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深井 deep well英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-16 03:06:59


深井 deep well英语短句 例句大全

深井,deep well

1)deep well深井

1.Study on the suspension technique of tailer cementing in deep and ultradeep wells.;深井超深井尾管固井悬挂技术研究

2.Research on setting ability for working strings indeep well;深井作业管柱下入能力研究

3.Calculation and analysis of fatigue strength of drill string indeep well;深井钻柱疲劳强度计算与分析


1.Deep and Ultra-deep Well Cementing Technology with Low Density Slurries in Tahe Oilfield塔河油田深井超深井低密度固井技术


3.Study and Application of Ultra-deep Well Drilling in Well Yuanba-1元坝1井超深井钻井技术研究与应用

4.Study on residual strength of wearing casing in deep and ultra-deep wells深井、超深井套管磨损后剩余强度分析

prehensive Analysis on the Technical Economy of Precipitation of Light Well Point and Deep Well Point;轻型井井点降水与深井井点降水之综合分析

6.Design Optimization of Drilled Shaft Lining Structure in 1000m Deep Shaft千米深井钻井法凿井井壁结构设计优化

7.We dug a deep well.我们挖了一口深井。

8.deep shaft sinking technique in ancient China中国古代深井开凿技术

9.deep-well injection (of hazardous wastes)危险废物的深井灌注

10.It takes a lot of work to dig a deep well.挖一口深井很费事。

11.band wheel pumping power深井泵抽油的皮带驱动

12.the depth of the well, mine, box, trunk井、 矿井、 盒、 行李箱的深度

13.a deep well, river, trench, box深的井、 河、 沟、 箱子.

14.Don’t forget to tamp the hole well. Tamping is as important as the hole depth.别忘了填井,填井和井深一样重要。

15.660m depthdrilling shaft lining structure design and analysis of main shaft Ban Ji mine板集主井660m深钻井井壁结构设计分析

16.Well Leakage Treatment on 244.5mm Case of Well Lishen 1 before Cementing梨深1井Φ244.5mm套管固井前的井漏处理

17.In deep mines and oil wells在深深的矿井或是油井里,

18.Application of short radius horizontal well drilling technology in ultra-deep well in Tahe oilfield小井深超深短半径水平井钻井技术在塔河油田的应用——以TK1105CH井为例


deep mine深井

1.Test research on ground pressure control fordeep mine roadway;深井巷道地压控制的试验研究

2.Failure cause and pressure behavior law of soft rock laneway indeep mine;深井软岩巷道破坏原因及矿压显现规律

3.High strength bolt support technology for gateway with complicated conditions indeep mine;深井复杂条件下回采巷道高强度锚杆支护技术

3)deep shaft深井

1.The application of engineering geology to specific adit digging atdeep shaft;工程地质在深井中特殊硐室开挖中的应用

2.The deformation feature ofdeep shaft coal roadway is analyzed,and the reason for many kinds of support failures is studied.分析深井煤层巷道围岩变形特征和支护失效的原因,提出此类巷道的内外结构耦合平衡支护原理。

3.,and the problem of vehicle operating indeep shaft is thereon settled.鹤壁十矿副井井深 72 9m,通过广泛调研 ,与中国矿大研究生部联合研制了 FCZ- 1型副井操车自动化系统 ,较好地解决了深井操车难题。

4)well depth井深

1.After many tests ofwell depth and explosion consumption, we finally adopt the less charge shot array to ensure the high frequency energy of seismic signal propagating sufficiently downward,so we can increase the resolution of seismic explosion.通过井深和药量的大量试验,最后采用了小药量组合激发的方法;保证高频地震信号能量充分向下传播,从而达到提高地震资料分辨率的目的。

2.Based on profit and loss theory, a model on economic reserve boundary of new found proved reserves is built, as w ell as series of corresponding charts, which take consideration of various reser ve types, oil prices, andwell depths, are drawn.根据盈亏平衡原理建立了新增探明储量的经济可采储量界限计算模型,制作了不同类型油藏、不同油价、不同井深条件下计算经济可采储量界限的图版;根据储层的空气渗透率,利用已开发油田技术可采储量经济转化率与油藏空气渗透率的相关关系式和图版,求取新增探明储量的经济转化率,进而计算出新增探明储量的技术可采储量界限和经济规模界限。

3.In order to meet the requirement of the complicated hydraulics design under different drilling fluid rheological behaviors, a systematic method to calculate the criticalwell depth according to drilling fluid rheological and flow behaviors is introduced, taking example of the power law fluid.为了满足不同钻井液流变性复杂井水力参数设计的需要 ,以幂律模式为例介绍了根据钻井液流变性和钻井液流态精确计算临界井深的系统方法 ,给出了宾汉、幂律、 H- B等常用流变模式最大钻头水功率和最大射流冲击力工作方式下临界井深的相应计算公式 ,并给出了计算实

5)deep well深井,深水井

6)deep and ultra-deep well深井超深井

1.Casing failure mechanism and strength design considerations fordeep and ultra-deep wells深井超深井套管损坏机理与强度设计考虑因素


长轴深井泵长轴深井泵long-spindle deep well pumpwell二用立进人二产和之及日l深井‘扬程互可达·两个78年·轮的片泵、·轮的了传动‘和泵毛过直巨。泵【料密l承及.内螺:动发.轴外,闭式适用咋时,i次启水,以碑承采:轴深)闭式味母,屁损,!紧在一或流长轴深井泵(long·sPindle deeppump)由动力机通过长轴驱动的深井提,式叶片泵。简史长轴深并泵在19世纪80年代问世20世纪后,随着地下水的开采量日益增大,其里使用都得到迅速发展。在美国、德国、法国、苏用本等国已有适用于76~1676毫米井径的长车泵,其流t从3米s/小时到58 400米粉小时,最矛已达500米,最大安装深度超过450米,最高效互94%。20世纪50年代,中国已形成了SJ与SI系列产品。60年代又发展成JD和J系列。1‘制定JC系列长轴深井泵标准,有配用闭式肠Jc/Q型浅型长轴深井泵、JC/S型深型长轴深JC/CS型超深型长轴深井泵和配用半开式.JC/K型长轴深井泵等。结构特点长轴深井泵由位于井台上的动二与泵座部分,以及位于井中的扬水管传动轴部;工作部分等组成。动力传动与泵座部分由电动机或内嫌机i联传动、胶带传动或伞齿轮传动装盆驭动传动劝座是整台泵的支承件。传动轴穿出泵座处,用大封或机械密封件进行密封。扬水管传动轴部分主要由传动轴、支架车扬水管等零部件组成。各段传动轴之间由具年纹的联轴器连接。为防止泵倒转时,螺纹连接积生事故,在动力传动部件中设有止逆装置。传污没有套管的为开式结构,传动轴外部加套管的乡结构,套管外有扶正架与扬水管相连,其造价高于物送含沙t较高及安装深度较大的井中。泵工开式结构支架轴承多用摘送的井水润滑。但在毛动前,都应通过位于泵座上的预润滑水管注人清防在启动过程中烧坏支架轴承。闭式结构支架丰用油润滑。泵工作部分由于受井径和井深的限制,士井泵的工作部分一般为多级离心泵。其叶轮既刁的也有半开式的。拧动位于传动轴顶部的调节可改变半开式叶轮与泵壳间的轴向间隙,以减少或排除杂物。叶轮一般用锥套或带螺母的锥套后叶轮轴上。相邻两级叶轮用导流壳内的空间导n与用J道式导叶相连。扁拉筋连接的。泵壳间可用姗纹或法兰连接,也 (胡文自
