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举升 lifting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-22 23:01:12


举升 lifting英语短句 例句大全



1.But in the production process,the scaling oflifting system can lead to the pump stucking,the rod parting increasing and the pump inspection interval shorting,which has affected the production percentage and oil displacement effect seriously.三元复合驱具有驱油效果好、采收率高的优点,但在生产过程中,由于举升系统结垢造成油井卡泵、杆断现象多,检泵周期短,严重影响了油井的生产时率和驱油效果。

2.As for the current problems existed in thelifting technology in Lu Kewin oilfield, the study on rheological characteristic and viscosity-temperature characteristics of heavy oil was conducted.针对鲁克沁油田目前举升工艺存在的问题,通过对稠油流变性和粘温性的研究,确定采用潜油电泵举升技术开采,产量大幅度提高。


1.automatic bilge block自动定位及举升舭墩

2.Inspect basket hoisting rings frequently for rigns of rust; Replace basket if rings are heavily corroded.经常检查装置举升环是否有生锈;如果举升环被严重腐蚀了,得重新更换举升环。

3.Robot Lifting Arm Electric-Hydrauiic Control Reasearch Based on DSP;基于DSP的机器人举升臂电液控制研究

4.Optimization of Hinge Point for Direct-lift Construction;直顶式举升机构铰支点位置优化设计

5.Optimum design of column for large dynamic sculpture lifting framework大型动态雕塑举升框架立柱优化设计

6.Lift Device on Waste Container of Rear Compression Refuse Collector后装压缩式垃圾车挂桶举升装车装置

7.The field application of water-soluble gas lifting technology in Sanhu area三湖地区水溶气举升工艺的现场应用

8.Design of Hydraulic System for the Lifting Mechanism of Mobile Rader Antenna一种机动雷达天线液压举升系统设计

9.Now electromagnetic type and manual type lifting control valves are commonly used in flat-cab dumpers.目前在平头自卸汽车上应用较多的是电磁举升操纵阀和手动举升操纵阀。

10.The secondary elevating mechanism is equipped with pneumatic or manual device for customers to choose.二次举升机构配置油动或气动机构,供用户选择。

11.An Influence of the Alteration of Oiljar Position of Dump Trucks on Maximum Lifting Angles自卸车油缸位置的改变对最大举升角的影响

12.intermittent gas - lift间歇气举, 间歇气升

13.Article13 When the National Flag is displayed, a Flag-hoisting ceremony may be held.第十三条升挂国旗时,可以举行升旗仪式。

14.a ceremony commemorating Pearl Harbor.学校每周举行升国旗仪式。

15.raise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help.升高或者举起或者好像用机械的帮助。

16.Immediately he was recommended for the grade of brigadier general.他立刻就被保举晋升为准将。

17.The Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study on an Air-lift Device;气举提升装置的理论分析和实验研究

18.Suvery of angiocardiopathy by theroy of Shengyangjuxian升阳举陷法治疗心血管疾病研究概况



1.With the application of PCS intelligence plungerlift technique,the gas wells renew their production without any additional power.在深入调查研究的基础上 ,开展了将油井上应用较为成熟的 PCS智能柱塞举升技术引入这些气井上的试验。

2.There often exist dangers when a tipper islifting body or riding.本文针对自卸车在车箱举升与行车方面易产生危险事故,设计一控线路以解决该问题。

3.The corresponding measure was produced according to characteristic of heavy dump truck that length is larger,and it has certain directive function for design oflifting system of heavy dump truck.通过对J5P自卸车的简要设计分析,针对长度较大的重型自卸车的特点,从举升系统的结构设计及液压设计方面提出了相应的措施,对重型自卸车的举升系统设计有一定参考作用。

3)elevate a turnable ladder升举

4)integral lifting整体举升

1.With previous successful experiences in lifting tanks with different sizes,the authors put forward anintegral lifting scheme for a 50000 m3 floating roof oil storage tank.借鉴不同容积油罐整体举升的成功经验,设计了50000 m3浮顶油罐的举升方案,针对不同工况的方案组合进行了稳定性和局部强度的校核计算,在方案的可行性研究方面提出了需要考虑的问题。

2.Using the successful experiences of oil tankintegral lifting in rece nt years for reference, the schemes ofintegral lifting for a 5×104 floating r oof tank are worked out, and through the verification calculations of stability and strength, the optimum scheme is determined.油罐整体举升技术与工艺能否应用于5万m3浮顶油罐,是继2万m3浮顶油罐成功举升之后又提出的新问题。

5)artificial lift technology举升技术

6)lift technology举升工艺

1.With the increasing of oil well and producing reserves, it is difficult for conventional artificiallift technology to meet the producing need.随着油井深度及稠油动用储量的增加,常规举升工艺已很难满足生产的需要。

2.The paper analyses the effect factors on ternary combination floodinglift technology,compare application conditions and economic benefit of three lift technologies in ternary combination flooding and select alift technology suited for ternary combination flooding.针对困扰三元复合驱举升工艺的因素进行分析 ,并将 3种举升工艺在三元复合驱的使用情况及经济效益进行对比 ,从中优选出适用于三元复合驱的举升工艺 ,为工业化推广提供依据。


