900字范文 > 技术经济 technical economy英语短句 例句大全

技术经济 technical economy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-24 02:44:24


技术经济 technical economy英语短句 例句大全

技术经济,technical economy

1)technical economy技术经济

1.Cultivation of Technical Economy Concept in Chemical Engineering Principle Teaching;化工原理教学中技术经济意识的培养

2.Discussion ontechnical economy of slope expansion and extension project of Hainan iron ore mine;关于海南铁矿扩帮延伸工程技术经济的探讨

3.Thetechnical economy comparison for construction sequence based on soil excavation and pipe piles in soft soil region软土地区某基坑挖土与管桩施工顺序的技术经济比较


1.Interpretions on Technology,Technical change, Technical Economics and Quantitative Economics;技术,技术进步,技术经济学和数量经济学之诠释

2.technical economics of productive distribution生产力布局技术经济学

3.techno-economic feasibility study技术经济可行性研究

4.Micro Techno-economics ?微观(应用)技术经济学

5.technical economics of environmental protection环境保护技术经济学

6.techno-economic study技术经济研究(报告)

7.Enterprise Management & Technological Economy企业管理与技术经济

8.techno-economy of development of residential sub-district居住小区建筑技术经济

9.technical-economical norm of vehicle operation汽车运用技术经济定额

10.economic technical indicators of irrigation area灌区技术经济指标体系

11.technical economics of capital construction基本建设技术经济学

12.Macro tech-economics ?宏观(理论)技术经济学

13.The Technical Economics Paradigm and Policy Study of Circular Economy;循环经济的技术经济范式与政策研究

14.Mathematical model of technological expansion in the system of technology and economy;技术经济系统中技术扩散的数学模型

15.Research on Promoting Tech-economy Management by Technology Method应用技术手段推进技术经济管理研究

16.Technical & Economical Discussion on VLCC and Operating Strategies of COSCO;中远VLCC项目技术经济论证与经营策略

17.appraisal (technical and economic)(技术和经济)评估

18.onometric technique经济计量方法;经济计量方法;经济计量技术;经济计量技术


technology and economy技术经济

1.Preliminary Analyses of Technology and Economyon Domestic Blowing-carding;国产清梳联技术经济初步分析

2.The analysis of thetechnology and economy of the combination of solar enery water system and the architecture;太阳热水器与建筑结合的技术经济分析

3.Mathematical model of technological expansion in the system oftechnology and economy;技术经济系统中技术扩散的数学模型

3)technical economics技术经济

1.On significance oftechnical economics of river estuary regulation;河口治理的技术经济意义浅析

2.Under such circumstances, China’s Technical Economics, a discipline of applied economics researching the relationship between technology and economics, faces new study tasks.当今世界科学技术日新月异,经济全球化在不断加快,知识经济初见端倪,面对这一新的形势,技术经济学作为一门研究技术和经济之间关系的应用型经济管理交叉学科也面临新的研究任务。

3.This paper summarizes Wan Junkang s rich achievements in this field including:the construction and development oftechnical economics, the theories and methods of technology progress,the strategy and tactics of technology innovation,technology import and international technology transfer,technology selection and value assessment system,etc.技术经济是“文革”后在我国长足发展的新兴学科。

4)technology economy技术经济

1.Meanwhile, from the view oftechnology economy, the paper also introduces how to effectively control the cost of building during the process of architecture design and construction.同时,论述了建筑工程设计对工程造价的重大影响,并从技术经济的角度介绍了在建筑设计与施工过程中如何有效地控制工程造价问题。

2.Thetechnology economy analysis of two plans about central heating and cooling is discussed in this paper.论述了两种集中供热、供冷方案的技术经济分析。

3.The rapid development of China s market economy requires more and more oftechnology economy.我国市场经济的快速发展对技术经济工作的要求越来越高,灵活运用管理有关理论就能够提高质量和效率,适应市场需求。

5)technological economy技术经济

1.For the last50years,many achievements have been reached in the theoretioal study of technologiˉcal economy in China,which mainly include achievements in works and textbooks,in degree theses,in acaˉdemic papers,in scientific research subjects,in newspapers and magazines,and in other aspects,resulting in the theoretical system oftechnological economy with Chinese characteristics.50多年来 ,中国技术经济理论取得了丰硕的研究成果 ,主要体现为著作教材成果、学位论文成果、学术论文成果、科研课题成果、报刊杂志成果及其他方面成果等几个方面 ,由此初步构筑了具有中国特色的理论体

2.This paper compares the construction costs of trench technology with that of trenchless technology and emphasizes the importance oftechnological economy during the construction of underground pipeline.对地下管线非开挖技术与开挖技术施工方法工程造价进行了比较分析 ,强调了地下管线工程建设中 ,重视技术经济性的重要性 ,分析了目前国内外地下管线施工的现状 ,提出了重视社会效益和环境意识对社会可持续发展的重要

3.Fromtechnological economy the angle analysis once calcination and twice calcinations .讨论了一次煅烧法和双烧法对产品产率和纯度的影响,从技术经济角度分析了贝壳一次煅烧和双烧制备苹果酸钙的优缺点,一次煅烧比较节能,但产品纯度不如双烧高。

6)economy and technology经济技术

1.This paper analyzed theeconomy and technology feasibility of wastewater reuse system of residential area.文章着重对住宅小区的中水回用系统进行了经济技术分析。

2.The engineering indexes ofeconomy and technology are also analyzed.通过自动焊技术在2000m3丙烯球形储罐焊接工程中的应用,文章介绍了该焊接工程中选用的焊接工艺参数、焊接材料以及焊接技术要点、易产生焊接缺陷的原因,并对该工程的经济技术指标进行了分析。

3.Under the situations of market economy,it is very important to develop mass activities ofeconomy and technology innovation.在市场经济新形势下,开展群众性经济技术创新活动是进一步挖掘职工内部潜力、调动和发挥职工积极性、引导和组织职工为企业改革发展建功立业的重要举措和有效载体,对于提高企业搏击市场的竞争能力、增强企业抗御风险的防范能力有着重要作用。


