900字范文 > 技术经济特征 technology economy characteristics英语短句 例句大全

技术经济特征 technology economy characteristics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-17 04:13:22


技术经济特征 technology economy characteristics英语短句 例句大全

技术经济特征,technology economy characteristics

1)technology economy characteristics技术经济特征

1.In the foundation of current theory,this article has analyzed the statictechnology economy characteristics of each transport mode,and proposed the analysis of the dynamictechnology economy characteristics which transport modes may realize,under the specific demand rule,unifies the specific utilization condition,and the organic unification between the amount equilibrium and the.在现有理论基础上,分析了各种运输方式的静态技术经济特征,并提出了在特定需求规律下,结合特定的运用条件,分析运输方式可实现的动态技术经济特征,体现物量均衡和经济均衡的有机统一。


1.Studies on the Major Techno-economic Characteristics of Modern Shipbuilding Enterprises;现代造船企业主要技术经济特征研究

2.Analysis about the Techno-economy Characteristics of the Water Supply and Price Management;供水网络技术经济特征及价格管理分析

3.Analysis of Technical and Economical Characteristic and Market Structure Development of Road Transport of Passenger;道路客运业技术经济特征及市场结构演变分析

4.Qualitative Analysis on the Economic Characteristics ofModern Information and Information Technology;对现代信息及信息技术经济特征的定性分析

5.A Study of the Technical Economy and the Legal Features in Judicial Assessment;司法评估的技术经济与法律特征研究

6.Analysis of characteristics of China s high-tech industry contribution to economy;我国高技术产业对经济贡献的特征分析

7.Circulation economy technology innovation:characteristics comparison and system construction;循环经济技术创新:特征比较与体系构建

8.On the Times Nature of the Economic Technological Innovation Project with Masses Characteristics;论群众性经济技术创新工程的时代特征

9.Characteristics and development mechanism of the economic and technological development areas in China;我国经济技术开发区的发展特征及动力机制

10.The Systematic Characters of Capital Technology and Institution in Economic Gronth;经济增长中的资本、技术和制度的系统特征分析

11.Characteristics of Development of Science andTechnology and the World Economy and their Relations;科学技术与世界经济的发展特征及其关系

12.The Study on The Option Character Of Aigh-New Technology Venture Capital AndThe Corresponding Economic Assessment;高新技术产业风险投资的期权特征与经济评价

13.Study on the Essence and Characteristics of New-type Industrialization Based on Technological and Economic Paradigms;基于技术经济范式的新型工业化本质及特征研究

14.The Characteristics of the Migrant Professionals and Their Affects on the Regional Economic Growth;迁移专业技术人员特征及对区域经济发展的影响

15.The Influential Factors & Periodic Characteristics of Technical Progress during the Economic Transition Period of China中国经济转型期技术进步影响因素及其阶段性特征检验

16.The Characters of Technology Promoting Economy Increasing and the Comparison between Foreign Countries and China;科技推动经济增长的特征及中外比较

17.The Option character of Scientific & Technological Achievement and the Assessment of Its Economic Value;科技成果的期权特征与经济价值评估

18.This article discuss that the origin of the knowledge economy and the main characters of it. The important characters of it in the era of knowledge economy.本文论述了知识经济的由来及主要特征在知识经济时代信息技术的重要性。


technical economy characteristics技术经济特点

3)techno-economic characteristics技术经济特性

4)economic characteristic经济特征

1.Based on the actuality of our nation s transportation, the basic theory of industrial economics and public economics are applied to analyze theeconomic characteristics in transportation such as externalities, public goods and natural monopoly.运用产业经济学和公共经济学的基本理论,结合我国运输产业发展情况,分析交通运输产业的外部经济性、公共物品、自然垄断等主要经济特征,以及在经济转型过程中政府微观规制的原则和措施,认为政府的微观规制需要建立在以上经济特征的基础上,为交通运输产业内的市场主体制定竞争框架,以促进交通运输产业的和谐发展。

5)economic features经济特征

1.The article intents to analyze the composition of the international carbon market and itseconomic features.本文分析了国际碳市场的构成并对其经济特征进行研究。

2.How to expound theeconomic features of the fast growing sports industry from the angle of modem economics, measuring its positive role in the social economic development and locating its proper role in the national economy are not pure theoretical question but pressing reality concerning the environment in which the sports industry can grow.面对一个以其独特的发展轨迹迅速成长的体育产业,如何分析认知,如何从现代经济的角度阐明其经济特征,衡量它对社会经济发展的促进作用,从而在国民经济体系中为其找到恰当的位置,这不是一个单纯的理论问题,更是一个关乎体育产业发展环境的急迫的现实问题。

6)economic feature经济特征

1.Theeconomic features of port-vicinity industry cluster include port-orientation,economy of scale,regional reliance,staged development,as well as international orientation,etc.临港产业集群具有港口指向、规模经济、区域依托、阶段发展、国际导向等经济特征。

2.Based on the explanation of the characteristics of folk-custom tourist resources and the achievements folklore tour has made,this paper analyzes theeconomic features of folk custom and puts forward suggestion to the sustainable development of Hunan folklore tour in the future.本文在阐述了其民俗旅游资源特色和民俗旅游所取得的成绩的基础上,分析了其民俗旅游经济特征,并对未来湖南民俗旅游的可持续发展提出了的建议。

3.This article advocates that when we revise the theoretical scale of motorway network, we should pay attention to the influence of theeconomic feature and the transport demand in the area.本文主张要修正理论规模,要注重区域经济内的经济特征及运输需求特征对高速公路网规模的影响。


吉林工程技术师范学院经济技术学院吉林工程技术师范学院经济技术学院 经济技术学院是隶属于吉林工程技术师范学院的一所高职院校。它坐落于长春市区西南部,北于西解放立交桥、交通指挥中心相邻;西于长春市国际展览中心、汽贸城相望;南于电影城相汇,这里地理位置优越,交通便利。我院师资力量雄厚,办学经验丰富。教学设施完备,现有教师138人,其中教授1人,副教授9人,高级讲师17人, 具有中级职称的教师49人。近年来,随着高职教育的发展,现有扎实的理论基础,又有丰富实践经验和动手能力的“双师型”教师逐年增加,并占有很大的比例,为高职教育发展带来了新的生机和活力,也为高职人才的培养提供了有力的师资保障。我院建有先进的电教室、语音室、微机室、电子电工实验室、化学实验室、土畜产实验实、多媒体实验室、财会模拟实验室,为学生学习和动手操作提供了强有力的保证。为适应社会主义市场经济的需要,我院近年相继开设了计算机应用、电子商务、会计电算化、国际贸易、涉外会计等高职专业,受到了学生和家长的普通欢迎,为社会培养大量具有专业理论知识和实践动手能力的实用型、外向型、复合型人才。随着教育改革的不断深入,我院将税意进取,勇于开拓,大力加强校风、教风、学风建设,努力使我院成为质量一流、特色鲜明的高职学院。欢迎您报考吉林工程技术师范学院经济技术学院,这里是您成才的摇篮 !
