900字范文 > 红色旅游产品 Red Tourism product英语短句 例句大全

红色旅游产品 Red Tourism product英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-28 16:58:51


红色旅游产品 Red Tourism product英语短句 例句大全

红色旅游产品,Red Tourism product

1)Red Tourism product红色旅游产品

1.Beginning in the 1950s,Red Tourism product has finished a rapid development, from the early simple resource product to today s mature scenic spots.从上世纪50年代开始萌芽到今天“红”遍华夏大地,红色旅游产品也从最初简单初级的资源型产品快速发展为现在初具规模的成熟景区。

2.The article briefs Chinese red tourism development,analyses characters of red tourists and red tourism product,points out problems in the red tourism development,and proposes that red tourism sustainable development planning should choose high quality tourism resource,intensify multifunctional tourism product and market the red tourism product.概述我国红色旅游发展的概况,分析红色旅游者的特征和红色旅游产品的特点,指出当前红色旅游发展中存在的问题,提出红色旅游可持续发展必须注重择优开发、强化旅游产品的综合功能和走市场化发展道路。


1.Discuss of tourist product development of Marching culture in JiaJin Mountain;红色旅游产品开发研究——以夹金山为例

2.Strategic Consideration of Developing the Red Tourism Product;张家界开发红色旅游产品的战略思考

3.Discussion on the Further Exploitation of Red Tourism Product in Jiangxi对江西红色旅游产品深度开发的探讨

4.The Deep Exploitation of the Red Tourism Product in the Snow-capped Mountain and Meadow of a Ba Autonomous Region;阿坝州雪山草地红色旅游产品深度开发研究

5.The Initial Sale Strategic Exploration on the Regional Red Tourism Products:practical analyses in Red Triangle Area;区域红色旅游产品营销策略初探——来自湘粤赣红三角的实证分析

6.The SWOT analysis of Zhangjiajie red traveling development and the strategic electing;张家界红色旅游产品开发的SWOT分析及其战略选择

7.The Construction and Development of Regional Red Tour Product System;区域红色旅游产品体系构建与开发——以临沂市为例

8.Red tourism is a kind of tourism product with Chinese characterist ic s.红色旅游是中国特色的一种旅游产品。

9.To make Red-tourism a new trump card product in Shaanxi;把红色旅游打造为陕西新的旅游王牌产品

10."Red tourism" is a kind of new developing tourism product combining patriotism education with tourism industry.红色旅游是爱国主义教育与旅游产业相结合的一种新兴旅游产品。

11.Research on the Product Types,Market Characteristics and Marketing Modes of Red Tourism Destination;红色旅游目的地产品类型与营销探讨

12.On the Hotel s Management,Administration and Tour Innovation of the Red Tourism Districts;论红色旅游区饭店的经营管理与产品创新

13.Localization and Development on Cultural Product of Red Tourism in Linyi City临沂市红色旅游文化产品的定位与开发

14.Plans of rational lines for exploitation of Red Tourist resource in Xinzhou忻州市红色旅游资源开发的旅游精品路线设计

15.A Study on the Role of Ecological Tourist Resources in the Development of Red Tourism Industry;论生态旅游资源对红色旅游产业发展的作用


17.The Initial Probe into Development Measures of Driving-tourism in Red Triangular Area;红三角自驾车旅游产品开发对策研究

18.The basic consideration of the red tour development should follow principle of "exhibit instruction in amusement, exhibit instruction in travel", so as to perspicuity the character of the products and combine the products properly;发展红色旅游应遵循“寓教于乐、寓教于游”的基本思路,明晰产品属性、合理拼装组合;


central revolutionary tourism product核心红色旅游产品

1.Revolutionary tourism is an organic combination of revolutionary tradition education and modern tourism industry,so it has double qualities of public welfare and seeking profits;From the viewpoint of interests structure of tourism product,this article argues about the public welfare ofcentral revolutionary tourism product and the profits of supplement component part of revolutionary tourism.论述了现阶段核心红色旅游产品的公益性与红色旅游产品追加组成部分的营利性,并从长远角度分析了红色旅游追求经济效益的必要性及正确内涵。

3)Red tourism cultural products红色旅游文化产品

4)red tourism brand红色旅游品牌

5)Red Tourism红色旅游产业

1.Characteristics on Developmeng of JiangxiRed Tourism;江西红色旅游产业发展特征评析

6)distinctive tourist products特色旅游产品

1.This paper defines the connotation, orientation and characteristic ofdistinctive tourist products scientifically and analyzed the status quo of our provincedistinctive tourist products objectively.论文对特色旅游产品的内涵、定位、特点进行了科学的界定。


