900字范文 > 《法言》 Fa Yan英语短句 例句大全

《法言》 Fa Yan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-11 07:26:01


《法言》 Fa Yan英语短句 例句大全

《法言》,Fa Yan

1)Fa Yan《法言》

1.Confucianism as the Main and Taoism as the Complementary——On the Ideational Characteristics of Yang Xiong sFa Yan;儒主道辅 本道兼儒——论扬雄《法言》的思想特征

2.Yang Xiong said in his Preface forFa Yan that hisFa Yan was writing for the imitation of the Analects, which aimed at carrying on the saint’s thoughts and criticize exponents of various schools of thoughts.扬雄在《法言》《序》中自称《法言》“象《论语》而作”,以标举圣人之道、纠合诸子为目的。


3)Fa Yan法言

1.On The Version and Circulation Of Yang Xiong’sFa Yan;扬雄《法言》的版本与流传

2.Discuss on Yang Xiong’s Book ofFa Yan Returning to Pre-Qin’s Confucianism;论扬雄《法言》对先秦儒学的回归

3.In contrast with the Analects,Fa Yan has its own special artistic styles for a large amount of descriptive language and many rhetorical tools employed, which enriches and propels the development of the prose.《法言》是扬雄拟《论语》而作的一部语录体散文著作。

4)Language Therapy语言疗法


1.Speech therpay occurs in the tub with a sibling.在澡盆和其它兄弟姐妹进行语言疗法。

2.method of verbal estimation言语评量法 言语评量法

3.Language: Arabic is the official language, French is spoken.语言:阿拉伯语为官方语言,通用法语。

4.Speech Therapy Services Section [Education Department]言语治疗服务组〔教育署〕

5.On the Contextual Features of Literary and Legal Languages论文学语言与法学语言的语境性特征

6.Language: French is the official language. Kabiye Ewe and Hausa are the national languages.语言:法语为官方语言,卡布列语、埃维语、豪萨语也为通用语言。

7.A syntax-directed compiling language.一种语法制导编译语言。

8.A specialist in grammar.语法专家,语言学专家

9.A Grammatical Institute of the English Language,英语语言文法规则,

10.debug support system command language syntax调试支持系统语言语法

11.(grammar) describing the structure of a language.(语法)描写语言的结构。

12.Language: Arabic is the official language, while French and English are widely spoken.语言:阿拉伯语为官方语言,通用法语和英语。

13.Language:Greek is the official language, French and English are also widely used.语言:希腊语为官方语言。法语和英语也通用。

14.Language: Danish is the official language. Faroese is spoken in the Faroe Islands.语言:官方语言为丹麦语。法罗群岛居民讲法罗语。

15.Law Language is a Technical One Different From National Language;法律语言是一种有别于自然语言的技术语言

16.Analysis of the effect of “two-step method" on aphasia in patients with acute cerebrovascular disease“两段法”治疗急性脑血管病言语障碍患者的效果分析

17.Language: French is the official language, Mossi and Dioula are widely spoken among many native dialects.语言:法语为官方语言,有很多民族语言,主要是莫西语和迪乌拉语。

18.Language: Bislama is the national language and the official languages are Bislama, English and French.语言:宪法规定比斯拉马语为国语,比斯拉马语、语和法语为官方语言。



3)Fa Yan法言

1.On The Version and Circulation Of Yang Xiong’sFa Yan;扬雄《法言》的版本与流传

2.Discuss on Yang Xiong’s Book ofFa Yan Returning to Pre-Qin’s Confucianism;论扬雄《法言》对先秦儒学的回归

3.In contrast with the Analects,Fa Yan has its own special artistic styles for a large amount of descriptive language and many rhetorical tools employed, which enriches and propels the development of the prose.《法言》是扬雄拟《论语》而作的一部语录体散文著作。

4)Language Therapy语言疗法

5)legal language法律语言

1.On Development and Evolution in China s Legal Language;中国法律语言发展和演变述论

2.Seeing parenthesis’s function at daily vehicular language andlegal language from relationship theory’s angle从关联理论看插入语在日常交际语和法律语言中的语用功能

3.As a branch of protocol language,legal language is characterized by accuracy of choice of words.法律语言作为一种规约性的语言分支,用词准确是其重要特点。

6)Speech therapy言语疗法


《法言》中国汉代扬雄的学术著作。全书 13篇,每篇为1卷,模仿《论语》写成。《法言》尊重儒学,推崇孔子,认为离开"五经" 而好读 "诸子",那就不能"识道"。它批评老子"捶提仁义,绝灭礼学";庄周、杨朱"荡而不法";墨翟、晏婴"俭而废礼";申不害、韩非"险而无化"。但对老子"言道德",庄周提倡"少欲",邹衍主张"自持",持赞赏态度。《法言》重视智,强调知识的重要;肯定"学"的作用,反对老庄"学无益"的观点;在人性论上提出人性有善有恶,即"性善恶混"的观点,宣扬儒家的仁义道德思想;承认历史是进化的,肯定改革的必要;批判关于神仙的迷信观念。该书在当时起了进步的作用,对桓谭、王充发生过积极的影响。《法言》的注释有晋代李轨《扬子法言注》,宋代司马光《法言集注》清嘉庆聚文堂本,清代汪荣宝《法言义疏》1933年排印本。
