900字范文 > 传热与传质 heat and mass transfer英语短句 例句大全

传热与传质 heat and mass transfer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-13 05:06:48


传热与传质 heat and mass transfer英语短句 例句大全

传热与传质,heat and mass transfer

1)heat and mass transfer传热与传质

1.forheat and mass transfer coefficients,as well as the equations obtained by fitting the experiment data.给出了传热与传质系数的准则方程式形式 ,并利用实验数据拟合出了传热与传质系数公式 。

2.This paper presents an overview of the recent advances made in predictingheat and mass transfer in fractal media by fractal theory and technique.本文论述了分形介质的分形理论和数学基础,并简要综述了用分形理论和方法研究分形介质的传热与传质特性(如多孔介质的渗透率、热导率以及池核态沸腾换热)方面目前所取得的研究进展,最后扼要展望了用分形理论和方法进一步研究分形介质的传热与传质的可能的若干课题和方向。


1.Study of Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer of the Mixed Heat Exchanger in Humidicool System;湿冷系统混合换热器中传热与传质研究

2.Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer and Experimental Study of Molecular Distillation;分子蒸馏传热与传质过程数值模拟及实验研究

3.Analysis of heat and mass transfer during the storage and cooling processes with fruits and vegetables果蔬减压冷却过程中的传热与传质分析

4.internal mass and heat transfer反应相内传质和传热

5.external mass and heat transfer反应相外传质和传热

6.Heat and Mass Transfer Modeling and Device for Dry-Blanching and Dehydration of Apple Slice by Infrared Heating;红外杀青脱水苹果片传热传质模拟与装置研究

7.Heat and Mass Transfer Analysis of Cryogenic Liquid with Water and Experimental Investigation;低温液体—水相际传热传质分析与实验研究


9.Heat Transfer Model and Experimental Research on Biomass Fast Pyrolysis and Liquefaction;生物质快速热裂解液化传热模型与试验研究

10.Press Drying Technology and Properties of Heat Transmission and Mass Transfer of Bamboo Timber of Dendrocalamus Giganteus;龙竹竹材的热压干燥及传热传质特性

11.Research on Heat and Mass Transfer in the Process of Phase Change of Porous Media;多孔介质内的相变传热传质过程研究

12.Experimental Research on the Performance of Heat and Mass Transfer in a Membrane-Based Enthalpy Heat Exchanger;膜式全热换热器传热传质性能的实验研究

13.(of a substance)allow(heat,electric current,etc)to pass along or through it(指物质)传导(热、电流等)

14.Development of Supersonic Separator and Study of Its Flow and Heat and Mass Transfer Characteristics;超音速分离管的研发及其流动与传热传质特性的研究

15.Measurement of the Mass and Heat Transfer Coefficients and Simulation of Flow Property in Magnetically Stabilized Bed;磁稳定床传质、传热特性实验研究与流动状况数值模拟

16.Effect and Simulation of Coupled Heat and Mass Transfer on Adsorption and Pressure Swing Adsorption吸附与变压吸附过程传热传质耦合影响及其模拟研究

17.Numerical Simulation of Heat, Momentum and Mass Transport in LEC Growth of GaAs CrystalLEC法砷化镓晶体生长中熔体流动与传热传质数值模拟

18.Numerical Simulation of LEC Growth of GaAs with a Double Crucible双坩埚LEC法砷化镓熔体流动与传热传质数值模拟


container mass and heat transfer传质与传热

3)heat and mass transfer传热传质

1.Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer Behavior of the PTA Oxidation Reaction Condensers;PTA氧化反应冷凝器传热传质行为分析

2.Theoretical model for calculation of the characteristics ofheat and mass transfer for the slurry droplets;雾滴传热传质特性的理论计算模型

3.Analysis ofheat and mass transfer on cornea in vacuum freeze-drying experiment;角膜真空冷冻干燥实验的传热传质分析

4)mass and heat transfer传质传热

1.3D Simulation ofmass and heat transfer for planar anode-supported solid oxide fuel cell;平板式阳极支撑固体氧化物燃料电池传质传热仿真研究

2.The process ofmass and heat transfer on air gap membrane distillation was analyzed using water as medium,in particular,some condensation problems of air gap were put foreward,and some theoretical models about membrane flux were established and the validity of the models was cheched by experiments.分析了以纯水为工质的空气隙膜蒸馏传质传热过程,提出了间隙冷凝问题,建立了膜通量理论计算模型,并进行数学求解,以实验为基础,验证了模型的正确性。

3.A theoretical study on mechanism ofmass and heat transfer was carried out based on several assumptions, namely one dimensional steady flow and non condensable gas in the air gap.采用一维定常流动及空气间隙层中不冷凝的假定,对空气隙膜蒸馏系统的传质传热机理进行了理论研究,数学推导中对相关物理量进行了量阶分析,提出小量假设,导出了计算蒸馏通量的理论公式。

5)heat transfer and mass transfer传热传质

1.Based onheat transfer and mass transfer analysis, the mathematic model of drying process is established.通过对传热传质过程的分析,建立干燥过程的数学模型,分别总结出烟叶在恒速干燥阶段和降速干燥阶段的能量平衡方程,推导出烟叶温度、水分随热空气的温度以及干燥时间的变化关系,对于优化控制设备的工艺参数、指导烟叶复烤生产、节约能耗有着重要的作用。

2.Based onheat transfer and mass transfer analysis,the mathematic model of drying process is established.通过对传热传质过程的分析,建立了干燥过程的数学模型,分别总结出烟叶在恒速干燥阶段和降速干燥阶段的能量平衡方程,推导出烟叶温度、水分随热空气的温度以及干燥时间的变化关系,对于优化控制设备的工艺参数、指导烟叶复烤生产、节约能耗有着重要的作用。

3.On this basis set up was a phase-transformationheat transfer and mass transfer constant-pressure model for the drying process of a wet region with liquid-phase saturation-degree S and temperature T serving as parameters.建立了以液相饱和度S和温度T为参数的湿区干燥过程相变传热传质常压模型。

6)heat mass transfer传热传质


边界层传热传质物体与气流作高速相对运动时,在紧贴物面的边界层中,气体的温度和速度等会发生剧烈变化,并常伴随出现热和质量交换的现象。这种现象称为边界层传热传质。运动速度愈高,这种交换愈剧烈。高速闯入大气层的流星体就是例子。再入大气层的航天器的表面和喷气发动机的内部也存在边界层传热传质现象。这种现象直接影响有关部件的设计,因而是高速空气动力学的一个重要研究内容。高速气流在物体表面会产生剧烈温度变化的主要原因是:由于粘性作用,高速运动的气流在边界层内被物体表面减速,气体动能转化成热能,被减速的部分气体温度剧增并达到远高于物体表面的温度,于是热量便由物体表面传入物体内部。滞止压力为一个大气压力。所谓滞止压力是指在气流压缩时其熵不增加的情况下,气流减速到静止时的压力,相应的温度为滞止温度。对于不同飞行速度,空气可达到的滞止温度值见下表。由表可见,高速飞行器表面的传热现象很显著。除了气流的速度以外,影响边界层传热的还有下列几种因素:①气流成分和化学状态:不同的气体有不同的热力学性质和输运性质,在高温下有不同的化学反应和反应速率,从而产生不同的热效应。②绕流物体的形状:不同形状的物体,表面压力分布不同,边界层内气体流动的状态也不同。③边界层的流态:边界层有两种基本流态,层流和湍流。如果其他条件相同,湍流的热交换比层流大得多。④表面光滑度:在同样的情况下,粗糙表面的热交换比光滑表面剧烈得多。⑤表面有否质量交换:由于高速飞行器表面和喷气发动机内壁温度很高,一般材料会被熔化和烧穿,所以采用防护手段。防护手段一般都采用质量交换的方法。如"发汗冷却"法,使能气化吸热的物质泄出物体表面,气化产生的气体起着一层低温隔热气垫的作用,使整个边界层变厚,温度变化变缓,减少气流传热。"烧蚀"法防热的原理也与此类似。研究上述因素对边界层传热的影响是边界层传热传质的重要研究课题。高速气流在边界层内因粘性作用被物体表面减速,气流给物体的反作用则形成摩擦阻力。摩擦阻力、传热、传质现象实质上反映边界层中动量、能量、质量交换的过程。在一定条件下,三者有相似性,这种相似性常被用来简化传热传质的理论计算。研究边界层传热传质的主要理论方法是高速边界层理论及其有关数值计算方法。随着计算机的发展,也可直接从纳维-斯托克斯方程求解边界层传热问题。风洞实验、弹道靶实验和模型飞行试验等是研究这一问题的主要实验手段。参考书目J.P.Hartnett, et al., Recent Advances in Heatand Mass Transfer,McGraw-Hill,New York,1961.
