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《法书考》 Fa shu kao英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-01 11:18:19


《法书考》 Fa shu kao英语短句 例句大全

《法书考》,Fa shu kao

1)Fa shu kao《法书考》

1.This article is divided into four chapters,give a preliminary study on Sheng ximing and his "Fa shu kao" of Yuan Dynasty.本文共分四章,对于元代盛熙明及其《法书考》进行了初步研究。

2)handwritng examination paper书法考核试卷

3)written test书面考试

1.In order to evaluate the knowledge level of rural doctor,the scores on thewritten test of 456 doctors in 72 township hospitals were analysed.对江西省 72所乡镇卫生院 45 6名医生进行书面考试 ,测试了乡镇卫生院医生掌握医学基础的知识、公共临床和预防保健知识及专业知识的水平 ,比较了不同性别、年龄、专业、学历、职称医生的笔试成绩差别 ,提出了增强医生知识素质的有关政策建议。


1.I"ve passed the written test; the interview is the next hurdle.我书面考试已经及格了, 下一个难关是面试.

2.At the end of the course there"s an hour"s written exam.课程结束时将有一个小时的书面考试。

3.Every time I write an examination I seem to let my own standards down.我每次书面考试,都似乎在降低我自己的标准。

4.A person seeking a driver"s license must usually pass a written exam, an eyesight check, and a driving test.要取得驾驶证的人一般必须通过书面考试、视力检查和驾驶考核。

5.That"s funny. Your oral English is the best, but you didn"t get good grades in a written exam.有意思。你的英语口语是最好的,但是在书面考试中却没有考高分。

plete all work assigned, and take all the tests and oral or written examinations given by the end of the term.完成所有作业,并参加所有的测验和期末的口头或书面考试。

7.English Writing Skills Test in NMET--New Topical Trend and Corresponding Attacking Strategies;高考英语书面表达的特点及应试策略

8.Investigation and Analysis of Written Competence in Advanced HSK Test高等HSK考试中学生书面语能力考察与分析

9.A Research on Reliability and Validity Comparison between Objective Written Expression Test and the Written Part of Chinese Proficiency Test(Advanced);客观性书面表达能力测验与HSK(高等)书面表达考试的信、效度研究

10.a written examination, request, message笔试、 书面请求、 书面信息

11.The medical exams are part written, part practical.医科考试一部分是书面形式,一部分是实践形式。

12.The BEC offers an internationally recognised qualification in English for business purposes.剑桥商务英语考试是一项全面考察考生商务英语的考试,其资格证书得到全球认可。

13.He did not assign any examinations or papers and his students were allowed to "grade" themselves.他并不布置什么考试或是书面作业,却让学生们自行“评分”。

14.General Certificate of Secondary Education Examination [GCSEE]综合中等教育证书考试

15.You can"t refer to your book when you are in the exam.考试时不能查阅书。

16.Candidates may not bring reference books into the examination room .参加考试者不准带参考书进入考

17.Candidates may not bring reference books into the examination room.参加考试者不准带参考书进入考场。

18.Thoughts on HBC Multi-level English Test;关于HBC英语口语等级证书考试的思考


handwritng examination paper书法考核试卷

3)written test书面考试

1.In order to evaluate the knowledge level of rural doctor,the scores on thewritten test of 456 doctors in 72 township hospitals were analysed.对江西省 72所乡镇卫生院 45 6名医生进行书面考试 ,测试了乡镇卫生院医生掌握医学基础的知识、公共临床和预防保健知识及专业知识的水平 ,比较了不同性别、年龄、专业、学历、职称医生的笔试成绩差别 ,提出了增强医生知识素质的有关政策建议。

4)reference books参考书

1.An Investigation into the Situation of Non-English Major Students Using English Reference Books;关于非英语专业学生使用英语参考书情况的调查与思考

2.The construction of the teachingreference books reserve is the most direct reflection of college and university library for serving teaching and scientific research.教学参考书系统的建设是高校图书馆服务教学、科研最直接的体现,本文就数字化时代加强具有专业特色的高校图书馆教学参考书数据库建设的现状、必要性、方法作一些探讨。

5)A Complete Collection of Ancient Books of Dubious Authenticity《伪书通考》

1.The Ideas and Contribution of Zhang Xincheng Falsehood Discrimination in hisA Complete Collection of Ancient Books of Dubious Authenticity;从《伪书通考》中考寻张心澂的辨伪学思想及贡献

6)postgraduate entrance test books考研用书

1.From library patrons?demand , this paper states the necessity of building specific bookshelves forpostgraduate entrance test books and discusses the benefits brought to the library patrons and books management.从读者需求的角度提出了建立考研用书专架的必要性,论述了考研用书专架的建立将给读者和图书管理带来的积极作用和现实意义。


