻译标准选择的影响

16.A Probe into the Features,Criteria and Requirements of Scientific and Technological Translation对科技翻译特点、标准及要求的探讨

17.A Probe into the Absoluteness and Relativity of Translation from the Three Domains in Translation从翻译的三个认知域论翻译的绝对性与相对性

18.Translation Standard and the Purpose, Receptors and Text Type - A Review of Yan Fu s Theory of Translation;翻译标准与翻译目的、对象和语篇类型——重温严复的译论


relative possibility of translations翻译的相对可能性

1.Meanwhile, Croce believed that there exist resemblances between expressions or works of art, so he further proposed therelative possibility of translations.表现主义美学家克罗齐提出了“艺术即直觉、即表现”的理论 ,认为艺术表现是内在心灵的直觉活动 ,艺术不可分类 ,由此他提出了翻译的不可能性 ;同时 ,克罗齐认为不同的表现品或艺术作品之中存在着类似点 ,由此他又提出了翻译的相对可能性。

3)Relative untranslatability相对不可译

4)relativity of stylistic translation风格翻译的相对性

5)relativity of translation criteria翻译标准的相对性

1.This thesis adopts a dynamic approach to study therelativity of translation criteria from the perspective of context.本论文从动态语境的角度探讨了翻译标准的相对性。


1.On Translatability and Untranslatability;试论翻译的可译性与不可译性


