900字范文 > 技术参数 technical parameter英语短句 例句大全

技术参数 technical parameter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-03 10:27:13


技术参数 technical parameter英语短句 例句大全

技术参数,technical parameter

1)technical parameter技术参数

1.Selection of maintechnical parameters of boom roadheader;悬臂式掘进机主要技术参数的选择

2.The settlement oftechnical parameters of lime stabilized soil in base course construction;底基层施工中石灰稳定土技术参数的确定

3.A study of maintechnical parameters for speed-raising renovation of Beijing-Qinhuangdao Railway Line;京秦线提速改造线路主要技术参数的研究


1.The Technical Parameter and Core Technology of Reciprocating Piston Diaghragm Pump;往复式活塞隔膜泵的技术参数及核心技术

2.Specification and technical requirements for 500kV current transformersGB/T17443-1998500kV电流互感器技术参数和要求

3.What type of emulsion paint, technical data, color grade regarding to it?乳胶漆的种类、技术参数、色级是什么?

4.Effects of Nitrogen Application on Technical Parameters of Precision Nitrogen Fertilization in Rapeseed;施氮对油菜精确施氮技术参数的影响

5.Optimizing Design of Concrete-pump Vehicle s Main Technical Parameters;混凝土泵车主要技术参数的优化设计

6.The Parameter Identification Technology Based Four Main Parameter DB of Northeast Power Network基于参数辨识技术的东北电网四大参数数据库

7.Study on Servo Parameter Adjusting Technology for Mitsubishi NC System三菱数控系统伺服参数调整技术研究

8.The Research of Data Acquisition and Data Compression Technology Based on Underwater Dynamic Parameters;水下动态参数数据采集及数据压缩技术研究

9.Dynamic Parameters Measurement and Analysis Technique ?动态参数测试与分析技术

10.These techniques are known as distribution-free or, more commonly, nonparametric tests.这些技术叫无分布检验,或非参数检验。

11.BIM Based on Intelligent Parametric Modeling Technology基于参数化智能技术的建筑信息模型

12.Parametric Bit Allocation Technique in Audio Compression Coding音频压缩编码中的参数比特分配技术

13.Research on Parameterization and Fitting Technologies in Geometric Modeling;几何造型中参数化与拟合技术的研究

14.Research and Application of Parametric Technology on Completion Column;完井生产管柱参数化技术研究与应用

15.Parametric Characteristic Study on Sleeve Pattern Design;基于参数化特征的衣袖结构技术研究

16.Study on the General Measuring Technique for Angle and Parameter of Cam;角度及凸轮参数综合测试技术的研究

17.Product Top-down Design Based on Parametric Technology;基于参数化技术的产品自顶向下设计

18.Research on 2D Parametric Sketch Technology Based on GDI+;基于GDI+的二维参数化草图技术的研究


technical parameters技术参数

1.The influence of screen bowl centrifuge"stechnical parameters on coal slime dewatering;沉降过滤式离心机技术参数对煤泥分离效果的影响

2.Discussion ontechnical parameters of paper bags for fruit bagging and selection of the bags;南方纸质水果套袋技术参数探讨及套袋选择

3.Design method andtechnical parameters for approach slab at bridge heads桥头搭板设计方法与技术参数研究

3)technical data技术参数

1.After detailed calculations on the maintechnical data,comparing with the two-phase Transformer Oil Vacuum Purifier,the result shows that the Three-phase Purifier’s performance has great advantages both in treatment efficiency and effectiveness.通过分析计算主要技术参数,并通过与二级变压器油真空滤油机的对比试验证明,体现了三级变压器油真空滤油机的优越性。

2.Introduced a new type of multi-purpose small dryer from working principle, structural features,technical data, technical difficulties and resolutions.从工作原理,整机结构特点,技术参数,技术难点及解决方法等方面介绍了一种多用途小型干燥机。

3.To enhance technicians\" understanding oftechnical data,to choose more practical and accuratetechnical data instead of using wrong data choosing method,this article gives some examples of not best-satisfactory operation caused by choosing impractical data.文中例举了电流互感器关键技术参数在工程应用中因存在不准确的选用方法而出现的不能达到较佳使用效果的情况。

4)technique parameter技术参数

1.Basic study on optimization oftechnique parameter for magnetic resonance urography;泌尿系水成像技术参数优化的基础研究

2.Applied study oftechnique parameters collecting and analyzing system for important swimming competition in China;我国重大游泳比赛技术参数采集与分析系统的应用研究

3.This paper introduces the majortechnique parameter,overall scheme design,crucial technology and the design major system.介绍了XH715主要技术参数、总体方案设计、关键技术和主要系统的设计。

5)technology parameters技术参数

1.The paper introduces the general design,the machine structure and working principle of wood fibre com- pressing and wrapping machine as well as maintechnology parameters and characteristics,the essentiality in wood fibre industrial production and application of hydroseeding.介绍了木纤维压缩包装机的总体设计思想、主要结构及工作过程、主要技术参数和技术特点,以及在工厂化制备绿化基材生产的重要性与绿化喷播中的应用。

2.Therefore, a set of polishing unit for extern al surface of steel tube is designed and thetechnology parameters are se lected reasonably,realizing the polishing for external surface of steel tube surface as a whole,and improving the external surface quality of steel tube.为此设计了一套钢管外表面磨光机组 ,经合理选用技术参数 ,实现了钢管外表面的整体修磨 ,提高了钢管外表面质量。

3.According to the development status of locomotive diesel engine made in China and abroad in recent years,the majortechnology parameters and development tendency are proposed,including,break mean effective pressure,S/D,economical efficiency,reliability and capital repair time,harmful emission,turbocharging technology,electronic controlled injection system,etc.根据国内外机车柴油机近年来的发展现状,针对柴油机的平均有效压力、行程缸径比、经济性、可靠性和大修期、排放、增压技术、电控喷射系统等进行了系统分析,提出机车柴油机主要技术参数的发展趋势。

6)technology parameter技术参数

1.Determination of the maintechnology parameters of mechanical sampling & preparation system for moving coal streams;移动煤流机械化采制样系统主要技术参数的确定

2.This essay has introduced thetechnology parameters and the equipment level of Alunorf"s cold rolling mills in details.对该公司冷轧机的技术参数及装机水平作了较详细的介绍,可供中国建设冷轧生产线的参考。

3.Taking 9×17S+ 9×7+IWR with diameter 13 mm for example,technology parameters of steel wire rope for elevator are analyzed, dimensions of matching steel wire are calculated and process of stranding are given in order that the production of steel wire rope for high speed elevator is extended.介绍高速电梯用钢丝绳的品种、结构及特点 ,以 9× 1 7S +9× 7+IWR - 1 3钢丝绳为例 ,对电梯用钢丝绳的技术参数进行分析 ,计算其配丝尺寸 ,给出捻制生产工艺 ,以达到推广生产高速电梯用钢丝绳的目


