900字范文 > 红色旅游目的地 red tourism destination英语短句 例句大全

红色旅游目的地 red tourism destination英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-20 10:35:14


红色旅游目的地 red tourism destination英语短句 例句大全

红色旅游目的地,red tourism destination

1)red tourism destination红色旅游目的地

1.The index system ofred tourism destination competitiveness evaluation红色旅游目的地竞争力评价指标体系构建


1.Research on the Product Types,Market Characteristics and Marketing Modes of Red Tourism Destination;红色旅游目的地产品类型与营销探讨

2.Development on Destination of Red Tourism of Siming Mountain in Eastern Zhejiang;浙东四明山红色旅游目的地的开发与建设

3.The index system of red tourism destination competitiveness evaluation红色旅游目的地竞争力评价指标体系构建

4.THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DESTINATION OF THE RED TOURISM--A Case Study of the Matian s Anti-Invading Base in Zuoquan County,Shanxi Province;论红色旅游目的地的开发与建设——以山西省左权县麻田抗战根据地为例

5.The Development of "Red Tourism" in Cities: A Case Study of Shanghai;都市地区的“红色旅游”开发——以上海为例

6.Analysis of Red Tourism Development According to Method of SWOT in Yan"an延安地区红色旅游资源开发的SWOT分析

7.Revolutionary Areas Tourism Culture and Minority Areas Revolutionary Tourism;红色旅游文化与少数民族地区红色旅游

8.Red tourism is a kind of tourism product with Chinese characterist ic s.红色旅游是中国特色的一种旅游产品。

9.Function of "Red Tourism" in Increasing the Tourists in Relative Mature Destination--Take Wu Yi Shan as an Example;“红色旅游”对相对成熟旅游地客流量的拉升作用——以武夷山为例

10.Building the "two corridors and one ring" and developing red tourism of the zuojiang and youjiang area;“两廊一圈”建设与左右江地区红色旅游的开发

11.Research on Developing Red Tour Resources of Dabieshan Mountains;关于开发大别山地区红色旅游资源的探讨

12.Suggestions on Hong Ta Group s Tourism Program of Developing;红塔集团开发天文地理旅游项目的建议

13.A Brief Discuss on the Development of the Hunan "Red-triangle" Tourism Resources;湖南“红三角”红色旅游资源的开发

14.Political Geography Characteristics of the Long March and its Tourism Exploitation--A Case Study on Sichuan;红军长征的地缘空间特点及其红色旅游开发构想——以四川省为例

15.Study on the Development and Planning of Red Tourism Resources in Zaozhuang Area;枣庄地区红色旅游资源开发策划探析

16.On "Tourism Destination" and "Tourism Transit Venue";论“旅游目的地”与“旅游过境地”

17.Destination Brand Extension Research--The Role of Perceived Similarity;旅游目的地品牌延伸研究——感知相似性的角色

18.The Research of Strategy Reached in Moral on Red Tourism Resources Teaching in Vocational School职业中学红色旅游资源教学中德育目标达成策略的研究


tourism destination旅游目的地

1.Analytical study ontourism destination IMC;旅游目的地的整合营销策略探析

2.Preliminary study on the service system of metropolitantourism destination;都市旅游目的地服务体系及发展

3.Analysis of traditionaltourism destination redvelopment——taking Guilin as an example;浅析传统旅游目的地再发展——以桂林市为例


1.Study on tourism attractiveness of Nan’ao Island as adestination;旅游目的地吸引力及其影响因素研究——以南澳岛为例

2.Research on the Destination E-Tourism under the Government s Leading Strategy;政府主导战略下的旅游目的地信息化研究

3.Meanwhile, with the competitive enhancement of market, more and moredestination realized the importance of promotion.近年来,随着我国旅游事业的发展和国内国际旅游市场竞争的加剧,越来越多的旅游目的地认识到促销的重要性。

4)tourist destination旅游目的地

1.A Research on Social Marketing of Tourist Destination;旅游目的地社会营销研究

2.The demand to high-level quality tourism environment is continuously going up with increasingly improving of people’s environmental consciousness,and the competitive amongtourist destination is more and more impetuosity,destination administration and management are facing more and more challenge.目的地旅游环境质量是旅游者在进行旅游目的地决策时需要着重考虑的因素,也是拥有不同旅游环境质量的目的地间一种重要的竞争力因素。

3.The first part of this paper analyzes the importance oftourist destination marketing from two aspects, which are visitor consumption guiding and toursit attractions devlopment promoting, then summarizes three major industry characteristics of destination marketing proceeding from basic principle of Marketing.从引导游客消费和推进景区开发两个方面分析了旅游目的地营销的重要性,从市场营销学的基本原理出发总结出旅游目的地营销的三大行业特征,提出了旅游目的地的六种营销策略。

5)travel destination旅游目的地

1.With the development of the tourism industry,it imposed great influences ontravel destination.旅游业是21世纪的朝阳产业,发展旅游业会对旅游目的地产生许多影响。

2.Grasping the differences of urban residentstravel destination preference can benefit thetravel destination marketing.掌握城市居民对旅游目的地偏好的差异,利于旅游目的地的营销。

3.In this paper,the author analyses the significance of hospitality spirit and its ways and factors influencing the spirit,and suggests some ideas about the cultivation and maintenance of the hospitality spirit attravel destinations while trying to give a good definition of hospitality spirit.当地居民的好客精神是旅游目的地比较优势的来源之一,也是影响旅游目的地产品质量的一项重要因素。

6)tourist destinations旅游目的地

1.Based on the analysis of present situation of China stourist destinations,this paper points out that scientific understanding of,attach more importance to,carrying out and intensive study on visitor management are the important ways to develop visitor management.文章通过分析我国旅游目的地游客管理现状,指出科学认识游客管理、重视游客管理、推行游客管理、研究游客管理是发展游客管理的重要途径。

2.Alltourist destinations have such three characteristics as combination, complexity and differentia.旅游目的地具有组合性、复杂性和差异性三大特点。

3.Its developing objective is how to effectively integrate various resources including tourism resources intourist destinations, how to generate huge attractions to the target markets oftourist destinations and exerts its biggest economic, social and environmental benefits.旅游目的地是一个将旅游资源与旅游市场相结合的概念。


