900字范文 > 合成法则 combination rule英语短句 例句大全

合成法则 combination rule英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-14 06:08:20


合成法则 combination rule英语短句 例句大全

合成法则,combination rule

1)combination rule合成法则

1.A modifiedcombination rule of DS theory and its approximation algorithm一种修正的DS合成法则及其近似算法

2.The computation complexity of the DScombination rule is one of the main reasons impacting the wider use of DS theory.DS合成法则计算时间复杂度是影响DS理论广泛应用的主要原因之一,介绍了几种著名的近似算法,并分析了它们的优劣性,指出了这些方法的存在的问题。

3.Then ones get belief functions of subsets in frame of discernment with application of Dempstercombination rule and the result of evaluation in terms of maximum value of belief functions.应用差异信息序列熵理论,根据指标所蕴含信息量的多少确定聚类指标的权重;根据所得到的灰色定权聚类系数矩阵并把该矩阵经过适当转换,把每一个聚类对象作为影响后评价结果的一条证据,考虑到证据推理中零绝对化问题存在的可能性,给出了解决办法;利用Dempster合成法则,得到了辨识框架中各子集的信度函数,根据信度函数最大值确定项目综合后评价的结果。


1.A modified combination rule of DS theory and its approximation algorithm一种修正的DS合成法则及其近似算法

2.Analysis of Instability about a Method of Dispelling the Absurdities of Dempster-Shafer s Rule of Combination;一种D-S合成法则悖论消除方法的不稳定性分析

3.studies of the rules for forming admissible sentences.组成合法句子的规则研究。

4.A New Information Combination Rules and Its Removal Algorithm一种新的信息合成规则及其消去算法

5.The fundamental principles of the constitution of the Extra Power Relation are: principle of privilege limitation, principle of legitimate procedure conformity and principle of legal procedure adherence.限制特权原则、合正当程序原则和遵循法定程序原则构成特别权力关系法治的基本原则。

6.Research on Association Rules Mining Based on Extended Set Operators;基于扩展集合操作的关联规则生成算法研究

7.Fuzzy Inference Algorithms under the “ Maximization-- Arithmetic Product” Compound Rule;“取大——算术积”合成规则下的模糊推理算法

8.This paper presents a multicriterion optimization aglorithm for the NMR spectrum data imaging.本文提出一种适合核磁共振频谱数据成象的多准则优化成象算法。

9.A Study of Building a Contingent of Ideological and Political Workers of College Students in the New Historical Period;合成军 合成原则 合成途径方法 新时期高校大学生思想政治工作队伍建设研究

10.The common law principles in relation to voidable contracts have been modified by statues.普通法与可撤销合同有关的原则已被成文法作出一些修改。

11.The basic principles mainly co ist of legality and reasonablene.基本原则主要包括合法性原则和合理性原则。

12.Least-cost rule(of production)(生产的)最低成本法则

13.This course uses computer-aided design methodologies for synthesis of multivariable feedback control systems.本课程使用电脑辅助设计法则来合成多变数回授控制系统。

14.Decision inference of the extended decision rules was implemented using fuzzy CRI (compositional rule of inference).用关系合成的模糊推理方法,实现了扩展决策规则集的决策推理。

15.Studies on the Syntactic and Semantic Rules of Explanational Meta-language of Junction Compound Nouns in Modern Chinese Dictionary;《现代汉语词典》偏正式合成名词释义元语言的句法语义规则研究

16.Another New Achievement on International Trade Uniform Law--Review on Principles of International Commercial Contracts ;国际贸易统一法的又一新成果——《国际商事合同通则(修订本)》评析

17.Anti-jamming Performance of Mixed Regularization Algorithm in Static Electrical Impedance Tomography电阻抗静态成像中混合正则化算法抗噪性能的仿真研究

18.A Satisfaction Based Scheduling Scheme with Hybrid Beamforming Precoding基于满意度准则采用混合波束成型预编码的调度方法


Dempster synthesize ruleDempster合成法则

1.Through analyzing the estimated error of three kinds of gray model,Dempster synthesize rule is used to make fusion on error of forecasting results and the results are used again in load forecasting.通过分析3种灰色模型的预测误差,用Dempster合成法则融合预测结果的误差,并将融合后的结果重新用于负荷预测。

3)DS combination principleDS合成法则

4)D-S rule methodD-S合成法则

1.This paper introduces four mathematical models,including the expectation method,the extreme method,the shapley value method and theD-S rule method.介绍了期望值法、极值法、shapley值法、D-S合成法则四种数学模型,并通过实例进行了简单应用。

5)Dempster-Shafer"s Rule of CombinationDempster-Shafer合成法则

6)the absurdities of Dempster-Shafer"s Rule of combination合成法则悖论


