900字范文 > 相对性原理 Principle of relativity英语短句 例句大全

相对性原理 Principle of relativity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-16 08:14:44


相对性原理 Principle of relativity英语短句 例句大全

相对性原理,Principle of relativity

1)Principle of relativity相对性原理

1.The derivation methods of Lorentz transformation according to invariance of light speed and principle of relativity are commented.评论了仅仅依据光速不变假设和相对性原理推导洛伦兹变换公式的方法。

2.We analyze the Euclidean assumption on rigid ruler in a kind of inertial systems without relative motions in special relativity, and the inconsistencies of the principle of relativity with cosmology in Einstein’s theory of relativity.本文分析爱因斯坦相对论中关于一类没有相对运动的惯性系中刚性量杆的欧氏假定,以及相对性原理与宇宙学间的不协调。

3.This paper analyses the relationship between principle of relativity and spatial symmetry,and points out that to destroy the inflexibility of the physical laws is inevitably destroy the evenness and symmetry of time and space.本文分析了相对性原理与空间对称性的关系 ,指出物理规律不变性的破坏必然是时空空间的均匀性、对称性的破


1.Einstein"s principle of relativity爱因斯坦相对性原理

2.relatively principle of Galilei-Newton牛顿-伽利略相对性原理

3.The priciple of acceleration relativization and the principle of force relativization was deduced.引出了加速度相对性原理和力相对性原理.

4.It seems at first to be irreconcilable with the principle of relativity.初看起来,这一条好象与相对性原理是不相容的。

5.The Principle of Linguistic Relativity: Its Origin,Theoretical Evolution and Conceptions;语言相对性原理:理论背景、演变及其含义表述

6.Applying the Principle of Relativity into Operation Sequence;物理学相对性原理在作业排序中的应用

7.Study of Faraday’s Law,its proportional constant and Einstein’s Relativity principle;法拉弟定律及其常数与相对性原理的考验

8.The Theory of Phase-Inversion Symmetric Modulation and the Correlation of Noise;反相对称法的基本原理及噪声相关性的研究

9.Similar Future and Future Similarity--Reflections on the application of Similarity Principle in Social Forecasting;相似的未来与未来的相似——对相似性原理运用于社会预测的思考

10.Etiology of intestinal nutrition related diarrhea and its nursing肠内营养相关性腹泻原因分析及护理对策

11.The Effects of Algebra Schemata on the Access of Principles;代数图式相似性对样例迁移中原理通达的影响


13.Relativistic universal D′Alembert principle of the rotational variable mass system;转动变质量系统的相对论性万有D′Alembert原理

14.Research on simularity principles and requirements for complex-system复杂系统相似性原理与相似条件研究

15.A similarity dynamics equation and a relative dynamics equation of an elastic rotation shaft with twin sides based on the theory of relativity are built in this paper.基于相对论性原理建立了二端面弹性转轴的动力学方程、对动力学方程及相似动力学方程。

16.About the found of Relativity and the theory of Truth Relativity;关于“相对论”的建立与真理的相对论原理

17.Relativistic Theoretical Study on the Radiative and Non-radiative Processes of Complex Atoms;复杂原子的辐射和非辐射跃迁特性的相对论理论研究

18.Correlative Study of Coping Style and State-trait Anxiety with Mental Health in Military Personnel in Tibet;西藏高原军人应对方式、状态特质焦虑与心理健康的相关性研究


relativity principle相对性原理

1.The derivation of Lorentz transformation in absence ofrelativity principle;不用相对性原理推导洛仑兹变换

2.In this paper it is explained thatrelativity principle and covariance requirement were one and the same idea.相对性原理就是协变性要求,服从相对性原理就是满足协变性要求。

3.The paper dis cusses the relation of gauge transformation,relativity principle and symmetric destruction in vacuum and Prones the mechanism of symmetric destruction in vacuum.本文就规范变换,相对性原理与真空对称性破缺之间的关系进行了论述,并讨论了真空对称性破缺的机制。


1.Generally speaking,it consists of the relativity of investigative objects and the relativity of investigative results.本文从理论与实践两个层面对这两种观点进行了正反比较 ,提出了较为科学的态度 ,进而升华为侦查的相对性原理。

4)the principle of relativity相对性原理

1.It is proved that the transformation between two inertial coordinate systems determined bythe principle of relativity in mechanics is linear, and if the variety of initial condition are not considered,the transformation is unique:it is the Galilean transformation.论述了问题:由相对性原理所决定的惯性系之间的数学变换一定是线性的,而且除了初始条件不同外,这种变换是唯一的,即伽利略变换

2.Based onthe principle of relativity, this essay discusses the operation sequence.用物理学相对性原理讨论生产作业排序问题,结果显示,新方法要比SPT和EDD更加有效和稳定。

5)principle of general relativity广义相对性原理

6)relativity principle of mechanics力学相对性原理

1.Law of conservation of mechanical energy obeys therelativity principle of mechanics;机械能守恒定律服从力学相对性原理

2.In this paper it is explained that the law of conservation of mechanical energy must Obey therelativity principle of mechanics.文章系统地阐明了机械能守恒定律无条件服从力学相对性原理,若总机械能在一个惯性系守恒,它就在所有惯性系守恒。

3.It is explained that the law of conservation of mechanical energy obeysrelativity principle of mechanics.系统地阐明机械能守恒定律无条件服从力学相对性原理 。


