900字范文 > 《书法雅言》 Shu Fa Ya Yan英语短句 例句大全

《书法雅言》 Shu Fa Ya Yan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-27 02:52:46


《书法雅言》 Shu Fa Ya Yan英语短句 例句大全

《书法雅言》,Shu Fa Ya Yan

1)Shu Fa Ya Yan《书法雅言》

1.Family Background and the Idea of Aesthetics——The Family’s Influence on the Orthodox Idea ofShu Fa Ya Yan从家庭影响看《书法雅言》正宗观的形成


1.Family Background and the Idea of Aesthetics--The Family’s Influence on the Orthodox Idea of Shu Fa Ya Yan从家庭影响看《书法雅言》正宗观的形成

2.Shu Fa Ya Yan:Clarion Call in Calligraphy Circles of Late Ming to guard tradition《书法雅言》正宗观:晚明书坛捍卫传统的号角

3.The Different Understandings on Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance;解读严复、鲁迅、钱钟书三家言:“信、达、雅”

4.Reading good books helps to refine our speech.读一些好书有助于使我们的言谈更优雅。

5.Reading good Books helps to refine ones speech.阅读好的书籍有助于一个人的言谈文雅。

6.The Elegance And Beauty that Follows Closely to that of The Jin And Tang Dynasty--Discussing Shenyinmo s calligraphy;纯熟秀雅 直追晋唐——试论沈尹默书法

7.uneducated speech, handwriting缺乏修养的言语、 书法

8."The ancient Greek dialect of Attica, in which the bulk of classical Greek literature is written."雅加地语阿提卡的古希腊方言,绝大多数古希腊文学用该语书写

9.The original sacred texts are those of the Veda, mostly written in Sanskrit, the language of the Aryan invaders.最初的经文是《吠陀》,大部分用雅利安入侵者的语言梵文书写。

10.decorous behaviour, speech高雅的举止、 言谈.

11.refine one"s manners, taste, language使举止更优雅、 趣味更高雅、 语言更文雅.

12.A Study of the Formation of Calligraphic Individual Pen and Ink Language--Demonstration Analysis of Regular Script论书法艺术个性化笔墨语言的形成——以楷书为例

13.Language teachers often extract examples from grammar books.语言教师常从语法书里摘录例子。

14.A study on a training model of written language for college students with hearing impairment;浅谈聋人大学生书面语言的训练方法

15.Analyzing the Accuracy and Ambiguity Legal Document;浅析法律文书语言的精确性与模糊性

16.Language Areas: Study skills; listening; speaking; grammar; reading; writing; research, vocabulary; IELTS preparation.语言版块:学习技巧,听力,口语,语法,阅读,写作,分析,词汇,雅思备考。

17.Introduction: Description of the subject matter, style of presentation and uses of a book. See Foreword, Preface.例言(使用说明):说明书的内容、体裁或使用方法的文字。参阅前言,序言。

18.of or relating to Attica or its inhabitants or to the dialect spoken in Athens in classical times.属于或关于雅典、雅典居民、古雅典方言的。


《Comment on Calligraphy》《书法约言》

3)calligraphy language书法语言

4)Ya Yan雅言

1.An Analysis of the Chapter of "Confucius sYa Yan" in Analects;《论语》“子所雅言”章辩义

5)language of legal documents法律文书语言

6)Guang Ya Publishing House广雅书局


