900字范文 > 职场英语:写好商务邮件 只需这7步

职场英语:写好商务邮件 只需这7步

时间:2021-10-05 00:29:08


职场英语:写好商务邮件 只需这7步


1. Subject Line1. 主题线Always have a subject line that summarises briefly and clearly the contents of the message (example: Re: Summary of Our Meeting with ABC Suppliers).始终要有一条主题线,简要而清晰地概括消息的内容(例如:我们与ABC供应商的会议摘要)。2. Simplified Sentences2.简化句子Don’t make your email look overcrowded by trying to use too many technical terms or long words. It is good to use complex and compound-complex sentences, but ensure that they are easy to understand.不要试图用太多的专业术语或冗长的词语使你的邮件看起来过于拥挤。使用复杂句和复合句是很好的,但是要确保它们很容易理解。The most common mistake that many of our students make is to translate directly from their own language. This can often lead to confusing sentences. A popular rule that you could adapt is to use the KISS Test – Keep It Short and Simple.我们许多学生犯的最普遍的错误是直接从他们自己的语言中翻译。这常常会出现导致令人困惑的句子。你能适应的一个流行规则是使用KISS测试——保持简短和简单。3. Think of who your reader is going to be3.想想你的读者会是谁Is it a colleague, a client or your boss? Should the email be informal or formal? Most business emails these days have a neutral tone. Note the difference between Informal and Formal:是同事、客户还是老板?电子邮件应该是非正式的还是正式的?现在大多数商务邮件都是中性的。注意非正式和正式之间的区别:Informal非正式–Thanks for emailing me on 15th February谢谢你在2月15日给我发电子邮件。Formal正式–Thank you for your email dated 15th February感谢您2月15日发来的电子邮件。Informal非正式–Sorry, I can’t make it.对不起,我做不到。Formal正式–I am afraid I will not be able to attend恐怕我不能参加了。Informal非正式–Can you…?你能……吗?Formal正式–I was wondering if you could….?我想知道你是否能……?Some emails to colleagues can be informal if you have a long working relationship and know them well. This is the style that is closest to speech, so there are often everyday words and conversational expressions that can be used. For instance, ‘Don’t forget’, ‘Catch you later’, ‘Cheers’.有一些发给同事的邮件,如果你是有长期的工作关系并且很了解他们,给同事的一些邮件可以是非正式的。这是最接近于讲话的风格,所以可以使用日常用语和会话表达。例如,“别忘了”,“待会儿见”,“干杯”。The reader may also accept or overlook minor grammatical errors in informal emails. However, if the email is going to a client or senior colleague, bad grammar and an over-friendly writing style will most probably not be acceptable.读者也可以接受或忽略非正式邮件中的小语法错误。然而,如果电子邮件是给客户或高级同事,糟糕的语法和过度友好的写作风格将很可能是不合适的。4. Be very careful of capital letters, punctuation, spelling and basic grammar4.要注意大写字母、标点符号、拼写和基本语法。While these can be tolerated in informal emails, they are very important in business emails as they are an important part of the image you create. Give yourself time to edit what you’ve written before you push that Send button.虽然这些可以在非正式邮件中得到容忍,但它们在商务电子邮件中非常重要,因为它们是您创建的映像的重要组成部分。在推送按钮之前,给自己一些时间编辑你所写的内容。In today’s busy world, it’s very easy to send out many emails without checking them thoroughly: as an English learner, you should make a conscious effort to double check before sending.在当今繁忙的世界里,很容易不仔细检查就发送很多邮件:作为一个英语学习者,你应该有意识地在发送前仔细检查一下。5. Think about how direct or indirect you want to be5.想想你要直率表达还是委婉表达In some cultures, it is common practice to be very direct in email correspondence. However, this can cause a problem if you’re writing to someone in another country and in a language that is not your mother tongue. They might find your directness rude and possibly offensive.在某些文化中,在电子邮件通信中是非常直接的。然而,如果你写信给另一个国家的人,用一种不是你母语的语言,这会引起一个问题。他们可能会觉得你是直率无礼,甚至是冒犯。Consider these:请考虑这些:Direct直接的I need this in half an hour.我半小时内需要这个。Indirect and polite间接礼貌的Would it be possible to have this in half an hour?半小时内可以完成吗?Direct直接的There will be a delay会有延误的Indirect间接的I’m afraid there may be a slight delay.恐怕有点耽搁了。Direct直接的It’s a bad idea这是个坏主意。Indirect间接的To be honest, I’m not sure if that would be a good idea.老实说,我不知道那是不是个好主意。By adjusting your tone, you are more likely to get a positive response from your reader.通过调整你的语调,你更有可能得到读者的积极回应。6. Be positive!6.保持积极!Look at these words: helpful, good question, agreed, together, useful, I will do my best, mutual, opportunity.看看这些单词:有用的,好问题,同意,一起,有用,我会尽我所能,相互,机会。Now look at these: busy, crisis, failure, forget it, I can’t, it’s impossible, waste, hard.现在看看这些:忙碌,危机,失败,忘记它,我不能,这是不可能的,浪费,努力。The words you use show your attitude to life, so choose your words wisely.你用的词语表达了你对生活的态度,所以明智地选择你的语言。7. Get feedback7.得到反馈Try and get some feedback on the emails that you write. This could be from your English Teacher or someone you know whose English is at a good level.试着从你写的邮件中得到一些反馈。这可能来自你的英语老师或你认识的人,他们的英语水平很好。Study the English in any emails you receive. If it is a well-written email, look carefully at some of the language used. Start your own phrase book by collecting a bank of phrases from what you hear or read all around you; they may be useful in the future.在收到的任何邮件中学习英语。如果是一封写得很好的电子邮件,请仔细查看所使用的一些语言。从你周围所听到或读到一切中,收集一组短语来开始你自己的短语书,它们将来可能有用。
