900字范文 > 主要技术参数 main technical parameters英语短句 例句大全

主要技术参数 main technical parameters英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-14 05:45:15


主要技术参数 main technical parameters英语短句 例句大全

主要技术参数,main technical parameters

1)main technical parameters主要技术参数

1.The general arrangement,main technical parameters,characteristics of the main parts and the prediction traction performances are all presented in this paper.本文介绍了该机车的总体布置、主要技术参数、主要部件的特点和预期的牵引性


1.Optimizing Design of Concrete-pump Vehicle s Main Technical Parameters;混凝土泵车主要技术参数的优化设计

2.The Research of Mainly Technical Parameters of the Air-cushioned Belt Conveyor;气垫胶带输送机主要技术参数的研究

3.Research and Analysis of Main Technical Parameters on QZK18375 Curved Surface ScreenQZK18375曲面筛主要技术参数的研究与分析

4.Selction and caculation of the main technical parameters of a road-surface milling machine路面铣刨机械主要技术参数的选择与计算

parative Analysis on Technical Index Between National and Foreign Vanguards in CBA;CBA联赛中外优秀前锋主要技术参数比较分析

pute automatic structure of main technical parameters for sprinters短跑运动员主要技术参数的计算机自动构造

7.The Determining Method of Main Technology Parameters in Oil Depot Fire Prevention System Design油库消防设计主要技术参数的确定方法

8.Introducing the optimization design and the main technical parameters of the structure about the truck exported to Egypt.介绍出口埃及转向架结构的优化设计及该转向架的主要技术参数。

9.Type indication and main technical parameters of the com-mon driving parts mounted under-well loaders井下装载机常用传动件的型号表示方法及主要技术参数

10.Research and Analyse of Theory and Experiment of Main Technical Parameters on QZK18375 Curved Surface ScreenQZK18375曲面筛主要技术参数的理论与实验的研究分析

11.Choice of Main Technical Parameters for 250 km/h Railway Line for Mixed Passenger and Freight Traffic新建250km/h客货共线快速铁路主要技术参数的选择

12.Mainly described in this paper are the structure,main technical parameters and testing of the flat car for transshipment of special products.主要介绍了特种产品转运平车的结构、主要技术参数、车辆特点及试验情况。

13.The improved structure, the main technique parameters, the related experimental data and economic efficiency of the water-saving and anti-drought sowing machine are introduced here.介绍了节水抗旱施水播种机的结构改进、主要技术参数、相关的试验数据和经济效益。

14.The selection principle, optimization of the main technical parameters and engineering design for high-speed newsprint paper machine were discussed. The application example was also introduced.论述了高速新闻纸纸机的选型和主要技术参数的优化及其工程设计并介绍了应用实例。

15.The paper introduces the structure, main technical parameters and performance of the bogie used for rail transit vehicle in Binhai of Tianjing.介绍天津滨海快速轨道交通车辆用转向架的结构、主要技术参数及性能。

16.: Described in this paper are the main technical parameters and structure of the bogie on driving force scattered EMU.介绍一种动力分散型城郊快速电动车组转向架的主要技术参数和基本结构方案。

17.Research on Data Fusion Technology of Main Parameters in Sugar Boiling Process;甘蔗煮糖过程主要检测参数的数据融合技术研究

18.Its performances and parameters have come up to the advanced world level.该机组主要技术性能、工艺参数已达到国外先进水平。


main technology capability parameter主要技术性能参数

3)basic technical data主要技术数据

4)major parameters主要参数

1.Principal and difficulties in designing ZDlllS pulsating current traction motor are described,together with explanation of determination ofmajor parameters as well as construction characteristics.介绍了ZD111S脉流牵引电动机的设计原则和难点,同时对主要参数的选择和电机结构特点作了说明,评价了各项设计指标。

5)main parameter主要参数

1.Main parameter of effect to vibrating digger soil separation ability;影响振动式挖掘机土壤分离能力的主要参数

2.Based on the comprehensive analysis and studies to main types of domestic and foreign equipments, it makes a design to themain parameters of this new - type coal slurry centrifugal dehydrator.阐述了筛篮倾角为20°的LLL1030新型煤泥离心脱水机的结构和主要技术特征,在综合分析国内、外主要设备类型的基础上,对该新型煤泥离心脱水机的主要参数进行了设计。

3.Then, the simulation model was employed to study the effect ofmain parameters of hydro-pneumatic spring on suspension system performances, which could help to design themain parameters properly.利用该仿真模型研究了油气弹簧主活塞直径、阻尼孔水力直径、单向阀水力直径以及平衡位置时副气室和蓄能器内气体体积与压力等主要参数的变化对平顺性、悬架动行程和轮胎接地性等悬架系统性能的影响,为油气弹簧主要参数的确定提供了理论依据。

6)main parameters主要参数

1.Themain parameters and the running stability analysis of hydraulic turbine of the Baise hydropower station;百色水电站水轮机主要参数选择及运行稳定性分析

2.The paper describes the optimal design mathe matical model establishing ofmain parameters and the choice of optimal method about internal gear slotting cutter.文章论述了直齿内齿轮插齿刀主要参数优化设计数学模型的建立 ,优化方法的选择 ,并通过实例计算验证了内插齿刀的主要参数得到优化。

3.This paper chiefly describes the structure,the working principle andmain parameters" design process of XL1000 fine coal centrifuge.简述了XL10 0 0型细煤离心脱水机的结构、工作原理及主要参数的设计过


