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起吊 lifting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-19 01:45:37


起吊 lifting英语短句 例句大全



1.Through an engineering practice, this paper presented the techniques of headframelifting, and discussed a series of problems occurred in the process of headframelifting.通过实际工程实例,对井架的起吊工艺进行了有针对性的叙述;同时,对起吊过程中出现的一系列问题,做出了积极的讨论。


1.crane:To hoist or move with or as if with a crane."起吊,吊运:用起重机或用类似起重机提升或移动."

2.The king commanded the guards to raise the drawbridge.国王命令卫兵升起吊桥。

3.sling [lash, put up] a hammock吊挂 [系绑,挂起] 吊床

4.To pull, draw, drag, or hoist.拉,拖,拽,或吊起

5.They hoist cargo with a crane.他们用起重机吊起货物。

6.We lifted the load by means of a crane.我们用起重机吊起重物。

7.lift the load by means of a crane用起重机把重物吊起.

8.raised the loads with a crane.用起重机把货物吊起

9.The log was hauled up by a crane.木头用起重机吊起来。

10.length of rope,strap,chain,etc looped round an object(eg a barrel)to support or lift it吊具,吊索, 吊链(用以悬挂或提起物体,如圆桶的).

11.The truck crane( gantry crane, tower crane, mobile slewing crane, bridge crane, crawler crane) can lift a weight of15 tons.这台汽车起重机(门吊、式吊、臂汽车吊、式吊、带式起重机)吊起15吨的重物。

12.Lifting hooks--Inspection of shank hook in serviceGB10051.3-1988起重吊钩直柄吊钩使用检查

13.Frenzen"s Car is lifted by crane.弗伦岑的车被吊车吊了起来。

14.The crane uplifted the car and moved it to a safer place.吊车吊起小汽车放到安全的地方。

15.Lifting hooks--Technical conditions of shank hookGB/T10051.2-1988起重吊钩直柄吊钩技术条件

16.They built a crane capable of lifting 150 tons.他们造了一台能吊起150吨重量的吊车。

17.The castle gate was shut, the bridge was drawn up.城堡大门已闭,桥已吊起。

18.Materials are elevated to the top floor by a hoist.材料由起重机吊到顶楼。



1.Based on thinking over the extension of the slings and the hooks movement,We put forward the precise calculation method of the internal force of the slings and the status of thelifting hooks whenlifting heavy eccentricity object using the doublelifting hooks.本文在考虑吊钩受力后吊索伸长、吊钩运动的基础上 ,提出了采用双钩吊钩起吊大型偏心重件时吊索内力及吊钩状态计算的精确方法 ,为吊装方案的设计提供了可靠的依据 ,并且分析了不同偏心大小和不同吊索长度时不考虑吊索伸长对吊索内力的影响。

2.The article introduces a basic analytic method of force condition of a water cooled wall of large capacity boiler when it islifting.介绍一种对大型锅炉水冷壁起吊受力状态分析计算的基本力学分析方法。

3)P/U pick up吊起


5)Locking Device for Hoisting起吊锁具

1.Design and Application of ALocking Device for Hoisting;一种起吊锁具的设计与应用

6)lift up rapidly快速起吊


