900字范文 > 求导法则 derivation rule英语短句 例句大全

求导法则 derivation rule英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-23 14:37:16


求导法则 derivation rule英语短句 例句大全

求导法则,derivation rule

1)derivation rule求导法则

1.A footnote aboutderivation rule of compound function;关于复合函数的求导法则所进行的一个注脚

2.The paper gives aderivation rule of the power exponential function and analyzes some common calculation methods.证明了一条幂指函数的求导法则,并总结了幂指函数导数计算的常用方法。


1.A Further Discussion on the Rules of Power Exponent Function;关于幂指函数求导法则的进一步讨论

2.This article gives a further development of the power exponent function and some related examples.对幂指函数的求导法则做了进一步推广,并给出了相应的求导举例。

3.A footnote about derivation rule of compound function;关于复合函数的求导法则所进行的一个注脚

4.The paper gives a derivation rule of the power exponential function and analyzes some common calculation methods.证明了一条幂指函数的求导法则,并总结了幂指函数导数计算的常用方法。

5.Principles and requirements for validation of analytical procedures指导原则解读系列专题(七) 化学药物质量控制分析方法验证的原则和要求

6.antimonopoly act guidelines反垄断法的指导原则

7.Declaration of the Guiding Principles of Drug Demand Reduction减少毒品需求指导原则宣言

8.Guidelines for Urban Transit Service Design Based on Passenger Requirements以乘客需求为导向的城市公交服务设计导则

9."Herein lies Singapore"s strength, which explains why Westerners have often consulted our leaders for advice on China-related issues."这也正是新加坡对中国的价值所在,否则,西方人也不会经常征求我国领导人对中国的看法。

10.Discovery logic Model and Application in Economic Management;从Slutsky分析法看需求法则的本质

11.A Study on Accounting Standards Setting Approach: The Competition between Principles-Based and Rules-Based会计准则制定方法研究—原则导向与规则导向之博弈

12.Vibration and shock--Isolators--Procedure for specifying characteristicsGB/T8540-1987振动与冲击隔离器确定特性要求导则

13.Research on the Principles of Effective Need Analysis of Instructional Software;教学软件需求分析有效实施的指导原则研究

14.The analytic method of conduct electic quantity on electrostatic equilibrium;导体静电平衡时求解电量的基本原则分析

15.The Law of Human Demand: Basic Law of Economic Development in History需求法则——历史经济发展的基本规律

16.The Inverse Problem of the Parabolic Equation;用正则化方法求抛物型方程的数值解

17.A Regularization Method and Example for the Numerical Differentiation一类求数值微分的正则化方法及算例

18.Priority rule-based particle swarm optimization for RCPSP采用优先规则的粒子群算法求解RCPSP


derivation method求导法则

1.By means of variable substitution and complex functionalderivation method,this paper gives a new kind of four order different equation,some kind of solution with sufficient and necesiory conditions.借用变量替换法及复合函数求导法则,提出新一类四阶微分方程,具有某种形式的解的充要条件,所得结论是对有关文献结果的推广与扩充。

2.The paper gives four kinds of differential equation and their expressions; and by means ofderivation method of functional iteration and variable upper limit equation it discusses about their integrality.提出四类积分微分方程组,借助函数迭代法及变上限函数的求导法则,论证其可积性,前三个定理给出求解公式,列举了实例。

3.By means of variable transformation andderivation method,this papers gives the sufficient conditions of one kind of new nonlinean differential equation,and puts forth the general solution of parameters.借助变量替换法及求导法则 ,给出一类新的非线性常微分方程的可积充分条件 ,并提供参数形式的通解 ,所得结论推广了相应文献的结果。

3)implicit function differentiation rule隐函数求导法则

1.Automatic differentiation(AD) andimplicit function differentiation rule(IFDR) were used to calculate the precise absolute and relative sensitivity coefficients, with no truncation error introduced.提出一种基于自动微分和隐函数求导法则的精馏塔优化计算灵敏度分析方法 ,可以求出精确的、无截断误差的灵敏度系数 ,以反映精馏塔模型中各种不确定因素变化所引起的改变和影响 。

4)Chain of driring principle链式求导法则

5)compound function derivation law复合函数求导法则

1.Two types of new Abel differential equation are structured by method of variation replacement, variation position transformation andcompound function derivation law.借助变量替换法、交换变量位置法及复合函数求导法则,构造出两类新的Abel型微分方程,论证它们的可积性,提供可积的判据,从而推广有关文献的结论,扩大微分方程的可积范围。

6)derivation rule of the compound functions复合函数的求导法则


“3σ”法则“3σ”法则" three-sigma " rule次.试验者有时正是基于这一事实,在某些概率论与数理统计问题中,把事件{{X一“!)3a}视为实际不可能的,从而把事件{}X一aI<3。}视为实际必然的.在这种情形下,称试验者遵循“3a”法则.“36”法则[‘加℃e刁,.’n山;‘印exc~’np姗-JIO〕一种经验法则.根据这种法则,在概率论和数理统计中,把“正态分布(nolll长d distribution)随机变量的值对其数学期望(姗也翩曲tical ex因血tion)的偏差不大于3倍标准差(s协n(纽记由访以沁们)”视为实际不可能事件.设X是服从正态分布N(a,尹)的随机变量;对于任意k>0,有p{}X一a}<人a}=2。(k)一l,其中小(·)是标准正态分布函数;特别地,对于k=3,有 p{a一3。
