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法则 rule英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-22 10:18:57


法则 rule英语短句 例句大全



1.The basis andrule of successful physical education;成功体育教育的依据与法则

2.s:The five new laws of the library science put forward by an American expert in the new era are the most fresh ones for directing library work and the inheritance and development of shiyalia Ramarita Ranganathan s famous fiverules of the library science.“图书馆学新五律”是美国图书馆学专家在新的时代、新的背景下提出的图书馆工作的新法则 ,是对著名的阮冈纳赞“图书馆学五定律”的继承和发展。

3.The author also suggests an ecologiaclrule keeping the economical continuous development.还提出维持经济可持续发展应遵循的生态学法则。


1.nomothetic approach常规法则研究法 常规法则研究法

2.Gell-Mann-Nishijima rule盖耳-曼-西岛法则

3.Natural law and social law are the unity of opposites.自然法则和社会法则是矛盾统一的。

4.a set of rules or principles or laws especially written ones.一套规则或法则或法律尤其是书面的。

5.time law of intersexuality间性时间法则间性时间法则

6.The establishment of a corporation"s existence.公司法则公司赖以存在的法则

7.The Scarlet Letter:A Conflict between Natural Principle and Moral Principle;《红字》:自然法则与道德法则的对抗

8.base pairing rules碱基配对法则,碱基配对规则

9.a person who places expediency above principle.把方便私利凌驾于法则原则之上的人。

10.according to custom or rule or natural law.依照惯例,规则或自然法则。

11.The principles of legislation currently includes constitutionality, democracy, science and ruling of law.现时期中国立法原则为宪法原则、法治原则、民主原则、科学原则。

12.Rule,Principle,and Procedure-An interpretation of legal principles;规则、原则、程序——对法律原则的一个诠释

13.be contrary to the law, rules, etc违反法律、 规则等

14.On Legislative Issues of General Provisions in the General Rules of Chinese Tax Law;中国税收通则法总则编立法问题研究

15.general rules for ion chromatographic analysis粒子色谱法 -分析法通则

16.Rules of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea国际海洋法法庭规则

17.general rules for gas chromatographic analysis气相色谱法-分析法通则

18.It is the rule in war, if our forces are ten to the enemy"s one, to surround him; if five to one,to attack him; if twice as numerous, to divide our army into two.故用兵之法,十则围之,五则攻之,倍则分之,



1.The Research on the Law of Round-off for Measuring Figures;测量数据的舍入法则研究

2.In the article,we improve thelaw that changes the sinusoid in electrical engineering into the phasor, that calculates the phasor of characteristic equation of the capacitor and the inductor.本文对电工学中有关正弦量化为相量的定义和法则以及电容和电感元件特性方程的相量形式推导进行了改进,并且介绍了新法则在互感、变压器、异步电动机和同步发电机中的应用。

3.Law of news should be observed in the news activities.新闻规律是新闻活动所必须遵循的法则,它存在于新闻形成和传播的过程之中,是提高新闻作品的质量、实现新闻的有效传播以及实施高水准的新闻管理的客观基础。


petitive advantages and rules of university brand;高校品牌竞争优势及其法则

2.Analysis on Ten SimpleRules for Getting Published Proposed by Plos Computational Biology Chief EditorPlos Computational Biology主编关于论文获得发表的10条简单法则的评析

3.Although Baktin appeared to be a traditionalist and an observer of order and rules, he was in fact a most radical reformer of style.巴赫金表面上是重视传统、秩序和法则的文体学家 ,实质上是激进的文体改革者。


1.Principles Established by Usage——formal aesthetics in furniture;约定俗成——家具中形式美的法则

2.Not only they have certain detail principles, but also reflect the Sino Euro fusing and variation of historical background, at the same time, and display some decorating and symbolizing effects.这些形式中包含了它特有的细部特征 ,它既有自己一定的细部法则 ,也反映了中西融合与变异的历史背景 ,同时还带有装饰与象征的效果。

3.It is very easy to understand and memory with the help of these principles,some shortcomings,for instance,with the char- acteristics of too many formulas,cockamamie calculations and difficult to memory were conquered,and they provide a guarantee for calculating net time parameter of each a.通过对网络时间参数的计算规律的深入剖析,采取对网络图中各项活动进行"隔离"分析,形象地总结出了网络时间参数速算方法的基本法则,便于理解和记忆,克服了"公式多、计算繁、记忆难"的不足,从而为快捷地计算出各活动的时间参数提供了保证。


1.This article will try to clarify the theoretical framework of new urbanism, seek theprinciples of it in community planning and design, and get some inspiration and successful experiences from it to our urban community planning and d.文章将阐明新城市主义的主要理论框架,并探求其在社区规划与设计方面的主要法则,从中寻求对当前中国城市社区规划与设计的启示与借鉴。

2.Thus,principles to break through sales bottleneck include twelve aspects such as buy-out operation, all-staff-involved marketing, opening-up new market by concentrating overwhelming resources, and a sharing of interest.据此建立的突破企业销售瓶颈的法则包括买断经营、实行全员营销、集中优势兵力开拓新市场、利益共享共十二项之多。



