900字范文 > 传热传质过程 Heat and mass transfer process英语短句 例句大全

传热传质过程 Heat and mass transfer process英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-30 10:23:36


传热传质过程 Heat and mass transfer process英语短句 例句大全

传热传质过程,Heat and mass transfer process

1)Heat and mass transfer process传热传质过程

1.The important significance of finite-time thermodynamic optimization to a heat and mass transfer process and relevant equipment has been expounded.阐明了有限时间热力学优化对传热传质过程和设备的重要意义,从物理学和工程学两个角度综述了传热传质过程和设备的热力学优化研究现状。


1.Research on Heat and Mass Transfer in the Process of Phase Change of Porous Media;多孔介质内的相变传热传质过程研究

2.Numerical Simulation of the Heat and Mass Transfer Process in the Heat Pipe-type Solution Absorber热管式溶液吸收器传热传质过程的数值模拟

3.Experimental and Theoretical Investigation on Heat and Mass Transfer in Wood Prior to Fire;着火前木材传热传质过程的试验和理论研究

4.Research on Energy Efficiency of the Heat and Mass Transfer Process in Adsorption Refrigeration System;吸附式制冷系统传热传质过程能效的研究

5.Experimental Studies of the Mass and Heat Transfer Optimization of Membrane Distillation System膜蒸馏系统传热传质过程优化实验研究

6.Study on Particulate Materials Flow and Heat and Mass Transfer in Rotary Dryers;转筒干燥器中颗粒物料流动和传热传质过程的研究

7.Heat and mass transfer analysis in horizontal well bore during thermal recovery.水平井热力采油过程中的传热传质分析

8.Experimental investigation on heat and mass transfer separation adiabatic absorption process传热传质分离的绝热吸收过程实验研究

9.Simulation of heat and mass transfer in fractal porous media during freeze drying of biological materials生物材料冻干过程分形多孔介质传热传质模拟

10.A Research of Enhancing Boiling Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer During Osmotic Dehydration with Acoustic Cavitation;声空化强化沸腾传热及渗透脱水过程传质研究

11.Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer and Experimental Study of Molecular Distillation;分子蒸馏传热与传质过程数值模拟及实验研究

12.Analysis of heat and mass transfer during the storage and cooling processes with fruits and vegetables果蔬减压冷却过程中的传热与传质分析

13.Heat/mass transfer analysis and numerical simulation for vacuum storage of pear梨的真空贮藏过程传热传质分析及数值模拟

14.Influence of Powder Bed on Thermal Debinding Rate and Mass Transport Process埋粉对热脱脂速率和传质过程的影响

15.Thermodynamic Analysis for Heat Pump Drying System and Research on Heat and Mass Transfer during Drying;热泵干燥系统的热力学分析及干燥过程传热传质研究

16.Study on the Mechanism of Heat and Mass Transfer and Vitality Variation during Seed Heat Pump Drying Process;种子热泵干燥过程中传热传质以及生命物质变化规律研究

17.Study and Application of Model for Heat and Mass Transfer in Capillary Porous Media during Drying毛细多孔介质干燥过程中传热传质模型研究及应用

18.Study on the Mechanism of Optimizing Heat and Mass Transfer in Drying Process of Biological Wet Porous Materials;植物性含湿多孔介质在干燥过程中优化传热传质机理的研究


heat and mass transfer processes传热传质过程

1.Based on detailed mathematical model of theheat and mass transfer processes in packed type counterflow liquid desiccant systems,a set of linear ordinary differential equations describing the tramsfer processes is obtained by some appropriate simplications.通过对逆流填料式液体除湿系统传热传质过程数学模型的合理简化 ,推导出描述这一热质传递过程的常微分方程组的分析解 ,并与未简化数学模型的数值解作对比 ,二者具有良好的吻合性。

2.Based on detailed mathematical model of theheat and mass transfer processes in packed-type counterflow liquid desiccant systems, a set of linear ordinary differential equations describing the transfer processes is obtained by some appropriate simplications.在建立逆流填料式液体除湿系统传热传质过程的数学模型基础上 ,通过合理的简化处理 ,导出了描述这一热质传递过程的常微分方程组 ,得到了相应的解析解 ;并与精确数学模型的数值解进行了对比 ,二者具有良好的吻合性 ;利用解析解分析了各参数对除湿性能的影响 ;所得解析解具有较好的理论及应用价

3)heat transfer传热过程

1.Optimization control problems in process ofheat transfer;传热过程中的某些优化控制问题

2.The equilibrium water content of the solids for drying, the number of mass transfer units for gas absorption and mass flow rate forheat transfer system were obtained using MATLAB.用MATLAB计算食品过程中的物料平衡含水量、气体吸收的传质单元数和传热过程的调节,研究基于MATLAB的非线性方程、非线性方程组的求解和数值积分功能的应用。

3.Numerical equations were set up to calculate theheat transfer inside the heat exchanger.有多种传热形式可以实现传热流体和石蜡间的传热过程,如石蜡位于管外的壳管式换热器[1-2]和螺旋盘管式换热器[3-4],石蜡和传热流体间隔排列的螺旋板式换热器[5],传热流体在球外流动、石蜡封装于球内的传热过程等[6-7]。

4)Heat Transfer Process传热过程

1.Research Status of the Mathematical Models of theHeat Transfer Process of Rotary Kilns and Their Development;回转窑传热过程数学模型的研究现状及其发展

2.Based on the analysis of material motion in the axial direction, heat transfer and mass transport process in a rotary kiln, and comprehensive consideration of the effects of physical change and chemical reaction in the rotary kiln on the heat transfer process, the mathematic model of heat transfer for petroleum coke calcining rotary kiln was built up.研究了石油焦煅烧回转窑内的物理和化学反应过程对回转窑内传热过程的影响,并在对回转窑内的物料输送过程、传质过程和传热过程具体分析的基础上,建立了石油焦煅烧回转窑的综合传热数学模型。

5)mass transfer process传质过程

1.Effect of surface tension onmass transfer process;表面张力对传质过程的影响

2.There exists substantial difference between multicomponentmass transfer process and dicompo-nentmass transfer process.多元物系传质过程与二元物系传质过程有着本质的区别,由于组分间的交互作用,多元物系传质各组分传质效率不相等,其分布范围可在-∞至-∞之间,某些组分可能产生逆向传质、渗透传质、传质障碍等传质奇异现象,这些现象用传统的二元物系传质规律如Fick定律等无法做出解释,必须用Maxwell-Stefan方程进行描述,先概述了Maxwell-Stefan方程的由来、求解方法,然后具体介绍在多元相间传质中的应用。

3.Themass transfer process of multicomponent system is completely different from that of a simple binary system.多元物系传质过程与二元物系传质过程有着本质的区别 ,由于组分间的交互作用 ,多元物系传质各组分传质效率不相等 ,其分布范围可在 -∞至 +∞之间 ,某些组分可能产生逆向传质、渗透传质、传质障碍等传质奇异现象 ,这些现象用传统的二元物系传质规律无法作出解释 ,必须用Maxwell Stefan方程进行描述。

6)mass transfer传质过程

1.One dimensionalmass transfer at the gas liquid phase interface is discussed and analytic self similar solutions are obtained.应用自相似方法分析了气-液相界面上的一维传质过程,得到了问题的自相似解,并将数值计算结果与实验值进行了比

2.When the acid concentration in stripping solution was over 2 mol/L, themass transfer resistance of stripping side could be neglected.研究了以疏水性多孔聚丙烯膜(Celgard2500)为支撑体和LIX984的煤油溶液为膜液的支撑液膜体系萃取Cu2+的传质过程。


