900字范文 > 西方译论 Western translation theories英语短句 例句大全

西方译论 Western translation theories英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-19 06:35:01


西方译论 Western translation theories英语短句 例句大全

西方译论,Western translation theories

1)Western translation theories西方译论

1.On Introducing Western Translation Theories into China from "Nida-exclusiveness";从“奈达现象”看西方译论的引入

2.ThoughWestern translation theories are quite popular in China now, the learning of these theories is quite problematic.当前翻译界对西方译论的学习存在四个明显的问题,对西方译论有排斥与误读,使人们对西方译论的评价有失公正,并且无法认清中国译论面临的挑战,从而影响中国译论的健康发展。


1.Approaches To Western Translation Studies andTheir Implication to Chinese Translatology;西方译论研究途径及对我国译学建设的启示

2.Reflections on Research Paradigms of Western Translation Studies;关于西方译论研究范式的回顾及反思

3.A Brief Analysis on the Differences between Chinese and Western Translators Versions on The Analects of Confucius;简析中西方译者翻译《论语》的差异性

4.The Study on the Translating Differences of Lun Yu between Chinese and Westerner from the Perspective of Cultural Preference从文化选择性论中西方译者翻译《论语》的差异

5.Brief Introduction to Western Translating Theories;西方翻译理论的渊源——三大模式探究

6.Investigating Translation Theory in the West:Thoughts on Its Development and Its Study;关于西方翻译理论发展史的几点思考

7.On Contemporary Translation Theory in the West;他山之石——评《当代西方翻译理论探索》

8.On He Bingsong s Translation and Introduction of Western Historical Studies and Methodology;评何炳松对西方史学理论和方法论的译介

9.The Culturally Sustained Development of Translation Studies in the West as a Model for Its Chinese Counterpart;论西方译学发展的文化传统——兼论中国译学对西方译学的借鉴和吸收

10.-- Excerpts from Western Manners——节译自《西方礼节》

11.On History & Development Trend of the Modern Translation Theory of Western Countries;论现代西方翻译理论的流变和发展趋势

12.Simple Recognitions on Skopos Theory and Western Translation Theories;对目的论与当代西方翻译理论的一点认识

13.A Rational Thought on Western Linguistics and Translation Theories in China;对西方语言学理论与翻译理论的再思考

14.A Comparative Study of Yan Fu and Newmarks’ Translation Theories from the Perspective of Modes of Thinking;中西思维方式与中西翻译理论——析严复的“信达雅”与纽马克的交际翻译与语义翻译

15.On Current Situation of Contemporary Western Translation Theory in the Perspective of Main Translation Schools;从主要翻译流派看当代西方翻译理论的发展现状

16.A Comparative Analysis on the Three Models in Western Translation Theories and the General Translation Criteria;对西方翻译理论中“三个模式”与一般翻译标准的比较分析

17.Study of Some Western Missionaries Translations and Interpretations from the Perspective of Post-Colonial Translation Theories;从后殖民译论看19世纪中期西方传教士在华的翻译

18.Transculture and English-Chinese Translation--On the influence on translation for cultural differences between east and west;跨文化与英汉翻译——论东西方文化差异对翻译的影响


contemporary western translation theory当代西方译论

3)western literary theory of translated Chinese汉译西方文论

1.Thewestern literary theory of translated Chinese, as the transition between Chinese literary theory and western literary theory, has been hide in the notion of western literary theory.汉译西方文论作为中国文论与西方文论之间的一种过渡形态,被遮蔽在笼统的"西方文论"概念中,长期被忽视而未能得到系统清理。

4)Western translation studies西方翻译理论

1.This paper attempts a critical survey of the latest development and theoretical achievements inWestern translation studies, arguing that the "linguistic school" of translation studies has declined and is now at its low tide, while the "cultural school" of translation studies has become the mainstream inWestern translation studies.本文归纳整理了最近五年来西方翻译理论的主要研究成果,考察了它们的发展背景,理清了它们的理论脉络,认为文化学派已取代语言学派成为当今西方翻译理论研究的主流;西方翻译理论由此呈现出从“规则”转向“文化”、从“原文”转向“译文”、从“大国”转向“小国”的新的研究特点。

5)western translation theory西方翻译理论

1.Since the second half of the 20~(th) century, the situation ofwestern translation theory studies has reached an all-time prosperity.二十世纪下半叶以来,西方翻译理论研究盛况空前,其多元化、跨学科的相互借鉴、交流、交锋、渗透的研究模式,不仅为本学科的发展提供了新的支撑和增长点,也赋予相关学科(特别是文化研究)一个不可或缺的新视角。

6)western feminism translation西方女性主义翻译理论

1.With reference to Said s "traveling theory",this essay is to analyze howwestern feminism translation theory is interpreted in the course of travel,and discuss what problems are encountered during its travel and what influence it has on Chinese translation circle.本文将参照赛义德“理论旅行”的观点,分析西方女性主义翻译理论在中国的理论旅行过程,并讨论西方女性主义翻译理论在中国旅行过程中遭遇的问题以及这一理论对中国翻译界的影响。


