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抄板 Lifting flights英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-24 13:22:47


抄板 Lifting flights英语短句 例句大全

抄板,Lifting flights

1)Lifting flights抄板


1.Study on Granule Transport in a Horizontal Drum with Inclined Flights;带倾斜抄板的水平转鼓内的颗粒输送特性研究

2.Please copy the sentence on the blackboard.请把句子抄在黑板上。

3.He copied the notes down from the blackboard.他把要点从黑板上抄下来。

4.Study on Improving Drainage Property of Asbestos Latex Sheets改善石棉胶乳抄取板滤水性能的研究

5.The Utilization of PAM Strenth Agent on Kraft PaperboardPAM增干强剂在牛皮箱板纸抄造中的应用

6.A Study on Improving Retention and Drainage Performance of Asbestos-free Latex Sealing Sheets提高无石棉胶乳抄取板助留助滤性能的研究

7.In her student days, when she was copying from the blackboard in class, she had to wear glasses, because among her classmates there was no one she knew well enough from whom she could borrow a notebook to copy.在学生时代,上课抄黑板,非戴眼镜不可; 因为她所认识的男同学,都够不上借笔记转抄的交情。

8.The notes should not be a simple copy of what is written on the white/ blackboard.所记的笔记不应该只是原封不动的抄下课堂板书。

9.Books were written by scribes until block printing was invented in the eighth century.直到8世纪中唐时期雕板印刷术发明之前,书籍都是靠人手抄的。

10.The teacher wrote the sums on the board, and the children copied them down in their exercise books.老师把算术题写在黑板上, 学生再抄写在自己的练习本上.

11.The teacher wrote the sum on the board, and the children copied them down in their exercise books老师把算术题写在黑板上,学生再抄写在自己的练习本上

12.The teacher write the sum on the board, and the children cop them down in their exercise book老师把算术题写在黑板上, 学生再抄写在自己的练习本上

13.He wrote the words on the board and some of the students automaticaly wrote them down in their notebooks.他把这些词写在黑板上,有些学生随手把它们抄在笔记本上。

14.When you" ve copied down the exercise that" s on the blackboard, we" ll go on with the next one.等你们抄好黑板上的这道练习题,我们继续做下一道练习。

15.A copy, as of a book.抄本如一本书的抄本

16.They only have six plots, but they swap them round a bit.就六个情节,抄来抄去的。

17.Using either the dimension print or by measuring the distance between the center lines of the holes on one leg transcribe these dimensions onto floor/Base plate.利用每个尺寸图或测量每个支柱上中心线之间的距离,将其抄写在地面/底板上。

18.Intending to12) jolt him away from the13) deadly14) current, she15) whacked him with a16) handy17) plank of wood by the back door, breaking his arm in two places.为了救他于危难之中,她就近从后门边上抄起一块厚木板照他劈去,把他的胳膊劈成两段。


the style of material dispersion plate抄板型式

3)Spiral-Angle Lifting Flight螺旋抄板

4)sight rail抄平砚板

5)folder stock湿抄浆板

6)wet machine board湿抄纸板


